Please save this to your computer, enter your details and attach the file to an email to us at
Name: / Gender: Male / FemaleAddress:
Phone () / Fax ()
Email address / Date of Birth:
(essential for Junior/Veteran entries)
ClubTRA Rules Events / Please provide last 5 match results in the corresponding boxes below as requested for grading purposes
(If scores are not provided A Grade is automatic) / Entry fee / Total
3x40 Free Rifle Championship (120shots) / $45.00
3x20 Sport Rifle Championship (60 shots) / $40.00
Air Rifle Championship (60 shots) / $40.00
Air Rifle Badge Match (60 shots) / $15.00
Jim Smith Champ. (2x50metres) (120 shots) / $45.00
Prone Dual Range (2m + 50m) (120 shots) / $45.00
Benchrest (2x50 metres) (120 shots) Class 3 / $45.00
Scores verified as correct by:
(Club Secretary or Official to sign and print name) / ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
ISCD Rules Events
/ Please advise whether SH1 or SH23x40 Championship / $45.00
3x20 Championship / $40.00
Air Rifle Standing / $40.00
Air Rifle Prone / $40.00
50 Metres Prone (60 shots) / $40.00
Dual Range Prone (120 shots) / $45.00
Demonstration Events(note that these events will not qualify for TRA medals, but prizes will be provided by TRSA.)
/ TRA Benchrest Rules are on our website and will be used for Classes 2 and 3.www.targetriflesa.com..
Benchrest (2x50 metres) (120 shots) Class 2 / $30.00
Benchrest (2x50 metres) (120 shots) Class 1** / $30.00
Benchrest Dual Range.(20m+50m)(120 shots) – Class 3 / Grades for Dual Range Benchrest will be as for 50m. / $30.00
Benchrest Dual Range.(20m+50m)(120 shots) – Class 2 /
in all classes.
/ $30.00Benchrest Dual Range.(20m+50m)(120 shots) – Class 1** /
**TRSA Rules will be used for Class 1 – see our website
/ $30.00Benchrest – Air rifle (60 shots) / TRSA Air Bench rules will be used – see our website / $15.00
50 metres Any Sights Prone match (60 shots) / TRSA Any Sights rules will be used – see our website / $25.00
TRA Capitation Fee
/ $ 6.50Presentation Dinner – (………………… adults. @ $.)( ……………Children 5-12 @ $ to be advised)
Total Payable
/ $Target Rifle South Australia would be very grateful for assistance by competitors willing to score or assist on the range.
If you could assist, would you please tick or circle one of the boxes below?
RANGE OFFICER SCORER OTHER ……….. Please note that at time of Registration proof of current membership must be produced.
Keep your eye out for any up-date information on our website, www.targetriflesa.com
132-134 Wingfield Road WINGFIELD SA 5013