Provisional agenda item no. 16 Council 40/2011/D.16
In accordance with article 6.2 of the Rules of Procedure of FAFICS, the Secretary is hereby issuing a call for nominations for election to the functions of Officers of the Federation. This article stipulates that the Secretary shall issue the call at least six weeks prior to the Council.
Article 6.3 of these Rules requires that candidates shall be nominated for election at least one month prior to the Council. Therefore nominations of candidates for election at a Council session beginning on 4 July 2011 shall be received by the Secretary not later than midnight Geneva time of Saturday 4 June 2011.Nominations should be sent by e-mail to the Secretary at , with a copy to his private e-mail address at
The following selection of information on election procedures and the FAFICS Bureau is brought to the Council’s attention:
Relevant articles in the Rules of Procedure:
5.1The Officers of the Federation, who shall constitute the Bureau of the
Federation, are:
- the President
- the Vice-Presidents
- the Secretary
- the Treasurer
5.2The Officers shall be elected in accordance with procedures laiddown in these Rules. The
President and the Vice-Presidents shall serve in the posts to which they have been elected for a term of one year; each term in these posts shall be renewable for a year at a time up to a maximum of four years. The posts of Secretary and Treasurer shall not be subject to these term limitations.
The President
5.3The President shall lead the Federation, shall be its primary representative and spokesperson and shall have general direction of its Bureau. He or she shall be responsible for the implementation of resolutions and decisions taken by the Council.
The Vice-Presidents
5.7The Council shall determine the number of Vice-Presidents taking into account, inter-alia, theglobal nature of the Federation.
6.1The Officers of the Federation shall be elected in the course of each Council session.
6.2The Secretary shall issue a call for nominations for election at least six weeks prior to the
Council, inviting Associations to pay particular attention to the need for gender balance in the Bureau.
6.3 Candidates shall be nominated for election at least one month prior to the Council. To allow Associations to consider candidatures, their names shall be circulated to Associations three weeks before the election takes place.
6.4Candidates must have the support of their Member Association.
6.5The Bureau may also propose candidates, subject to article 6.4 above.
6.6The timing of the elections shall be announced at the beginning of the Council session but
shall normally be on the day before the last of the Council.
6.7The names of all candidates shall be announced by the Secretary of the Federation as
soon as possible after the opening of the Council and at least forty-eight hours before the election takes place.
6.8Those elected shall be the candidates who receive the most votes from among those
present or represented in the Council session.
6.9The Council shall fix the date on which those elected to the Bureau shall take up their seats.
Secretary’s Comments:
The current composition of the FAFICS Bureau is as follows:
President: Andrés Castellanos del Corral
Vice-Presidents:Katia Chestopalov
S. A. Janakiram
Mary Johnson
Mario Lafuente
Linda Saputelli
Gerhard Schramek
Tedla Teshome
Secretary: Jayaraman Sundaresan
Assistant Secretary*: Lydia Ontal
Treasurer: Juan Mateu
*The position of Assistant Secretary does not figure in the list of Officers of the Federation in
chapter 5 of the Rules of Procedure. This position was created at the 28th session of the Council in 1999, when there was a change of Chairman of FAFICS. Since then the FAFICS Council has accepted nominations and filled the post in connection with its agenda item on Election of Officers.
With reference to the global nature of the Federation, as mentioned in article 5.7, the Council determined at its 38th session that the number of Vice-Presidents should be seven. The sitting Vice-Presidents originate mostly from thepresidencies of Member Associations located in the following regions:
Africa: 1(Teshome)
Asia: 1(Janakiram)
Europe: 2(Chestopalov, Schramek)
Latin America 1(Lafuente)
North America 1(Saputelli)
Oceania 1 (Johnson)
Geneva, 18 May 2011Jay Sundaresan, Secretary