JANUARY 4, 2016
The Spring Garden Township Board of Commissioners held its ReorganizationMeeting at the Township Municipal Building, 340 Tri Hill Road, York, PA on Monday, January 4, 2016. Manager Greg Maustcalled the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
John M. Fullmer, Jr., President Matthew R. Shorb, Vice-President
Cara Beth Zortman, CommissionerGregory J. Maust, P.E., Township Manager
Thomas I. Warman, CommissionerSteven F. Smith, Public Works Supervisor
Eric M. Lehmayer, CommissionerClifford Gordon, Codes Enforcement OfficerPeter T. Ruth, Esq., Solicitor David M. Davidson, Jr., P.E., Engineer
Christine Y. Hartle, Recreation DirectorBattalion Chief Daniel Hoff, YAUFR
Michelle K. Mullen, Fiscal Officer/ Benefits Coordinator
Linda A. Keller, Director Community Development & Planning
There werefour people in the audience.
- Magisterial District Judge Jennifer Clancy administered the Oath of Office to 1st Ward Commissioner John M. Fullmer, Jr. re-elected to a 4-year term expiring January 2020,3rdWard Commissioner Thomas I.Warman, re-elected to a 4-year term expiring January 2020 and 5th Ward Commissioner Cara Beth Zortman, re-elected to a 4-year term expiring January,2020.
The Oath of Office was also administered to Richard Savage, reappointed to the Township Civil Service Commission for a 6-year term expiring January, 2022.
- Formal Action to establish Organization of the Board:
- Motion Warman/Lehmayer to re-elect John M. Fullmer, Jr. as President. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
- Motion Zortman/Warman to re-electMatthew R. Shorb as Board Vice-President. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Zortman/Warman to reappointGregory J. Maust as Township Secretary. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Lehmayer/Warman to reappointSteven M. Hovis, Esq., as Township Solicitor, representing Stock and Leader. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
- Motion Warman/Lehmayer to reappoint David M. Davidson, Jr., as TownshipEngineer, representing C.S. Davidson, Inc. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Zortman to reappoint George J. Swartz asAssistant Township Secretary.There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Zortman/Lehmayertoappoint Linda S. Keller as Township Zoning/Permit Officer. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Lehmayer to appoint Clifford W. Gordon asAssistant Township Zoning/Permit Officer There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Zortman/Lehmayer forthe approval of Resolution #2016-01, reappointing Michael S. Barton to the Township Zoning Hearing Board representing the 5th Ward for a 5-year term expiring January 2021. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Lehmayer for the approvalof Resolution #2016-02, appointing Michelle M. Poole to the Township Zoning Hearing Board representing the 3rd Ward for a 5-year term expiring January 2021. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Zortman for the approval of the reappointmentof J. Michael Dorgan to the Township Planning Commission representing the 3rd Ward for a 4-year term expiring January 2020. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Zortman/Lehmayer for the approval of the reappointmentof John DeHaas to Township Planning Commission representing the 5th Ward for a 4-year term expiring January 2020There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Lehmayer/Warman for the approval of the reappointmentof Debra S. Hannon to the Township Recreation Commission representing the 2nd Ward for a 5-year term expiring January 2021.There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Zortman/Warmanto reappointCommissioner Eric M. Lehmayer to serve as theCommissioner Representative to the Township Recreation Commission for a 1-year term expiring January 2017.There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Zortman for the approval of thereappointment of John D. Flinchbaugh as the Citizen Member to the Vacancy Board for a 2-year term expiring 2018. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Zortman/Warman to reappointGregory J. Maust as the Township Primary Representative to the York Adams Tax Bureau for a 2-year term expiring January 2018. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Lehmayer/Warman to appointMichelle Mullen as the Township Alternate Representative to the York Adams Tax Bureau for a 2-year term expiring January 2018.There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Zortman/ Warman for the approval of the appointmentof Commissioner Matthew Shorb to serve as the Townships Representative to the Advisory Committee for the York County Community Development Block Grant Program for a 2-year term expiring January 2018. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Lehmayer for the approval of the appointmentof Robert Sandmeyer as the Township Primary Representative to the York County Local Government Advisory Committee for a 2-year term expiring January 2018.There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Lehmayer/Warman for the approval of the appointmentof Michael Dorgan as the TownshipsAlternate Representative to the York County Local Government Advisory Committee for a 2-year term expiring January 2018.There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Zortman for the approval of the reappointmentof Commissioner John M. Fullmer,Jr. to serve as Spring Garden Township’s Primary Representative to the YorkArea United Fire and Rescue Commission fora2-year term expiring January 2018.There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Zortman/Shorb for the approval of the reappointmentof Commissioner Eric M. Lehmayer to serve as Spring Garden Township’s Alternate Representative to the York Area United Fire and Rescue Commission for a 2-year term expiring January 2018.There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Zortman for the approval of the appointmentof Austin Hunt III to serve as the Citizen-at-Large to represent Spring Garden Township on the York Area United Fire & Rescue Commission for a 2-year term expiring January 2018. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Zortman/Lehmayer for the approvalof the reappointmentof Commissioner Thomas I. Warman as a Primary Voting Representative to the Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan Regional Committee for a 2-yr term expiring January 2018.There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Zortman for the approval of the reappointmentof Gregory J. Maust as an Alternate Voting Representative to the Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan Regional Committee for a 2-yr term expiring January 2018. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Warman/Zortman for the approvalof the reappointmentof Bradley Hengst as Primary Sewage Enforcement Officer for Spring Garden Township to serve for a 2-yr term expiring January 2018. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
- Motion Shorb/Warman for the approval of the reappointmentof David Brown as Alternative Sewage Enforcement Officer for Spring Garden Township to serve for a 2-yr term expiring January 2018. There were no public comments.Motion carried.Yes-5, No-0
- PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: There were no public comments.
With no further business to transact, Motion Warman/Shorb to adjourn the Reorganization Meeting at 6:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gregory J. Maust, P.E.
Township Manager/Secretary
Minutes of January 4, 2016
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