1. Abstract Format :
• Abstracts have to be prepared in English
• Maximium one A4 page, including title, author's names, affiliation(s), abstract text and key words. Please note that exceed one page will not accepted
• Leave 3 cm. margins left and right, and 2.5 cm. margin top and bottom. Save to MS Word 2003 or 2007.
• Using Times New Roman as the font type for abstract, font sizes are indicated for each section.
• Do not leave any empty line between parts, except to separate author name from Title, abstract text from affiliations and from key words.
2. Abstract Title (14pt size, bold type). :
• Capitalize only the first letter of each word (do not capitalize prepositions, articles, and species names).
• Center the title at the top of the page with 14-point, bold type
• Do not use a period at the end of the title.
• Please use a concise title that indicates the content of abstract. Italicize scientific names of organisms, include species authority, do not use common name of species.
3. Authors' names (12pt size, bold type).
• Enter the presenting author in the Primary Author field.
· Enter the complete first name and last name only. Separate each author by comma and last author use & instead 'and' .
• Do not include any titles (i.e. Ph.D., MD, etc.).
4. Authors' affiliations (10pt size).
• Enter the Primary Author Affiliation.
• If multiple institutions are represented, please list the affiliations in the order in which the authors are listed. Assign each institution a number and place the assigned number before each institution's name. Place the respective number after each author's name.
• Include full institution name (acronym within brackets) and department, followed by city and country.
· Full postal address and e-mail should be included only for presenting author.
• Important Information for the Presenting Author
· The presenting author will be considered the contact person for a submitted abstract. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to contact all co-authors with the acceptance status and scheduling of the poster or oral presentation of the abstract at the meeting.
· Be sure to give a current e-mail address for the presenting author. Abstract related correspondence is done via e-mail, so an incorrect e-mail address could cause a delay in the receipt of important information.
· The presenting author will be displayed in bold type in the printed meeting program.
5. Abstract text (12pt size) :
· Divided in the four sections with their indication in italiced type and followed by colon.
· Background: (indicating the reason(s) of your research and the hypothesis)
· Methods: (briefly describe the species used and experimental methodology);
· Results: (the essential results observed including a summary form with quantitative data and statistical test); and
· Conclusions: (supported by the findings within your results, and numbered by arabic numerals if more than one).
· Use single line spacing, with 6pt spacing between paragraphs and justified style.
· Do not include species authority unless abstract is for the taxonomy section.
6. Key words (10pt size). Up to five terms or species names.