DEGREE: Doctorate (MD) in urology

Programme Specification


Date: 3-2012

A-Basic Information

1- Programme Title: Doctorate (MD) in Urology (USMD).

2- Final Award: □ MD degree in Urology.

3- Programme type: Single Double Multiple

4-Responsible Departments:

1-  Urology Department

5- Programme duration: 3 academic years

6- Number Programme courses: 4 courses

{Pre-requisite courses in: -statistics methodology for MD students (SMD), -Computer and internet application in medicine (CMD)}.

1- Anatomy (USMD 01)

2-Pathology (USMD 02)

3-Urology (USMD 03)

4-Thesis (MDTH)

7-Coordinator: Prof. Dr./ Ashraf Shahin

8-External evaluators: Prof .Dr/ Ammar Ghobish

9-Last date of programme specifications approval: 3-2012 / /

10- Programme management team:

Prof. / Ashraf Shahin

Prof. / Lotfy Bendary

Assistant Prof./ Ehab Raafat

Assistant lecturer / Ahmad Eliwa

Assistant lecturer / Ahmad Sakr

Assistant lecturer / Amr Fawzy

Assistant lecturer / Ibrahim Samaha

B-Professional Information:

1-Programme aims:

The aim of this programme is to build the competencies of the candidate
To develop a professional urologist who is able to communicate as a medical consultant to other clinicians and to patients, as well as being capable of providing urology health care within hospitals and to the community.To link medical education with true health needs so that the urologists are able to determine and to face community health problems affecting genitourinary system. A Urologist who understands the role of research, in its broadest definition, in clinical decision-making, knowledge generation, interpretation, and continuing education in Urology field.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

By the end of the MD programme in Medical Physiology the candidate will be able to:

A- Knowledge and Understanding

(The main information to be gained and the concepts that should be understood from the course are to:)

KU1- Demonstrate sufficient knowledge in structure, functions, pathology and molecular biology of genito urinary system in different phases of life. Build a knowledge base in the basic and clinical sciences necessary for effective consultation in Urology.

KU2- Evaluate Urological Symptoms & signs . Able To interpret efficiently the collected data from the patients and investigations to reach the proper diagnosis. Recommend and interpret different Laboratory evaluation and Appraise urological radiological investigations and delineate the plan of management of the urological disorder in an integrated manner.

KU 3- Prepare patients pre operatively & perform adequate Postoperative evaluation and deal with post operative Complications ( non urological & urological)

KU 4-Outline the emergency room of urology including Genitourinary Trauma.

KU 5- Know the etiology , Diagnosis and different Lines of management of Urolithiasis including ESWL , Endourolgic maneuvers . Identify Pediatric considerations.

KU 6- Describe Anatomy and physiology of erection and Male reproduction, know the Normal ejaculation. Deal with different andrologic and male infertility problems

KU 7- Point , Interpret and manage different uro- genital Infections including sexually transmitted diseases.

KU 8- know the patho-physiology and Plan Work up for obstructive uropathy cases. Distinguish different causes of Renal failure , select lines of management and discuss Renal transplantation. Able to detect , recognize and manage Reno vascular hypertension

KU 9-.Identify Pathological overview & classification of different benign and malignant urogenital tumors (including suprarenal, prostate), Diagnose and stage them, then recommend different lines of Management including radio- and chemo therapy

KU10- Recognize normal voiding patterns. Illustrate the voiding dysfunction.

KU11- Discuss different female urologic problems and urinary fistulae

KU12-. Outline the pediatric Urology ,reconstructive surgeries in urology, and use of intestine in urology

KU13-. Illustrate different uses of modern technology in urology and continue the use of new evidence-based urology.

B: Intellectual Skills

(Explain the intellectual skills, which the course will assist in developing in the students such as: analysis, capability for creative thinking, problem identification and solving, …….etc)

IS 1. Analyze and evaluate the knowledge in urology to solve medical problems.

IS 2. Integrate the patient's symptomatology, historic data, abnormal

physical sign and investigation into a comprehensive differential diagnosis.

IS 3. Solve special problems in urology according to available inputs and join different types of knowledge to solve the professional problems

IS 4.. Perform evidence based conversation and disscussion

IS 5.. Innovate and create

IS 6. Perform scientific research/ thesis about a scientific problem.

IS 7. Write scientific papers.

IS 8. Evaluate risks in the professional practices of urology.

IS 9. Plan for development of performance in the field of urology.

IS 10. Take professional decisions in different situations.

C-  Professional/practical skills

(These skills are demonstrated by the ability of the student, after completing the course, to apply and adopt the topics into professional applications.)

By the end of this course the student will be able to:

PS1 Evaluate the Urologic Patient: History, Physical Examination

PS2 Understand and interpret Urinary Tract Imaging

PS3 Demonstrate efficiency in performing the different urological skills and procedures

PS4 Communicate efficiently with patients, family, peers, and community).

PS5 Attain research skills.

PS6 Understand the concept of Health education and promotion

PS7 Plan for development of the professional practices and performance of others.

PS8 Evaluate and improve tools in his/her specialty.

PS9 Share in scientific activities in the department: seminars -group

discussion -journal club – and conferences.

PS10 complete a thesis in a selected topic.

D-  General &Transferable skills

(Skills of general nature, which can be applied in any subject area, including: written and oral communication, the use of new technological tools, ICT, group working, problem solving, management,. …etc.)

GS1- Work in a team and lead teams in different professional situation.

GS2- Serve honestly with patients and their relatives and respect for the privacy of the patient.

GS3- Show respect for the role of health care workers.

GS4- Discuss freely about some medical problem.

GS5. Develop & make database search in the library & internet.

GS6. Use information and communication technology effectively. Use different resources to gain knowledge and information.

GS7. Learn others and develop rules and indicators to evaluate the performance of others

GS8 .. Learn by self and in a continuous manner.

GS9. Solve problems related to work management and among colleagues.

GS10. Manage seminars in addition to the effective time management.

GS11. Evaluate him/herself and assess the personal educational needs.

3. Academic standards:

3a. Generic standards of postgraduate programmes prepared by National Authority of Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE).

المعاييرالقياسية العامة لبرامج الدراسات العليا التي أعدتها الهيئة القومية لضمان جودة التعليم والاعتماد (2009) فبراير

3b. External reference (Benchmark) (attached): Doctoate (MD) degree in Urology Programme of Michigan State University

3c. Matrices:

1-  Comparison between the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of the Faculty of Medicine Zagazig university MD in Medical Physiology programme and that of the Generic Academic standards of postgraduate programme prepared by National Authority of Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.

Generic Academic standards of MD programme
المعايير العامة لبرامج الدراسات العليا(برامج الدكتوراة) / Comparable ILOs in the MD in UROLOGY programme / Remarks
-1 المعرفة و الفهم
أ- النظريات و الأساسيات والحديث من المعارف فى مجال التخصص وكذا في المجالات ذات العلاقة
ب- المبادئ الأخلاقية و القانونية للممارسة المهنية في مجال التخصص.
ت- مبادئ و أساسيات الجودة في الممارسات المهنية في مجال التخصص.
ث- أساسيات و أخلاقيات البحث العلمي وأدواته المختلفة
ج- المعارف المتعلقة بآثار ممارسته المهنية على البيئة وطرق تنمية البيئة وصيانتها / KU1 to KU41 / 100 % is fulfilled
المهارات الذهنية
أ- تحليل و تقييم المعلومات في مجال التخصص والقياس عليها والإسباط منها.
ب- حل المشاكل المتخصصة استنادا على المعطيات المتاحة
ت- الربط بين المعارف المختلفة لحل المشاكل المهنية.
ث- اجراء دراسة بحثية تضف إلى المعارف.
ج- تقييم المخاطر في الممارسات المهنية في مجال التخصص.
ح- التخطيط لتطوير الأداء في مجال التخصص.
خ- أتخاذ القرارات المهنية في سياقات مهنية متنوعة.
د- صياغة أوراق علمية
ذ- الإبتكار والإبداع.
ر- الحوار والنقاش المبنى على البراهين والأدلة. / IS1- IS12 / 100% is fulfilled
المهارات المهنية
أ- اتقان المهارات المهنية الأساسية و الحديثة في مجال التخصص.
ب- كتابة و تقييم التقارير المهنية.
ت- تقييم وتطوير الطرق والأدوات القائمة في مجال التخصص
ج-إستخدام الوسائل التكنولوجية بما يخدم الممارسة المهنية.
ح- التخطيط لتطور الممارسة المهنية وتنمية آداء الآخرين. / PS1 to PS8 / 100% is fulfilled
المهارات العامة و المتنقلة
أ- التواصل الفعال بأنواعه المختلفة
ب- استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات بما يخدم الممارسة المهنية.
ت- التقييم الذاتي والمستمر
ث- استخدام المصادر المختلفة للحصول علي المعلومات والمعارف.
ج- تعلييم الآخرين وتقييم آداءهم.
ح- العمل في فريق و قيادة فرق في سياقات مهنية مختلفة.
خ- إدارة اللقاءات العلمية والوقت بكفاءة.
د- التعلم الذاتي و المستمر. / GS1 to GS16 / 100% is fulfilled

2- Comparison between the ILOs of the MD programme in UROLOGY, Faculty of medicine-Zagazig university and UROLOGY MD Programme of Michigan State University.

MD of urology
Programme of Michigan State University. / ILOs in MD of urology programme Faculty of medicine, Zagazig University / Approximate achievable ILOs
Conduct proficient preoperative evaluations of general surgical patients. / KU 3, PS 1,PS 3 , / 90 % is fulfilled
Provide postoperative care for general, vascular, transplant and trauma patients, including fluid and electrolyte management. / KU 3, KU 4, KU 8, PS3 / 90% is fulfilled
Master techniques of insertion and evaluation of invasive monitoring of postoperative or critically ill patients. / KU 3, PS3 / 100% is fulfilled
Assist or perform surgical procedures in general, vascular,
transplant, trauma; develop surgical skills in minor procedures, and opening and closing surgical wounds. / PS 3 / 90% is fulfilled
Evaluate knowledge base in surgery based on in-service exam / KU1- KU 2, PS 1-4 / 100% is fulfilled
Initiate personal surgical log of cases / IS 1-4, KU 1-2 / 100% is fulfilled
Will work effectively with support personnel in pre-operative, operative, and post-operative settings. / From KU1 to KU12, From IS1 to IS3,
From PS1 to PS3, GS1 / 100% is fulfilled
Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental principles of urologic disease and pathophysiology through didactic lectures and urology / From KU1-KU2
From IS 1- Is3 / 100% is fulfilled
Perform cystoscopy, bladder biopsies, and ureteral catheter
insertion with supervision of attending staff and senior residents. / PS 3 / 100% is fulfilled
Perform direct vision urethrotomies / PS 3 / 100% is fulfilled
Perform balloon dilation of ureteral strictures. / PS 3 / 100% is fulfilled
Perform both diagnostic and therapeutic ureteroscopy including laser lithotripsy, upper tract biopsy and fulguration. / PS 3 / 90% is fulfilled
Perform transrectal ultrasonography and prostate biopsies under the supervision of attending staff and senior residents / PS 3 / 100% is fulfilled
Provide pre- and postoperative care for urology patients with
emphasis on oncologic surgery. / KU 2 / 100% is fulfilled
Care for inpatients and outpatients at the VA Medical Center under supervision of senior residents and attending staff. / KU 2, IS1, IS 2 / 100% is fulfilled
Obtain skill in urologic and general trauma care by the trauma service rotation for experience in evaluation, monitoring, surgical care, and postoperative care of acute trauma. / KU 4 / 100% is fulfilled
Increase surgical technical expertise in scrotal surgery, minor urologic surgery, abdominal wound opening and closing, and first assisting in abdominal and flank surgery. / PS3 / 100% is fulfilled
Evaluate fund of basic urologic knowledge through the in-service
exam with expected performance above 50th percentile national
average. / KU 1-2 / 80% is fulfilled
Identify a clinical research project. / IS 6 , PS10 ,PS5 / 100% is fulfilled
Continue to work effectively with support personnel. / GS 1 / 100% is fulfilled
Residents will also perform surgeries and provide patient care at an ambulatory clinic and/or surgery center. / PS3 / 100% is fulfilled
Perform more complex lower tract endoscopic procedures, such as TUR biopsies of the bladder and prostate. / PS 3 / 100% is fulfilled
Provide primary resident care on endourology service and gain
experience with ureteroscopy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy,
endopyelotomy, and laser lithotripsy. / PS3 / 100% is fulfilled
Develop basic laparoscopic surgical skills. / KU12 , PS3 / 100% is fulfilled
Provide junior resident care on pediatric urology service with
particular emphasis on procedures such as orchiopexy. / KU 12 , PS 3 / 100% is fulfilled
Present a research paper at Michigan Urologic Society Meeting. / IS 7 / 80% is fulfilled
Perform surgeries in an ambulatory setting; such surgery include:SWL, cysto, bladder biopsy, TURBT, ureteroscopy, vasectomy,TRUS/ BX. / PS 3 / 95% is fulfilled
Develop skills in performance of and interpretation of simple and complex urodynamic evaluations. / KU 10 / 100% is fulfilled
Expand clinical research to result in peer-reviewed publication or chapter. / PS 9 / 90% is fulfilled
Plan research project for Urology 3 year. / IS 9 , PS5, PS7 / 100% is fulfilled
Attend basic science course in Charlottesville, Virginia. / KU1 / 100% is fulfilled
Present and discuss cases at Urology Grand Rounds. / PS9 / 100% is fulfilled
Work effectively with support personnel, including dministrative
aspects. / GS1,GS3 / 100% is fulfilled
Interpret, initiate, and complete a basic research project in urology, either based on laboratory research or health-related outcomes research with a scientific mentor in urology or other University of Michigan researcher with special expertise. / IS6 / 100% is fulfilled
Learn basic principles of study design and biostatistics through
initiation of basic and/or clinical research. / PRE-REQUISITE COURSE IN STATISTCS / 100% is fulfilled
Obtain greater in-depth knowledge of urologic diseases with study of multiple texts, journals, and articles, such as Campbell’s and Gillenwater Textbooks, Journal of Urology, Urology, Urologic Clinics of North America, Seminars in Urologic Oncology. / KU1-12, GS6,GS8 / 100% is fulfilled
Learn fundamentals of genitourinary pathology through participation in GU pathology. Sign-out one day per week. / KU 2 / 100% is fulfilled
Submit abstract to national meeting (example, AUA or AACR). / NOT fulfilled
Submit manuscripts for publication on at least one clinical research topic and basic research topic. / IS7 / 100% is fulfilled
Present research paper at Michigan Urologic Meeting. / IS7 / 50% is fulfilled
Obtain microsurgery expertise at microsurgery course provided by Department of Urology. / ------/ NOT fulfilled
Work effectively with research graduate and post graduate
students, laboratory technicians, managers and research
colleagues / GS1-GS3 / 100% is fulfilled
Use didactic conferences to expand depth of knowledge of urologic disease. / GS8,GS10,PS9 / 100% is fulfilled
Be primary resident on female urology service (inpatient and
outpatient) with an emphasis on history taking, examination, and
evaluation and treatment of women with urologic diseases,
including incontinence, pelvic floor strengthening exercises,
biofeedback, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, neurogenic
problems, recurrent UTIs, management of urethral diverticula and fistulas, pelvic pain, estrogen replacement therapy, osteoporosis, and urodynamics. / KU10,KU11 / 100% is fulfilled
Be primary resident on male general urology service with emphasis on BPH and andrology , including infertility and impotence / KU 6 KU 9
PS3 / 100% is fulfilled
Master sophisticated aspects of urologic disease physiology,
diagnosis, and decision making in preparation for the qualifying
exam (Part I) of the Urology Boards. / KU1,IS 10 / 100% is fulfilled
Organize teaching Conferences within the Department, including
Urology Grand Rounds, Uropathology Conference, and Monday Didactic Conferences. / PS 9,GS6,GS10 / 80% is fulfilled
Develop resident call schedule. / GS7, / 90% is fulfilled
Supervise medical student teaching on urology service. / GS7 / 90% is fulfilled
Supervise inpatient care as chief of service with delegation of
responsibilities to junior residents as appropriate.practice career opportunities. / GS2,|GS 7 / 100% is fulfilled
Expand knowledge of evolving knowledge and procedures in
Urology by attendance at American Urologic Association Meeting. / GS10,GS11,PS9 / 90% is fulfilled
Present one lecture at Urologic Oncology Conference. / ----- / NOT fulfilled
Submit at least one manuscript or chapter for publication on a
clinical or basic research topic. / PS5,PS9,IS7 / 90% is fulfilled
Refine surgical skills in most complex cases with a particular
emphasis on oncology and pediatrics (including radical
prostatectomy, cystectomy with cutaneous and continent diversion, partial nephrectomy, IVC thrombectomy, reconstructive pediatrics,
hypospadias repair, pyeloplasty). / PS 3 / 100% is fulfilled
Refine surgical skills in transurethral resection of prostate. / PS 3 / 100% is fulfilled
Learn comparative aspects of academic, private practice, and
system-based / PS 6 / 80% is fulfilled

NB: Michigan State University Program of MD degree in urology is coded in topics and year program not ILOs.