/ Memorandum of Understanding-GMPCSFifth Annual Review Meeting
(Geneva, 7-8 June 2003)
Source: GMPCS-MoU Project ManagerDocument 2-E
7 June 2003
Original: English
Report on the GMPCS-MoU and the Implementation of the Arrangements
- Introduction
- The ITU Secretary-General convenes of the Annual Review Meeting of the GMPCS-MoU Group (See Section V of the Annex to the GMPCS-MoU Arrangements). He invites Member States, Signatories of the GMPCS-MoU and participants in previous meetings. The main purpose of the meeting is to review the implementation of the GMPCS-MoU Arrangements, the structure of the Group and the finances of the GMPCS-MoU Project.
1.2.This Report discusses the role of the Secretary-General, the registry of type approval procedures and terminal types, staffing and cost recovery.
- The Depositary Role of the Secretary-General
- List of Signatories
One of the depositary functions of the Secretary-General is to maintain the list of Signatories of the GMPCS-MoU. The current list is attached as “Annex A”. It includes Administrations, System Operators, Manufacturers, Service Providers and other entities dealing with satellite telecommunications. The number of signatories is one hundred and sixty four (164) entities, including eighty (80) Member States. There are three (4) new signatories since the last Review Meeting on 17March 2002 (Istanbul).
2.2.GMPCS-MoU Registry
The registry contains a series of notification letters and forms submitted to the ITU General Secretariat by System Operators, Manufacturers, Administrations or Competent Authorities, as well as letters from the Secretary-General.
2.2.1.The System Operator letter includes a statement that the operator has implemented the Arrangements and that it will activate only those GMPCS Terminals that are authorized for connection to its GMPCS System. The letter also describes the system and includes both a list of terminal types authorized to connect to the system and a list of GMPCS Service Providers with their geographical coverage.
2.2.2.The Terminal Manufacturer letter includes a statement that the manufacturer will place on the market only those GMPCS Terminals that comply with the requirements of the Arrangements. It lists the relevant technical requirements that those terminals meet or exceed, including a reference to the relevant ITU Recommendations, international, regional or national standards or technical specifications.
2.2.3.The Type Approving Administration letter includes a statement that the terminal has been approved. The information generally states that the terminal type meets essential requirements regarding safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC); and effective use of the radio spectrum and orbital resources, including electromagnetic interference (EMI). It indicates how verification of compliance with those requirements was determined (e.g., test data or certification provided by GMPCS Terminal Manufacturer or testing laboratory). The letter also includes the following identifying information:
- Name of the Administration and/or Competent Authority;
- Name of Terminal Manufacturer;
- Name of System Operator;
- Model number or similar identifying information of terminal; and
- The date type approval was granted and what mark, if any, was affixed.
2.2.4.The Registry contains fourteen (14) notifications from six (6) System Operators[1]; eighteen (18) letters from seven (7) Terminal Manufacturers; and forty (40) type approval letters from eight (8) Administrations or Competent Authorities. These notifications are kept in a database on the GMPCS-MoU Web site: The database has been available since December 1998.
2.3.Authorizing the Use of the GMPCS-MoU Mark
After receiving the three (3) letters from a System Operator, a Manufacturer and a Type Approving Administration, as described in Section 2.2 above, the Secretary-General sends an acknowledgement of receipt letter to the relevant terminal manufacturer. At that time the manufacturer is authorized to use the GMPCS-MoU mark with the Abbreviation “ITU”. The Secretary-General has authorized seven (7) Terminal Manufacturers, namely Ascom, Ericsson, Hughes Network Systems, Kyocera, Motorola, Qualcomm and Telit to affix the GMPCS-MoU Mark to twenty-six (26) Terminals. Each terminal manufacturer signed an authorization agreement to protect the ITU against liability. A System Operator may also be authorized to use the Mark.
2.4.GMPCS-MoU Terminal Registry
2.4.1.At the request of the System Operators (AceS, Globalstar, Iridium, Thuraya, and Inmarsat), the Secretary-General sent sixteen (16) letters to Member States. The letters invited Administrations to indicate whether users could carry the terminals bearing the GMPCS-MoU Mark into their country, and use them if GMPCS services are authorized. The letters request that Administrations fill out a short reply form to indicate the status of each registered terminal in their country. The Secretary-General also sent an electronic reminder to all Member States to submit the reply form.
2.4.2.Eighty (80) Administrations, including thirty-seven (37) non-signatories, submitted two hundred and fifty (250) responses to the Secretary-General. They indicated country conditions on terminal entry or use and customs requirements.This is a vital step in providing the information used to create the Terminal Registry. The information can be accessed using the full or partial name of a system operator, terminal manufacturer, terminal model number or country.
2.4.3.The Registry contains twenty-four (24) terminals, which include twenty (20) multi-mode or single-mode terminals, two (2) pagers and two (2) external antennas. Seven (7) terminal manufacturers have registered their terminals. The number of terminals registered per manufacturer is as follows: Ascom (1), Ericsson (3), Hughes Network Systems (2), Kyocera (5), Motorola (5), Qualcomm (7) and Telit (1). The registered terminals are connected to five (5) systems: ACeS (1), Globalstar (10), Iridium (10), Thuraya (2), and Inmarsat (1).
- Staffing of the GMPCS-MoU Project
- The staff of the Project includes the manager and a part-time assistant. The manager assumes day-to-day responsibilities for the implementation of the Arrangements, including:
- Supervise the procedures for the implementation of the depository role of the Secretary-General;
- Prepare notifications and letters authorizing the use of the Abbreviation “ITU”.
- Prepare authorization agreements and handle all matters arising out of such agreements;
- Supervise the improvement and maintenance of the GMPCS-MoU web site, database and registry;
- Respond to inquiries;
- Monitor and analyze matters related to the GMPCS-MoU and the implementation of the Arrangements;
- Represent the Office of the Secretary-General on missions.
3.2.Additionally, the Project Manager administers the depository role of the Secretary-General, in coordination with the Bureaus and various departments or units of the ITU.
- Recovery of ITU Costs
Resolution 1116 of the 1998 ITU Council approved GMPCS activities on the basis of full cost recovery. The General Secretariat developed a cost recovery methodology to recover the costs related to the depository functions.
4.1.GMPCS Funds and Reallocated Costs
4.1.1.The last report submitted to the Group, which included a Provisional[2]Financial Statement for the Year Ending 31 December 2001, was submitted at the 4th Annual Review on 17 March 2002 in Istanbul. The surplus balance as of 31 December 2001 was CHF 189,057.76.
4.1.2.On 6 December 2002 the ITU External Auditor informed the Project Manager that the provisional figures submitted during the 4th Annual Review Meeting did not reflect CHF 264,637.54 for reallocated costs assessed to the GMPCS MoU Project for the Biennium 2000-2001. The charges were in addition to the direct costs already paid from the Project's funds. The Project Manager informed the Management Team of the Group, through its Chairman, on 17 January 2003.
4.1.3.Representatives of the Management Team and industry met with the ITU Finance Department on 18-19 March 2003. The precise details for calculating those reallocated costs were requested by the Vice Chairman (Finances) on 21 March 2003. Consultations are on going between the GMPCS-MoU Group and ITU regarding reallocated costs and funding for the 2004-2005 Biennial Budget.
4.1.4.At the request of the Chairman of the Group, the current financial status of the Project will be provided in a separate report by the ITU Finance Department.
4.2.Contributions of the GMPCS-MoU Group
4.2.1.The schedule of fees adopted at the 1998 Annual Review Meeting is still used. It includes a one-time fee of US$75,000.00 for a System Operator and a one-time fee of US$5,000.00 payable by a Terminal Manufacturer for each terminal type carrying the GMPCS-MoU Mark.
4.2.2.In addition, System Operators and Terminal Manufacturers pay a yearly maintenance fee of US$3,500.00 to provide the base funding for the Project. They are required to pay their annual dues to participate in review meetings as well as in the deliberations and budgetary decisions of the Finance Committee (See the Chairman’s Report of the 1998 Annual Review Meeting, pages 5 and 9).
4.2.3.The ITU Finance Department sent invoices for 2003 annual dues to System Operators and Terminal Manufacturers participating or intending to participate in the implementation of Arrangements. For various reasons, some contributors informed that ITU that they would no longer pay annual dues for funding the Project. (See Annex B).
- Conclusion
The ITU continues to fulfill its commitments under the implementation of the GMPCS-MoU. It maintains the list of Signatories; it developed the database of notifications and type approval procedures, and the registry of terminals. However, there are serious funding concern related to both reallocated costs and the level of contributions to maintain the necessary level of funding to cover ITU costs.
Fifth Annual Review Meeting GMPCS-MoU
SignatoryName / Country / DateSigned / DateReceivedACeS India Private Limited / India / 28/09/1998 / 05/10/1998
Angola / Angola / 15/11/2000 / 15/11/2000
Argentina / Argentina / 10/09/1997 / 10/09/1997
Armenia / Armenia / 08/12/1998 / 17/12/1998
Ascom Management A.G. / Switzerland / 30/08/1999 / 31/08/1999
Asian Cellular Satellite Bgd. Ltd. / Bangladesh / 16/09/2001 / 17/09/2001
AT&T / United States / 26/03/1997 / 01/04/1997
Australia / Australia / 01/08/1999 / 08/09/1999
Austria / Austria / 14/12/1998 / 21/12/1998
Azerbaijan / Azerbaijan / 20/07/1998 / 29/07/1998
Benin / Benin / 29/10/1998 / 12/04/1999
BGH Comunicaciones / Argentina / 07/02/2000 / 16/02/2000
Botswana / Botswana / 25/09/1998 / 30/11/1998
Brazil / Brazil / 24/06/1997 / 24/06/1997
Burkina Faso / Burkina Faso / 06/09/1999 / 23/09/1999
Burundi / Burundi / 03/02/1998 / 12/03/1998
Cameroon / Cameroon / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
Canada / Canada / 10/06/1997 / 13/06/1997
Cape Verde / Cape Verde / 15/03/1999 / 16/03/1999
Central African Rep. / Central African Rep. / 05/10/1998 / 07/11/2001
Chad / Chad / 03/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
Chile / Chile / 07/12/1998 / 15/12/1998
COMSAT Communications / United States / 12/05/1997 / 16/05/1997
Côte d'Ivoire / Côte d'Ivoire / 17/09/2002 / 18/09/2002
Cyprus / Cyprus / 24/11/1997 / 26/11/1997
Datacom Corp. / Korea / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
DAMOS SudAmerica / Brazil / 10/09/1998 / 15/09/1998
DDI Corporation / Japan / 24/06/1997 / 03/07/1997
Denmark / Denmark / 20/11/1998 / 26/11/1998
Egypt / Egypt / 24/12/1998 / 06/01/1999
Ellipso Corporation / United States / 07/03/1997 / 12/03/1997
Elsacom / Italy / 06/04/1998 / 20/04/1998
Ericsson Mobile Communications (UK) Ltd. / United Kingdom / 06/12/1999 / 15/12/1999
Eritrea / Eritrea / 21/10/1998 / 03/11/1998
European Commission / Belgium / 31/07/1997 / 16/09/1997
EUROPEAN DATACOMM N.V. / Belgium / 28/03/2000 / 28/03/2000
EuroSkyWay / Italy / 23/09/1998 / 23/09/1998
Eutelsat / France / 29/04/1998 / 30/04/1998
Final Analysis, Inc. / United States / 17/03/1997 / 27/03/1997
Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. / United States / 02/06/2003 / 02/06/2003
Finland / Finland / 03/04/1997 / 03/04/1997
France Telecom / France / 15/05/1997 / 20/05/1997
Gabon / Gabon / 23/07/1998 / 27/07/1998
Georgia / Georgia / 11/03/1998 / 06/04/1998
Ghana / Ghana / 04/12/1997 / 17/12/1997
Global Communication by Satellite (Pty) Ltd. / South Africa (Rep.) / 12/10/2002 / 15/10/2002
Global VSAT / United Kingdom / 15/01/1999 / 15/01/1999
Globalstar L.P. / United States / 03/04/1997 / 03/04/1997
Guinea / Guinea / 02/02/1999 / 05/02/1999
Guinea-Bissau / Guinea-Bissau / 11/10/2001 / 12/10/2001
Guyana / Guyana / 05/11/1998 / 10/11/1998
Hitachi Ltd / Japan / 22/05/1997 / 29/05/1997
Honduras / Honduras / 21/07/1998 / 03/08/1998
Hong Kong / China / 24/04/1998 / 06/05/1998
Hughes Network Systems / United States / 15/09/1998 / 16/09/1998
Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd / Korea / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
Iceland Telecom Ltd / Iceland / 28/01/1998 / 02/02/1998
Iceland / Iceland / 03/01/2002 / 07/01/2002
ICO Global Communications / United Kingdom / 03/04/1997 / 03/04/1997
India / India / 10/08/2001 / 13/08/2001
Indonesia / Indonesia / 07/04/1997 / 18/04/1997
Inmarsat / United Kingdom / 17/03/1997 / 20/03/1997
Intelsat / United States / 12/06/1997 / 18/06/1997
Iridium Canada / Canada / 03/04/1997 / 03/04/1997
Iridium CentroAmérica y México (ICAM) / Mexico / 15/06/1998 / 12/06/1998
Iridium Italia / Italy / 10/04/1997 / 17/04/1997
Iridium Korea / Korea / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
Iridium LLC / United States / 26/03/1997 / 02/04/1997
Iridium Malaysia / Malaysia / 02/09/1998 / 04/09/1998
Iridium Middle East Corp. / United Arab Emirates / 21/09/1998 / 29/09/1998
Iridium Satellite LLC / United States / 18/04/2001 / 03/05/2001
Iridium Sudamerica / Brazil / 27/06/1997 / 24/07/1997
Italy / Italy / 13/06/1997 / 18/06/1997
Japan / Japan / 30/07/1997 / 31/07/1997
Jordan / Jordan / 19/10/1998 / 13/11/1998
Kazakstan / Kazakstan / 29/05/1998 / 12/06/1998
Kenya / Kenya / 03/04/1997 / 03/04/1997
Korea (Rep. of) / Korea (Rep. of) / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
Korea Telecom / Korea / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
Kumho Telecom / Korea / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
Kyocera Corporation / Japan / 18/09/1997 / 22/09/1997
Kyrgyzstan / Kyrgyzstan / 14/07/1999 / 15/07/1999
Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co. Ltd / Japan / 28/01/1998 / 02/02/1998
Lao P.D.R. / Lao P.D.R. / 10/07/1997 / 24/07/1997
Lebanon / Lebanon / 03/04/1997 / 03/04/1997
LeQ. Pty Ltd. / South Africa (Rep.) / 29/02/2000 / 29/02/2000
Lesotho / Lesotho / 30/12/1999 / 12/01/2000
Loral Space & Communications Ltd / United States / 01/04/1997 / 03/04/1997
Madagascar / Madagascar / 18/03/1998 / 30/04/1998
Malawi / Malawi / 25/05/1998 / 01/06/1998
Maldives / Maldives / 17/02/2000 / 17/02/2000
Mauritania / Mauritania / 01/04/2002 / 03/05/2002
Mauritius / Mauritius / 16/10/1998 / 16/10/1998
MCS (Orbcomm Europe) / Netherlands / 30/04/1997 / 02/05/1997
Mexico / Mexico / 09/03/1998 / 24/03/1998
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation / Japan / 20/06/1997 / 17/07/1997
Monaco / Monaco / 31/07/1997 / 31/07/1997
Mongolia / Mongolia / 14/03/1997 / 14/03/1997
Motorola / United States / 27/03/1997 / 01/04/1997
North American National Broadcasters Assoc. (NANBA) / Canada / 26/05/1997 / 27/05/1997
Namibia / Namibia / 18/08/1998 / 09/09/1998
NEC / Japan / 26/03/1997 / 02/04/1997
Nera SatCom AS / Norway / 19/04/1999 / 27/04/1999
Netherlands / Netherlands / 06/03/2000 / 13/03/2000
Nicaragua / Nicaragua / 20/10/1998 / 03/11/1998
Niger / Niger / 02/05/2000 / 15/02/2000
Nippon Iridium Corp. / Japan / 05/06/1997 / 09/06/1997
Norway / Norway / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
Odyssey Telecommunications International Inc. (OTI) / Canada / 21/03/1997 / 21/03/1997
OMANTEL / Sultanate of Oman / 20/02/2000 / 04/04/2000
Omnitronic S.A. / Argentina / 08/03/2000 / 09/03/2000
ORBCOMM Andes Caribe, N.V. / Venezuela / 10/02/2000 / 11/02/2000
ORBCOMM Australia Pacific, Ltd. / Australia / 14/04/2000 / 17/04/2000
ORBCOMM de México / Mexico / 25/02/2000 / 06/03/2000
ORBCOMM Global LP / United States / 28/03/1997 / 03/04/1997
ORBCOMM Korea / Korea / 16/02/1998 / 09/03/1998
ORBCOMM Maghreb / Morocco / 25/05/1998 / 26/05/1998
Panama / Panama / 18/08/1998 / 25/08/1998
Papua New Guinea / Papua New Guinea / 27/03/1998 / 27/08/1998
PT Asia Cellular Satellite (AceS) / Indonesia / 04/08/1998 / 04/08/1998
Qualcomm Inc. / United States / 11/01/1999 / 08/02/1999
Samsung Electronics Co. / Korea / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
Satellite Phone Japan Ltd / Japan / 18/06/1997 / 17/07/1997
Satphone Telecommunications Services Ltd / United Kingdom / 05/03/1997 / 07/03/1997
Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabia / 27/07/1998 / 13/08/1998
Sierra Leone / Sierra Leone / 23/10/1998 / 23/10/1998
Singapore / Singapore / 10/06/1998 / 12/06/1998
Skybridge L.L.C. / United States / 04/04/1997 / 04/04/1997
South Africa (Rep.) / South Africa (Rep.) / 10/10/1997 / 21/10/1997
Sudan / Sudan / 25/04/1999 / 30/04/1999
Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecomunicaciones (SIGET) / El Salvador / 05/12/1997 / 17/12/1997
Sweden / Sweden / 16/03/1998 / 19/03/1998
Switzerland / Switzerland / 10/11/1997 / 13/11/1997
Syria / Syria / 01/12/1997 / 08/12/1997
Systel / Egypt / 05/10/1998 / 06/10/1998
Tadiran Ltd. / Israel / 21/12/1997 / 07/01/1998
Tajikistan / Tajikistan / 08/09/1998 / 09/09/1998
Tanzania / Tanzania / 03/04/1997 / 03/04/1997
Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM) / Italy / 09/06/1997 / 18/06/1997
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) / United States / 14/03/1997 / 20/03/1997
Teledesic LLC / United States / 07/04/1997 / 18/04/1997
Telefónica del Perú / Peru / 30/10/1997 / 04/11/1997
Telenor AS / Norway / 04/05/1997 / 12/05/1997
Telespazio S.p.A. / Italy / 11/04/1997 / 17/04/1997
Telital S.p.A / Italy / 31/08/1999 / 02/09/1999
Thai Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. / Thailand / 05/08/1997 / 14/08/1997
Thailand / Thailand / 30/12/1998 / 11/01/1999
Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company / United Arab Emirates / 20/05/1998 / 26/05/1998
Townley Communications Ltd / United Kingdom / 24/03/1997 / 25/03/1997
Tunisia / Tunisia / 28/07/1997 / 07/08/1997
Turkey / Turkey / 22/06/1998 / 02/07/1998
UER (Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision) / Switzerland / 09/05/1997 / 09/05/1997
Uganda / Uganda / 20/07/1998 / 04/08/1998
United Kingdom / United Kingdom / 09/07/1998 / 09/07/1998
United States / United States / 20/03/1997 / 24/03/1997
Uruguay / Uruguay / 06/10/1997 / 06/10/1997
Uruguay (Ministry of Defense) / Uruguay / 29/09/1998 / 09/11/1998
Uzbekistan / Uzbekistan / 25/09/1998 / 13/11/1998
Vanuatu / Vanuatu / 23/03/1999 / 13/04/1999
Venezuela / Venezuela / 06/08/1999 / 06/09/1999
VULA Communications / South Africa / 23/05/1997 / 27/05/1997
Zambia / Zambia / 17/07/2002 / 02/09/2002
ZanTel / Tanzania (Zanzibar) / 25/09/1997 / 06/10/1997
Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe / 17/03/1998 / 17/03/1998
Fifth Annual Review Meeting GMPCS-MoU
GMPCS-MoU - List of Annual Dues Contributors (USD)Participant / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003
Arrears / Arrears / Arrears / Current / Total Due
(ACeS) PT Asia Cellular Satellite / 3'500 / 3'500
Ascom Management AG* / 3'500 / 3'500
Bahrain Telecommunications Co. / 3'500 / 3'500 / 3'500 / 10'500
Boeing Company / 3'500 / 3'500
Ellipso Corporation / 3'500 / 3'500 / 7'000
Ericsson Mobile Communications / 3'500 / 3'500 / 7'000
Eutelsat / 3'500 / 3'500 / 3'500 / 10'500
Final Analysis, Inc. / 3'500 / 3'500 / - / 7'000
Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. / - / - / - / 3'500 / 3'500
Globalstar LP / 3500 / 3'500 / 7'000
Hughes Network Systems / PAID / 0
ICO Global Communications / 0
Inmarsat / 3'500 / 3'500
Intelsat / 3'500 / 3'500
Iridium Satellite LLC / PAID / 0
Kyocera* / 3'500 / 3'500 / 7'000
Loral Space & Communications Ltd.* / 3500 / 3'500 / 3'500 / 10'500
Motorola / 3'500 / 3'500
Orbcomm / 3500 / 3500 / 3'500 / 10'500
PanAmSat* / 3'500 / 3'500 / 3'500 / 10'500
Qualcomm Inc. / PAID / 0
Skybridge LLC / 3'500 / 3'500 / 3'500 / 3'500 / 14'000
Teledesic LLC / 3'500 / 3'500
Telit / 3500 / 3'500 / 3'500 / 10'500
Thuraya / PAID / 0
Total: / 3'500 / 28'000 / 42'000 / 66'500 / 140'000
* Note: Contributor informed the ITU that it will no longer pay the annual fee.
[1] Only 5 operators have implemented the Arrangements. Orbcomm has only submitted his implementation letter.
[2] The figures are not audited until end of March 2002.