Coordinating Group Meeting

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Meeting Minutes

Chair:John O’Reilly [Rushey Green Assembly Coordinator]

Attendees:Cllr Helen Klier, Cllr John Muldoon, Cllr Peggy FitzsimmonsTessa Pearce, James Dobson, Bill Rouse, Gloria Rouse, James Dobson, Laurel Saunders, James Walshe, Fabienne Zoucoube LBL,Nalina Ramanah (part)

1 Welcome and Apologies
Johnopened the meeting at 6:35pm by thanking everyone for attending. The following apologies were received prior to the meeting:
Karen Small
Robert Turkentine
Anthony Kalu
No other apologies were received / Action Points
2 Minutes of the previous co-group meeting held on 30 January 2012
The minutes of the previous co-group were agreed subject to the following:
John explained that guidance has been issued concerning the Localities Act 2012. A minimum of 21 people can apply to form a neighbourhood panel which can cover a ward area or across several ward boundaries. Sydenham, CroftonPark, Ladywell and Blackheath are amongst the areas which have expressed an interest in taking part. It was agreed to invite a speaker to the next assembly in October. / John to invite a member of the corporate policy team to the Autumn assembly
3Review of assembly meeting held on Thursday 15 March 2012
The focus of the assembly meeting was the planned regeneration of Catford Town Centre. It was agreed that the format (presentation followed by table discussions) worked well and could be repeated at future events. John reported that the overall feedback was positive and this was communicated to the programme management team.
4 Assembly Fund Update
John explained that £18,750 was allocated to each ward assembly in 2012/13. This included a councillor discretionary element of £3,750.
One application has been received so far. The Catford Bridge Tavern are proposing to have a film club which has been costed at £5,450.00. The contribution requested from the assembly is £3,700.00.
The group felt that there was potentially other streams of funding that the Catford Bridge Tavern could utilise. The Brockley Jack film club was a good example of a community cinema in Lewisham and they may be able to provide support and information. There was also a professional body that might be able to advise the project. On these grounds it was decided to reject the application. / John to inform project sponsor of group decision
5. Local Assemblies Schedule 2012/13
The local assemblies schedule for 2012/13 is as follows:
Saturday 16 June 2012
Wednesday 17 October 2012
Tuesday 15 January 2013
Tuesday 23 March 2013
It was agreed to change the Tuesday 15 January meeting to the following Saturday 19 January. It was noted that Saturday meetings were held in January in the previous 3 years. The cost to the devolved budget would be £400.00 which includes staffing and hire of the Civic Suite (Rooms 1 and 2). There is normally no charge on a weekday. / Revised schedule to be included on the corporate calendar
6Communities First Panel
James Walshe reported on developments with the communities first panel since its inception in April 2012. The Community Development Foundation is the body appointed by the Cabinet Office to manage the process. £68,000 will be available over the next 4 years until April 2015. A small group of volunteers will be working alongside James to deliver the programme in the Rushey Green ward.
£11,.000 has been made available in year 1 and to date 7 applications have been submitted. The process has now been reopened and the panel will meet at the end of June 2012 to decide how the funding will be allocated.
The meeting thanked James and the other volunteers for all their hard work in establishing the Communities First Panel. Their will be further updates at co-group and assembly meetings.
7 Planning stages summer festival Saturday 16 June (to be held at the green squares between Brownhill Road and Ringstead Road
  • Budget
The total budget for the festival stands at £1,700. £992.25 has been committed to date which includes the hire of 2 marquess, printing costs and steel pans.
The decision taken to hold the Saturday meeting at the Civic Suite resulted in a budget reduction of £400. The total balance available was £407.75.
The meeting identified savings by not providing sandwiches at the festival. This will result in a saving of £200.00.
It was also agreed not to provide home made cakes due to health and safety concerns. This service will be offered to local shops in Rushey Green that sell cakes to the public
  • Report back on actions from previous meeting
Mark Davis has been advised of decision that his services will not be required at this years festival
There has been no response XLP community bus. It is understood that they do not provide a Saturday service
The town hall have confirmed arrangements for a box in the foyer area (outside Room 6) for collecting items which can be put into the raffle/tombola
There is still no word from the HolbeachPrimary School concerning their involvement at the festival
There has been a positive response from the raffle/ tombola. Items collected include £100 bar tab, meals for 2 courtesy of the Sanctuary and Van-Lauren Welds Ltd .
Tristan was not present to provide feedback
Appetito are happy to support the event. There has been a positive response from a number of local businesses visited.
Positive Ageing Council will coordinate activities relating to the raffle/tombola. Room 6 in the town hall has been booked on Friday 15 June for collating raffle tickets
  • How is the festival looking, what needs to be done over the next 2 weeks and who does what?
John reported that preparations are well advanced for the festival. The stallholders have confirmed their attendance at the event and 2 marquees will be provided (one on each square). A draft agenda has been prepared and circulated to all those involved.
It was agreed that 2 banners are clearly displayed (one on each square) to maximise publicity on the day. James suggested that we might utilise the services of Blinky Media.
Cllr Muldoon asked if risk assessments have been completed, John said that he was in the process of compiling risk assessments for the event.
  • Publicity
John circulated the poster at the meeting. The wording and format of the document was revised and Nalina agreed to produce a draft copy (with the changes) in partnership with Malido Ltd. This will then be circulated to everyone for comments / John to contact Greggs
Peggy to contact Hurst bakers
Tessa to contact Oscars
Helen to investigate
John to complete and circulate
Nalina to forward copy to John via e-mail
8Date of next meeting and AOB
It was agreed that a debrief meeting will take place shortly after the summer festival. This is likely to be either late June or early July 2012.
There being no other business the meeting was concluded at 8:10pm. No declarations of interest were made at this meeting.