Call for Proposals Spring 2018AYURE

Due by Tuesday, November 28, 2017

SUNY New Paltz

Academic Year Undergraduate Research Experience

In an effort to encourage and support the connections between undergraduate student learning and faculty scholarship, the Office of Academic Affairs provides support for faculty-mentored student scholarship through the Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Program. Support will be provided for activities that create new knowledge or works in ways commensurate with practices in the discipline. The expectation of this program is to further the educational experience and intellectual development of our students through active participation in their field of study. This program is open to all full-time faculty wishing to mentor students on projects that enable the student to achieve beyond that which is possible in the classroom.

Faculty mentors will direct and provide guidance to participating students as they work on a specific project (which may be a particular aspect of the faculty’s research program) during the course of a semester. Each student will meet weekly (minimum) with their faculty mentor to discuss progress and problems that may arise during the semester. This interaction will allow students the opportunity to gain experience in communicating their plans and questions associated with their project.

Support Available

As appropriate, each project will be funded with up to $750 (including delivery fees) to carry out the project. Please note that RSCA does not provide salary for the students. The RSCA program cannot fund student travel, participant payment, and some other activities. Students may instead seek funds from the Student Association ( The SA’s program can fund student data collection activities such as reimbursement for travel to research sites and participant payments that are not eligible for funding through AYURE. As always, RSCA funds may be used to reimburse faculty travel to research sites with the student. At this point, students may receive funding from RSCA and SA at the same time (as long as the total budget of both proposals does not exceed $750).

Please know that there are specific limitations to how we may use state funds in support of student research. In some cases (student travel to research sites, participant payments, etc.), you may need to apply for funds from SA (

AYURE students may also apply for the Undergraduate Research Experience Travel Award (URETA)(currently up to $750, but subject to change) to present the results of their work at an appropriate and recognized professional regional or national conference. There is a separate application for conference travel (see the application and deadlines at: funding will preferentially be available to students in the semesters subsequent to that in which academic year funding was received for the project.The faculty mentor may also apply for funding (currently up to $500, but subject to change) to support travel to the conference with the student. Students who have not been awarded AYURE or SURE funding may apply for the Student Travel Award (STA, see the web site above). Travel awards include poster printing.


Students who participate should generally be concurrently registered for a 3-credit independent study or research experience type course. Therefore, the student should be expected to work ~12 hours/week on the project.

Each student will be expected to present the results of their work at the Student Research Symposium (SRS) during the current semester (for spring semester funding) or the subsequent semester (for fall semester funding). Information about SRS can be found at the RSCA-SRS web site


Submission of Proposals for Spring 2018funding

Proposals are due by11/28/17 and should be sent to . Proposals will be collected by 9am the next day. Late proposals (within 3 days of the deadline) will be accepted in the case of extenuating circumstances, but priority will be given to the proposals that are submitted on time. You must use the current application. No revised submissions will be considered after the deadline. Only electronic submissions will be considered. Award announcements will be made on or about Dec. 14th.

Proposal Format

Prepare proposals in a format that can be converted to a .pdf document (no more than 4 pages total). Proposals submitted in any other format may not be readable and may not be considered.

The cover sheet and detailed proposal questions can be foundin the call for proposals at (once we gain access to the web site): Briefly, the proposal should contain:

1) Page 1: Cover sheet with preliminary supply budget not to exceed $750 (including delivery charges). A budget totaling $0 is acceptable. We can fund supplies, book, services, software, hardware and other similar items. Conference travel (incl. poster printing) is a separate application (URETA).

2) Pages 2-4: Project description. This section is to be prepared by the faculty mentor and accessible to all members of the RSCA Advisory Board. Please leave the questions in the text of your proposal.

3) Page 4: Student statement. The student should independently explain their anticipated role in the project, related experience, career goals and their intention to participate in the SRS or other appropriate venue for presentation of the work in progress or final product. This section is to be prepared by the student and the questions should be included in the text of the proposal.*If more than one student will work in the project, each student should submit a separate and independently prepared statement (maximum proposal length is increased by one page for each additional student). The division of workload should be indicated.

Mentors may submit more than one proposal for working with different students on different projects. Each proposal should be distinct (should not be a replicate of another proposal with only minor changes).

Please name the document using the following format: AY, semester initial (f or s), yy, first 6 letters of mentor last name, first 6 letters of student last name. For instance, if you are applying in the spring 2012 semester, the document would be named: AYS12facultystudent.pdf. The proposal should be no more than 4 pages. Thanks for your attention to these details. Please contact the RSCA Director (Maureen Morrow, X3776, ) with any questions.

Please e-mail proposals by 9:00amNov. 29,2017 to:

Please use S18AYURE in the subject line.

Only electronic submissions FROM THE FACULTY MENTOR will be considered.

Proposal Evaluation

The proposals will be reviewed by the Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Advisory Board using the criteria in the proposal evaluation sheet at


Spring2018Academic Year Undergraduate Research Experience Application Page 1

The application is to be submitted electronically in the .pdf format

4 pages maximum, 11pt font minimum.

Principal Investigator



Preferred pronoun:


Student Investigator


Major/ minor:

Expected graduation date and degree:

Preferred pronoun:


Does this work involve human subjects?

If yes, has the HREB been notified or has the project been approved?

Does this work involve recombinant DNA?

If yes, has the IBC been notified?

Does this work involve non-human vertebrates?

Acronym definitions (if not provided in the text of the proposal):

Budget (cannot exceed $750 including delivery fees)

Please provide a preliminary list of items and associated costs. Items may be categorized if you have a long list of items:

Budget total:

Does the requested budget cover all expenses related to the proposed work?

If not, explain the sources of funding that will be used.

Pages 2-3: Brief Description of Proposed Research, prepared by faculty mentor (no less that 11pt font, .pdf format)

I accept responsibility for the conduct of this project and assure that the information in this application is correct. Indicate your agreement with this statement with an 'X'.

Question 1: Please provide a short title for the proposed project (less than 70 characters with spaces).If you would like to include a long and short title, you may, but we need a short title for our records.

Question 2: Provide a BRIEF review of the literature (citations not required- don’t skip a clear explanation for citations) or previous work, appropriate for the diverse members of the RSCA advisory board, to provide the background information that led you to the proposed project.

Question 3: State the purpose of the overall research or creative project. Include the major hypotheses, research question(s) and/or the aims of your project.

Question 4: State the methodology to be employed for the project (include number of trials/samples/subjects/etc., as appropriate). Explain the role of the student in the overall project as it will apply to the semester's work and the student's qualifications. Please indicate if the project is likely to continue past the award period.

Question 5: Provide a brief description of the role of the requested budget items in the project. The RSCA Advisory Board may choose to partially fund a project if requested items do not clearly support the project goal.

Question 6: State the expected outcomes of the project with regard to the advancement of knowledge in the field or the progress toward new creative works. The outcomes should be described in the context of the current state of the field of study.

Question 7: Explain how this project provides a learning experience not available in the classroom/ regular programmatic activities/ major requirements.

Question 8: Describe how the faculty mentor will guide the student. Inclusion of the arrangements for regular, in-person meetings is necessary but not sufficient. Mentoring plans to address safety issues (laboratory, studio, field, travel, etc.) or ethical issues must be included, as appropriate.

Question 9: (if applicable, include additional pages if needed) Provide a summary of the work accomplished with previous (past 3 years) SURE or AYURE funding, including funded work that does not directly related to the proposed project. Information on the post-graduation placement of former AYURE and SURE students will be appreciated.

Page 4: Student's statement (no more than one page, no supplementary information, may not be cut and pasted from the mentors section)

I accept responsibility for the conduct of this project and assure that the information in this application is correct. Indicate your agreement with this statement with an 'X'.

Question 1: State your role in achieving the goal(s) of proposed project.

Question 2: State the specific methodology you will employ in carrying out the proposed project

Question 3: Provide a description of your qualifications to participate in the proposed project.

Question 4: Describe your plans to meet with your mentor in person for guidance.

Question 5: Describe the expected outcome/ product of your work.

Question 6: Describe your plans after graduation and how your involvement in the proposed work relates to these goals.

Question 7: Describe your plans for presenting the results of your research (e.g. the Student Research Symposium).