Mrs. Bonner’s Weekly Newsletter

October 26, 2015

Hello Parents,

What an eventful week last week was. The students really enjoyed the Fall Festival and visiting the pumpkin patch. We have a pretty regularweek scheduled. Weekly tests will be on Friday. Continue to help you child read their weekly story and AR books. Also check out the “Teacher Tips” section on the homework sheet. This will give you some ideas on what to go over with your child to help them prepare for their tests on Friday.

I know the homework is a bit different now, but it is all things the kids should be able to do. The homework sheet is clearly labeled as to what part needs to be done each night. Remember to do each night’s homework and return it to school the following day. We have also added AR books to the nightly homework. When a student’s sheet has been checked three times, they will be allowed to take an AR test on the computer at school. Remember the more the student reads the books, the better their score will be on their test.

There will be a peprally Friday. Please send extra money if you would like your child to buy tattoos or other spirit items. The canned food drive will end Friday. Please send nonperishable food items to the school to go toward this worth cause. We will also be having our class Halloween part on Friday, Oct. 30th. Please send $1.00 to cover the cost of food and drink for your child. Students who do not send $1.00 will not be allowed to participate in the party.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child or recent events taking place at school, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs. Bonner Phone: 601-735-2205 email:

School News
-Please turn in two current proofs of residency.
-Activity fee is due by October 31st ($12)
-PTO fee is $5 per family.
-Collect box tops.
-Canned food drive will end Oct. 30th.
-K-2 students bring treats for Fall Festival concession. / Class News
-Check your child’s folder nightly for homework and notes from the teacher and/or school office.
-Read weekly story with your child every night.
-Practice letters and sounds with your child.
-Practice identifying and counting numbers 1-30 with your child.
-Halloween party 10/30/15. Each child should send $1 / Weekly Skills
ELA: - initial /i/ sound, /i/ spelled with Ii
- Letter recognition Aa-Zz focusing on Ii
-adjectives for opposites
- writing words with Ii andspelling words
- sight words: for he
Math: Shapes