St. Boniface, St. Joseph, & St. John the Baptist Parishes December 16, 2012

We are all one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone. We are Christ’s body, His hands and feet. We will speak His word of life to everyone we meet.

Be watchful;

Be vigilant.

Pastor: Fr. David Fulton, PO Box 170, Fordyce-NE 402-357-3506

Emali: website:

Deacons:Marcus Potts (F) Brian Heine (F)

Clarence Jansen (M)Rod Wiebelhaus (F)

Phones:St. John Rectory357-3506St. John Fax 357-3795

St. John Hall357-2322West Cath. 357-3507East Catholic357-2146 St. Joseph Hall 357-3761

St. Boniface Prayer Line:Betty Peitz 402-357-3577

St. John Prayer Line:Amy Dickes 357-3301 or

Donna Potts 357-3728

Marriage Arrangements:at least 6 months in advance

Mass Intentions:Mark “Mass Intention” and put in Sunday collection or mail to Carole Schulte, PO Box 116, Fordyce-NE 68736. Indicatewho, desired date and parish.

Confession: St. Joseph: 7:00 – 7:25 p.m. (before Mass)

St. John: Sunday 10:10-10:25 & Frist Fridays 7:15–7:30 am and by app’t.

St. Boniface: Sunday 8:00-8:25 am and Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:00 pm during schoolyear.

St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration: Wed 5:30 –6:30 pm; Thurs 6:50 –7:50 am

First Friday Adoration: after 8:00 am Mass till 7pm at St. John the Baptist

Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion:

Tues 6:45 am-7:45 am at St. John

Secretary Hours:School Year: M-F: 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.

The Parish Office will now be located in the school. Please feel free to stop by the school anytime for parish business.

Sunday Giving

St. Joseph (Dec 9): Envelopes - $1135; Plate - $20; God’s Acre - $20; Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $70

St. John (Dec 9):Envelopes - $745; Plate - $12; Holy Day - $655; Thanksgiving - $100; Christmas Flowers - $185.64; Furnace - $30; Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $0;

Loan @ CSB –$11,200

St. Boniface (Dec 9):Envelopes - $2258; Plate - $87.33; Debt Reduction - $100; Christmas Flowers - $150.25;Children - $3.00; Holy Day - $283; Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $20; Loan @ CSB –$15,170; Roof Fund to date - $5,315.

Scripture Readings

Mon:Is 35:1-10 Lk 5:17-26

Tue:Is 40:1-11; Mt 18:12-14

Wed:Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a

Thu:Is 41:13-20; Mt 11:11-15

Fri:Is 48:17-19; Mt 11:16-19

Sat:Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Mt 17:9a, 10-13


St. John the Baptist

First Friday Adoration:8:30 am – 7:00 pm followed by Benediction and Closing

Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions:

Tuesdays 6:45 am-7:45 am

St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration

Wednesday: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Thursday: 6:50 am – 7:50 am


3rd Sunday of Advent - Year C by Fr. John Speekman

Zephaniah 3:14-18; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:10-18

Today is Gaudete Sunday, Joy Sunday! It is a day for considering all that we as Christians have to rejoice about and, of course, what we have to rejoice about is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. I asked a few people around the place what they especially had to rejoice about and here are a few of the answers I got. I confess that I did edit them a bit to bring a few of their thoughts together more neatly.

"I rejoice mostly when I pray. This is where I meet God and it really makes me happy that he is so available. I love to pray and make an effort to pray every day. I love the Rosary and also the Divine Mercy chaplet."

"I rejoice because God is looking for me. I still remember that young man Stuart Diver and what he must have felt like when he was buried all that time in the avalanche in the snow fields. He felt so helpless and alone. He thought he was doomed. He must have been so glad to hear the noise of the people looking for him. I read in the scriptures and I hear it in the prayers of the Mass that God is looking for me. He has sent his Son Jesus to find me. I lie there trapped in all the weakness of my life and I long to be rescued, to see the face of my rescuer. I know he will find me and that he will come for me and save me. Not everyone has this longing for him or this trust in him. I rejoice that I have been granted this gift."

"I rejoice that the teachings of the Church are so crystal clear. My faith is certain; black and white. So many of my friends move from church to church looking for one which suits their beliefs. They change every few years and never seem content."

"I rejoice because he is near and I find this exciting! He is not far away. He is near because my stay on earth, however young I am, will soon end. Death is not a falling asleep it is waking up. And he is near in his Second Coming. He has promised and I believe his promise. This gives me so much joy. Many people do not have this sense of meaning in their life. They wait for death. Christians wait for life and life is coming; it is near."

"I rejoice because he is here. As the Scripture says 'He stands among you.' Jesus is in our world but he is not recognised. He is here already among us actively working to save us in all sorts of ways. What a gift this presence is! He is present in my heart, in my life."

"I rejoice because He is my Saviour who came to save me from all those things I am so afraid of: my sins, Hell, Satan and death. He is my Saviour and stronger than any other person or thing. He is Lord of all and has power over all. I rejoice that my God is THE God and that I am safe."

"I rejoice that I am a member of such a big lovely family, God’s family. Whenever I meet a catholic who believes I am immediately at home. I click with that person, we are friends. We understand each other and even ‘love’ each other."

"I rejoice that I have a gift to give God that is worthy of him in the Mass. I know that when I give this gift to God it is pleasing to God and it expresses my love for God in a way that God accepts. The Eucharist is the gift that God wants me to give him and it is the gift I want to give him."

"I rejoice that I have a place to confess my sins where Jesus forgives me through the priest. Jesus is waiting for me with the priest. He always forgives me. He understands me. He is gentle with me. He helps me. I rejoice in this sacrament because it gives me a new start. It is God’s mercy at work on my behalf."

"I rejoice that I know where I am going in life. My life is a journey and I know its destination. So many people don’t know where they are going. I do. And I have all the help I need to get there from the Church and from the sacraments."

"I rejoice that Jesus has taken the one thing I don’t like about life, that is, suffering, and given it meaning. He has made it into a kind of treasure for me. I have plenty of sufferings and, with Jesus, they help me grow in love for people and for him. I am so glad that I have found joy in suffering. I never thought it was possible but it is. He has given it meaning because I find him there."



Penance Service Schedule

St. Joseph penance times will be before the Saturday vigil from 7:00 p.m. – 7:25 p.m.

December 16St. Jane de Chantal in Randolph 3:00 p.m.

December 16Our Lady of Sorrows in Osmond7:00 p.m.

December 18Holy Trinity in Hartington 7:00 p.m.

December 19St. Boniface 6:30 – 7 p.m.Fr. Fulton

December 20St. Boniface 7:00 p.m.Fr. Olsen

December 21St. John 7:30 p.m.Fr. Fulton

December 23St. Rose of Lima in Crofton 7:00 p.m.

December 24St. John noonFr. Olsen

Have a Mass said for a loved one – send your Mass intentions to Carole Schulte, PO Box 116, Fordyce-NE 68736. Masses are $10.00.

St. Joseph Christmas Flowers – Youare invited to donate poinsettias or other Christmas flowers in memory of a loved one. Watch the bulletin for more information.

St. Joseph Restoration Project -If you would like to send a thank you gift to Fred and Melvin Arens for their workon the high altar and side altars here at St. Joseph's you may send it to them at88684 551 Avenue, Crofton 68730.

December 16, Sunday—Religious Retirement Fund Collection

History Books and Cookbooks make great

Christmas gifts.

Contact the parish office at 357-3506.

Please note: any donations you want on your 2012 statements have to be received at the parish office by noon on December 31st.

West Catholic Scrip Cards will be available for purchase after

St. John’s Sunday Mass up until Christmas.

Christmas Mass ScheduleMary, Mother of God –Jan 1

December 245:30 p.m.St. BonifaceDec 31-7:30 p.m.St. Joseph

December 25Midnight MassSt. JosephJan 1 -8:00 a.m.St. John

December 258:00 a.m.St. BonifaceJan 1 -10:30 a.m.St. Boniface

December 2510:00 a.m.St. John

Kids, be sure to tell your folks

that you need to see

Santa at the Fordyce Village Hall

on Sunday, December 16th

after St. John’s 10:30 a.m. Mass.

St. Joseph’s Baby Jesus Shower—please bring a gift for Baby Jesus during the month of December. It may be a blanket, sleeper, diapers, anything a baby would need, preferably 6 mos.—24 mos. There will be a basket in the back of church for your thoughtful gifts for Little Baby Jesus.

St. Boniface Advent Baby Shower - anyone wishing to donate can do so byleaving all items in the entrance of Church. They will be delivered toRight to Life after Christmas.

St. John’s Ladies, please let Jennifer Eickhoff know of any additions orcorrections to the Ladies Guild Booklet by Jan 1st. Next Ladies Guild meeting is Wednesday, January 9th 7pm @ the Parish Center. All ladies are welcome!

Sunday Envelopes for 2013 are in the back of church. Please pick them up so we don’t have to mail. Thanks!

Archbishop’s Annual AppealGoalDonations to DateDonors

St. John the Baptist Parish$5565.90$6306.00 113.29%45

St. Boniface Parish$5629.74$5190.00 92.18%40

St. Joseph Parish$1405.82$1970.32 140.15%16

Please return your pledge cards, even if you are not making a monetary donation. There are extra envelopes in the back of church if you need one. Watch more online! Learn more about how your support of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal makes a difference in the lives of so many in our community. Visit to hear their stories.

The first St. Boniface Centennial Cookbooks that were published in 1982are available for sale for $15.00. Please contact Julie Arens if you would like one.

St. John’s Cemetery Project – if you haven’t noticed the work that was done in the cemetery, please take a moment to visit the crucifix in the cemetery. The original Jesus that was placed there in 1910 has been restored, as well as the cross, and the old concrete has been removed and re-poured. Thank you to the children of Cletus and Bev Koch for donating the funds for this project.

St. Boniface Youth Choir

Choir Sings: Dec 16, Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 24 (Christmas Eve Mass)

Important to be at practice as we will begin planning our Christmas Mass music!

Choir Practice: after each Sunday we sing in December.

TEMPORARY HELP WANTED: Flexible Hours. Maximum 20 hours per week. Custodian – duties: Snow Removal, General Maintenance. If interested: Contact Mr. Bosch, (402)388-4393.


Bus Fuel

We just received the bill for November bus fuel from Wiebelhaus Service. If anyone would like to help pay the bill, just stop in at the Station.
THANKS again to those who’ve helped out in the past. It helps the school out A LOT!!

The HyVee SmartPoints Program

Watch the bulletin to see if we are winners for the third year!

December West Catholic 100 Club winners :December 300 Club Winners:

$50.00 Jerome & Arlyce Thoene$300 – Betty Klanderud

$25.00 Duane & Jill Becker$100 each: Lexi Pommer, Chuck

$25.00 Marcus & Donna PottsAlbers, Ed Meyer & Lyle Schulte

Burnell’s Foodtown Cash Register Tapes for Education Program begins September 1st and runs through March 2013. This is a wonderful fundraiser for our school, please take advantage of it! Just drop your cash register receipts from Foodtown in the West Catholic box at the store, or you can drop them off at school. Thanks for your participation in this program!

So far we have collected a little over $10,000 worth of cash register tapes. Let’s try to beat last year’s total of $32,993!!

HyVee Cards – Imagine if 5% of your monthly grocery purchases went to the school. If you’ve never purchased HyVee Cards, now’s the time to start! You can get them at Cedar Security Bank, The Carpenter Shop (just south of HyVee) and also from Mary Schaefer, Ruth Wiebelhaus, Lora Wiebelhaus, or at the school. Let’s take full advantage of this program!

There are LOTS of ways to help out West Catholic Elementary. Check out this list!

Target - Use your Target card at checkout and mention that your donation goes to WCES.

Land O’ Lakes-Each lid is worth 5 cents – drink lots of milk!

Old Cell PhonesWe can send them in for $$

Ink CartridgesWe can send them in for$$

People’s Grocery - in Crofton, NE will donate 3 cents for every Shur-Fresh label you clip.

Coca-Cola LidsSend them to the school and we’ll put them to good use!

Box Tops for EducationClip those box tops and bring them to school– LOTS of retailers will donate a % of your purchase to the school. You just need to log into their website when you want to make an on-line purchase, and from there you navigate to your favorite stores. You don’t need a scrip card to get the donation; however, you can use scrip cards in combination with OneCause to get additional donations:

For Example: You can buy a $100 scrip card to Omaha Steaks and their contribution is 11% or $11.00. For an addition 4% donation, you can navigate to the Omaha Steaks website through OneCause (you will have to set up an account at OneCause), and another $4.00 will be awarded to the school. No extra cost involved for you! Very simple, and takes very little time.

This list includes only a portion of the retailers who participate in OneCause. Go to the website for more.

AlloyChadwicksGapMurals Your WayShoes

AmazonChampion USAGetOrganizedNational GeographicShutterfly

American EagleChamps SportsGNCNewport NewsSierra Trading Post

Ann TaylorChicosGuthy-RenkerNew York & Co.SkinStore

Apple iTunesCircuit CityHanesNikeSkype

AvonCliniqueHolabird SportsNordstromSnapfish

Banana RepublicColdwater CreekIntuitOld Navy Spiegel

Bare NecessitiesColumbiaJ.CrewOmaha SteaksSunglass Hut

Bargain OutfittersConstructive PlaythingsJ. JillOne Hanes PlaceSymantec

Bass Pro ShopsCrate & BarrelJC PenneyOnline ShoesTarget

BeallsDeliasJockeyParagon SportsThe Children’s Place

Beauty.comDillardsJourney EDPiperlimeChildren’s Wear Outlet

Bed, Bath & BeyondDiscovery StoreJust BlindsPlow & HearthThe Company Store

Best BuyE.L.F. CosmeticsKmartPottery BarnThe Container Store

Better World BooksEastbayKohlsProActive SolutionThe North Face

Blinds GaloreEasy SpiritLL BeanQuickbooksTiger Direct

BloomingdalesEssential ApparelLands EndREITracfone

Bobbi Brown.comFamous FootwearLeeRoadRunner SportsTSC

Boden USAFandangoLimoges JewelrySahalieUlta

BowflexFans EdgeLinen SourceSearsUnder Armour

BuckleFootsmartLowesSephoraUrban Outfitters

BurpeeFossilMacysSheer CoverVictoria’s Secret

Café PressFrench ToastMagic CabinShoeBaccaWebroot


CartersMetro StyleShoe MallWet Seal

West Catholic Scrip Program


In order for Scrip to work, a participating retailer agrees to give a discount to Great Lake Scrip Center. This discount is passed along to the school, and when the certificate is sold by the school for FULL Face Value, this discount becomes revenue for the school.

So.. the certificates come as either a gift card or a paper certificate. They are honored at all stores that have their name on that card. If you order a Kohl’s for $100, you have $100 to spend but the school profits $4 because Kohl’s gives back 4%. A list of participating vendors and their percentage of discount is available on the GLSC web site.

We order cards on Monday mornings, and have them by Friday of that week, so some planning ahead is necessary. There are some “Scrip Now” certificates that are available to you within the hour if you have a PRESTO PAY account.

The school has profited over $3000 in the little over 2 years that we have been participating. We have a loyal following but would welcome newcomers. Our potential for profit would be increased if more families would participate. Cards can be used for anytime you go shopping. They are also great for Christmas, weddings, showers, teachers, etc.

If you would like to meet with any one of the three coordinators, just give us a call. Or just call in an order to any one of us!

Please consider the Scrip program for your Holiday Shopping and MORE!

Beth Stevens



Hundreds of retailers participate. Visit .


SundayDec 168:30 a.m.(M)+Dellano Hoesing

Dec 1610:30 a.m.(F)+Romaine C. Becker

MondayDec 178:00 a.m.(F)Fr. Brady

TuesdayDec 188:00 a.m.(F)+Melvin Schmidt

WednesdayDec 198:00 a.m.(F)+Don Jones

ThursdayDec 208:00 a.m.(M)+Hubert & Elizabeth Hoesing

FridayDec 218:00 a.m.(F)+Maurice Thoene & +Emma Thoene

SaturdayDec 228:00 a.m.(M)+Norman Loecker

7:30 p.m.(C )For the People

SundayDec 238:30 a.m.(M)+Francis & Grace Hoesing

10:30 a.m.(F)+Roman & +Jeff Potts


Jan 9WedSt. John’s Ladies Guild Meeting7:00 p.m.

Jan 10ThuSt. Boniface Parish Council Mtg.7:00 p.m.

Jan 14MonLifeServe Bloodbank (Fordyce Village Hall)3:15 – 6:00 p.m.

Jan 14MonSt. John’s Parish Council Mtg.7:30 p.m.

December Church Cleaners

St. JosephChair-Jolene Steffen, Julie Fuelberth, Terry Mueller, Ginger Schieffer, Carolyn Leader

St. JohnChair-Sue Dickes, Diane Dickes, Cheri Eickhoff, Lori Eickhoff, Tammy Eskens

St. BonifaceChair-Sharon Schaefer, Peggy Muhmel, Judy Potts, Sherry Schieffer, Mary Schaefer, Lynn Schieffer, Sherry Schmidt


Dec 8-14:Tom & Ruth Wiebelhaus

Dec 15-21:Cyril & Coletta Wubben

Dec 22-28: Dave & Jill Wubben


St. Boniface Parish

Dec 23 – Sunday – 8:30 a.m.Dec 24 – Monday - 5:30 p.m.Dec 25 – Tuesday – 8:00 a.m.

4th Sunday of AdventVigil of ChristmasChristmas

L:Bill SchaeferL:John JansenL:Amy Tejral

G:Charles & Rita Mueller Fam.G:Ryan & Janel Loecker Fam.G:John & Lois Mueller

S:Josh & Levi HeckenlaibleS:Matthew & Mason SchaeferS:Kyle Kast & Brock Mueller

U:Randy Goeden (E ), ToddU:Dennis Kleinschmit (E ), AllenU:Steve Jansen (E ), Rod

Heckenlaible (E ), DennisBonertz (E ), Allen Schroeder,Goeden (E ), Roland Goeden,

Hoebelheinrich, JustinKevin KleinschmitWarren Hoebelheinrich

St. Joseph Parish

December 22 – Saturday – 7:30 p.m.December 25 – Tuesday – 12:00 a.m.

4th Sunday of AdventMidnight Mass: Solemnity of the Nativity

L:Nancy DeBlauwL:Chris Thoene

S:Charice StevensS:Alec Fuelberth

G:Mike & Denise StevensG:Al & JoAnn Steffen Family

U:Mike Stevens & Fred ArensU:Vernon Arens & Brad Schieffer

St. John the Baptist

December 23 – Sunday – 10:30 a.m.December 25 – Tuesday – 10:00 a.m.

4th Sunday of AdventChristmas

L:Linda WuebbenL:Dan Thoene

G:Marvin & Marlene SchmidtG:Lyle & Carole Schulte Family

S:Haley Dickes & Grant DickesS:Dominic Lammers & Ethan Kramer

U:Greg Dickes, Marvin Schmidt,U:Lyle Schulte (E ), Merlin Lammers,

Mark Sudbeck (E ), Gary Dickes (E )Art Wiebelhaus, Chuck Kramer (E )