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A Parish Council Meeting was held on Monday 20th November 2006 at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall.

1. Members present: Mr. Waterfall (Chairman)

Mrs. Neaverson (Vice-Chairman)

Mr. Blythe, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Langton, Dr. Lowe

Also present: Mr. Hankin, Director of Charnwood’s Development Control, P.C. Rhodes,

Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, residents

In attendance: Mrs. Knott, Clerk of the Council

2. Apologies: Mr. Attridge PC, Mrs. McMorran NW Cascade Manager, Mr. Snartt BC, CC.

The Clerk introduced Mr. Hankin to the meeting. The Chairman welcomed him.

3. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23.10.06 were confirmed and signed.

4. Declarations of interest Parish Council Chairman Mr. Waterfall is a member of the Village Hall Committee.

5. Police Matters and Neighbourhood Watch

P.C. Rhodes’ report was received and will remain on file. Details will be published in the Village Magazine. The Beat Vehicle will be at Bradgate Park car park on Sunday 10th December, when the public can ask questions between 10 am and 12 noon. A Parish Councillor raised her concern over the dangerous bend near the Park entrance at Hallgates. P.C. Rhodes suggested that this should be taken up with Highways. The Clerk read out a warning regarding a mobile phone scam. This will also be mentioned in the next Village Magazine. The Chairman thanked P.C. Rhodes.

Talk by Mr. David Hankin

The Chairman again welcomed David Hankin, Director of Charnwood Borough Council’s Development Control. The following is a précis of what Mr. Hankin talked about. Mr. Hankin had been invited to elaborate on the meaning and effect of sustainability in relation to planning applications. He briefly described the different Plans and Documents governing decisions on planning, i.e. the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Structure Plan, the Charnwood Local Plan, and latterly the Local Development Framework, as well as a variety of Government Planning Rules and Regulations. Largely, these are being phased out and replaced by the Regional Plan proposed by the Regional Assembly, which covers Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Northamptonshire. With advice from the Leicestershire County Council, the Regional Assembly will initiate the future of housing, economy and employment, environment, energy, waste and transport. As there will be a requirement for many more houses in the region, the Parish Councillors expressed their concern as to how the Plan would affect Newtown Linford. Mr. Hankin said that as we are not a ‘service area’, we should not expect to have more development. However, the area East of Thurmaston and Loughborough will each have to provide an additional 4875 dwellings, a total of 9750. In order to be ‘sustainable’, these new communities must be able to incorporate at least 3 of the 9 essential facilities, e.g. school, public house, surgery, shop etc. If they are not already in existence, the developer will have to provide them. A further requirement for sustainability is provision of adequate public transport. Where this is inadequate, some recent applications for new dwellings in an existing community have been refused, as permission would mean adding more cars onto the roads. Asked about the continued validity of existing limits of development within the Parish, he considered them secure at the moment, but could not rule out a review in the future. He firmly refuted the accusation that the Planning Department ignored requests, comments and advice made by the Parish Council on proposed planning applications. He said that aims for quality of design were shared by Charnwood Borough Council. Parish Councillors commented that, looking at Johnscliffe Close and Stamford Rise, Charnwood’s aims and the Parish Council’s are obviously not the same! Mr. Hankin made a note of our concerns. On the subject of Concessionary Fares, also in his domain, he said that there are a number of reasons why Charnwood had not signed up with the County Council (unlike five other districts). He was unable to say whether or not Charnwood would provide concessionary fares.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Hankin for making time to attend our meeting. A resident’s request for work on Markfield Lane will be acted upon. All residents left after being thanked by the Chairman.

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6. Playing Field

Mrs. Green will be showing the RSS plan to the P.T.A., who will, it is hoped, be able to raise £1000 towards the cost of the playing field refurbishment. Other tendering companies to be informed that they were not successful. The Playground inspector’s report was noted. Action will be taken where necessary. Two tenders for tree work have been received. Wording on new signs being considered with advice contained in the RoSPA report.

7.Planning issues

The Parish Councillors had No Objection to the following, (but Councillors’ opinions were expressed): erection of single storey extension to side and dormer extension to front at 406 Bradgate Road; topping of 1 leylandii and removal of 1 juniper tree at 15 Grey Crescent; raising of ridge line and installation of 3 dormer windows to front and 1 rooflight and dormer window to front at 164 Ulverscroft Lane; extension to side of garage at 181 Ulverscroft Lane; Planning Permission was given by Charnwood for first floor balcony at rear of 17 Ulverscroft Lane; removal of lower branches of Norway spruce at 68 Main Street. Further clarification required on how Parish Council is consulted on tree work.

8. Village Design Statement

Mrs. Knott reported that the Draft Statement had been forwarded to Mark Fennell and Martin Tincknell, the Conservation Officers at Charnwood. Comments are awaited.

9. Village Magazine and Village Website Nothing to report.

10. Village Hall

Everard Brewery Ltd., has agreed to the proposed rent of £750 for the next 6 years. Letter of thanks to go to Mr. Green for his help.

11, Highways, footpaths, traffic

Mrs. Raynor (a resident), the Chairman, the Clerk and Mr. Snartt met members of the Woodhouse Eaves Traffic group to see the portable, illuminated speed indicator in action. It is a very effective way to slow traffic. Without fail, even drivers who were not exceeding the speed limit, slowed down when they noticed the sign. It was agreed that Woodhouse Eaves Parish Council would rent out the device to this Parish Council, at a reasonable rate, in order to test it in Newtown Linford.

12. Churchyard and Cemetery

Clerk to remind Mr. Allen to deal with moles in the cemetery. Plants have been cut back in the churchyard by Mees. The Vice-Chairman has volunteered to deal with the moss. Philip Maye’s tree plaque will be dealt with by Mr. Dakin. New floodlights have been chosen by DCC.

13. Bradgate Park Nothing to report.

14. Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports

Reports were received from Mr. Blythe, who had attended a Landfill Site committee meeting, from the Chairman and Dr. Lowe, who had attended a Police/Parish Councils Liaison meeting, and another one from Dr. Lowe, who had attended a Conservation Forum. It was agreed that contact numbers for the Police, and P.C. Rhodes’ personal identification number should be permanently quoted in the Village Magazine. Clerk to inform Mrs. Heubeck.

15.Correspondence Dealt with either under appropriate headings, or to be dealt with by the Clerk.

16. Finance a) The up-to-date statement of account balances was noted.

b) The following accounts were authorised for payment:

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Peter Haddon Repairing and making safe litterbins £57.24

Cheque 001414

Brian Mee Associates Cemetery/churchyard maintenance £644.96

Cheque 001415

Viking Direct Office requirements £124.44

Cheque 001416

LAPLC Parish Clerks Workshop £15.00

Cheque 001417

17.Village Matters

Clerk to deal with light at 237 Markfield Lane, further areas to be included in cleansing,

debris removal in front of garages behind Grey Crescent, flooding outside Post Office.

It was agreed that a Christmas tree should be erected in the School yard as usual, so long as the person

erecting it, and the electrician fixing the lights are aware of the latest regulations.

18. Dates of next 3 meetings:

Monday 18.12.06 at 7 p.m.


Monday 15.01.07

Tuesday 20.02.07

