Knockengorroch World Ceilidh Thursday 25 May – Sunday 28 May 2017
Performers information

We are delighted you are able to come and help us make this festival happen. Thank you for being part of it!

The earlier you can send us information and images about your act the better the publicity we are able to offer. If you have any releases or special events that you want us to mention just let us know or post a link on our facebook page and we will share it.

Likewise we would ask whether you could shout about the gig at Knockengorroch World Ceilidh festival. Add us to your website and other online platforms. Please like our facebook page, attend the event and tag us on facebook and twitter for posts that you do about the event. Creating a mutual buzz helps us both!


We need the following information from you as soon as possible and at the very latest by Friday 31 March.Best is to use the online form.

  • Artist name. Please make sure this is exactly how you want to be billed on our website, in any press releases, on posters/flyers and in our programme:
  • The full names of all band members so that we ensure they each have a pass:
  • The best contact name, email and phone number for your act:
  • If you have not done so already, please provide a brief biography up to 100 words of your act that we can use for promotion on the website, in any press releases and in the festival programme:
  • Please send us some up to date high resolution images that we have permission to use in print and on the web.
  • Please send us your full stage set up and technical specifications
  • If anyone is playing in another band, please let us know here:
  • Please let us know how many vehicles you need to bring and weight if they are bigger than a car

Please complete this information by FRIDAY 31 MARCH 2017.

General information

We will send you a code to use to obtain your passes through our ticket service provider Skiddle. You will be allocated a festival pass for each person in each act. Due to the intimate size of the festival site and the high proportion of acts playing, I’m afraid we cannot offer guest passes. Please complete the form above to ensure no complications at artist check in.
ARRIVING at the World Ceilidh Festival
Please aim to arrive on site at least 3 hours prior to your slot to allow enough time to check in and get sorted for line-check.
Once you arrive on the site please go directly to the festival HQ/office to check-in. We will confirm your performance time and show you to your stage.
Please be at the correct stage 1 hour before your slot with your equipment for line-check. If you are late for line-check this will eat into your set time.
We have a short-term equipment store for use if you wish prior to your slot, but we recommend you keep your equipment locked in your vehicle when possible.
Full details on the best way to get there by road or public transport is on our website.
All artists will be allocated free vehicle parking for the event. But please only bring essential vehicles on site and vehicle share as much as possible. If we feel there are too many vehicles per band size, we may have to charge for some of them as we are a small site and do have limited capacity. Thankyou

We will be providing on each stage standard backline inclusive of drum-kit, bass amp, guitar amp, microphones etc. Please note: drummers performing in the Shieling must bring their own breakables and all drummers are encouraged to bring their own snares and cymbals. All other instruments are to be provided by the performer.
Please make sure you send us your tech spec and stage plan along with this form if you have not already done so.
Unless otherwise agreed, accommodation is camping. There will be a designated artists camping area if you wish to use it. There are B&Bs in neighbouring villages, please check tourist information if you are interested in these.
We expect all artists to have their own insurance for equipment.

Please bring warm and waterproof clothes and footwear. Be prepared for a weekend in the Scottish hills!
Any questions/issue please email or phone Katch or Liz on 07872 964 986 or 01644 460 662