2016-2017 Data Reporting Timeline

Date / Event / Person
Responsible / Description / Applicable to:
September/October /
  • Start monthly uploads of Student Demographic & Student Enrollment
/ Start monthly loading Enrollment and Demographic data when Level 0 opens. / Public School Districts, nonpublic schools
October 2016 /
  • 2016-2017 Staff Snapshot
  • ePMF Data Collection Begins
/ Staff Snapshot needs to be loaded into Level 0. Teachers need to go into TAA system, add assignment, and verify data. (SIRS 320) / Public School Districts, Charter Schools
November 18, 2016 /
  • 2015-2016 Staff Evaluation Data Due
/ Staff Evaluation data is locked in L2RPT. (SIRS 325) / Public School Districts, Charter Schools
December 2, 2016 /
  • 2015-2016 Staff Evaluation Certification Form Due
/ This form can be accessed and must be submitted via SED Monitoring in NYSED’s Application Business Portal at portal.nysed.gov / Public School Districts, Charter Schools
December 2016 /
  • 2016-2017 Staff Assignment
/ Start loading Staff Assignment into Level 0. NYSED is collecting non-teaching professional assignment data for PMF purposes. (SIRS 318) / Public School Districts, Charter Schools
  • 2016-2017 Staff-Student-Course
/ Start loading Staff-Student-Course data into Level 0. / Public School Districts, nonpublic schools
January 6, 2017 /
  • 2016-17 BEDS Day Enrollment Data Extract
/ Counts of UPK student collected
Enrollment by grade, district of residence, district Pre-K, and supplement enrollment counts are collected for preliminary State Aid allocation and submitted to USED / Public School Districts, Charter Schools
January 9, 2017 /
  • 2016-17 Data Certification of Special Ed Data Elements VR 1-9 through PD Data System
/ Districts and nonpublic schools are required to certify data as Accurate or Not Accurate. Status will be defaulted to Not Accurate in the PD system for entities that do not certify. / Public School Districts, nonpublic schools
  • Certify PD Data: VR 1-6 & 8
/ These data are populated from SIRS and certified in the PD Data System / Public School Districts
Date / Event / Person
Responsible / Description / Applicable to:
February 1, 2017 /
  • PD Data: PD 6
/ PD 6 Personnel Form is entered directly into PD Data System / Public School Districts
February 24, 2017 /
  • ePMF Teaching Data Due
/ This is the deadline for teachers to submit data into their ePMF forms in TAA. ePMF forms will be locked for teachers.
Administrators will still have access until 11:59 PM on March 3, 2017 to make changes and certify data in TAA. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
March 3, 2017 /
  • ePMF Teaching Data Certification due
/ Login into with SEDDA credentials to certify. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
  • SIRS Non-Teaching Data due
/ All non-teaching professional staff data due from Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment for PMF purposes. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
March 24, 2017 /
  • 2016–17 BEDS Day Enrollment Data Extract
/ Enrollment by grade, district of residence, district Pre-K, and supplemental enrollment counts are collected for the purpose of calculating preliminary State Aid allocations. / Public School Districts, Charter Schools
  • 2016–17BEDS Day FRPL Data Extract
/ Used for calculating preliminary State Aid allocations. Also reported to USED via EDFacts. All entities need to show FRPL counts in the March snapshot in order to be included in the FRPL data submitted to USED. / Public School Districts, Charter Schools
March/April 2017 /
  • 2016–17 BEDS Day ELL Counts Data Extract
/ Reported to USED via EDFacts. Supplies part of the Title III Biennial Evaluation Report. All entities with ELL enrollment need to report these students in SIRS with the appropriate ELL/LEP Eligible program service code in the March/April BEDS Day Enrollment snapshot in order to be included in the ELL data file submitted to USED. / Public School Districts, Charter Schools
April 2017 /
  • Have teachers start reviewing their TSDL data in TAA
/ TSDL is populated from Staff Snapshot and Staff-Student-Course templates. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
Date / Event / Person
Responsible / Description / Applicable to:
May 2017 /
  • ePMF Teaching Data Out of Certification Reports Generated
/ The ePMF in TAA will be unlocked for administrator review/corrections
Processing will be based on ePMF teacher submitted forms. Reports will be posted to the NYSED Business Portal for school district, BOCES, and charter school review. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
May TBD, 2017 /
  • Final Out of Certification Reports Generated
/ Reports will be posted to the NYSED Business Portal for review. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
May 26, 2017 /
  • Course Instructor Assignment and Student Class Entry Exit Data Due
/ These data will not be certified in 2016-2017 but must be complete for a comparison with ePMF data that is slated to be eliminated in 2017-2018. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
May 31, 2017 /
  • PD Data: SR4 and SRS Data due
/ These data are entered directly into the PD Data System under Self Review Checklists / Public School Districts
June 2, 2017 /
  • 2016-2017
    Staff Assignment (Principals only) Data Due
/ This data will be used for Principal State-provided growth score calculation purposes. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
  • 2016-2017 Staff-Student-Course (TSDL) records) Data Due
/ This data will be used for the Teacher State-provided growth score calculation purposes. Only grades 3-8 Math/ELA & Math Regents courses. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
June 9, 2017 /
  • Staff-Student-Course & Staff Assignment Data Certification Due
/ Certification can be accessed through the NYSED Business Portal. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
June 30, 2017 /
  • ePMF Application Closes
/ ePMF forms must be corrected and certified in TAA. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
July 7, 2017 /
  • 2016-17 Regents Exam Scores Data Extract
/ 2016–17 scores for Regents exams (including June 2016 records) and approved alternatives to Regents exams to be used in principal evaluation growth score calculations. / Public School Districts and Charter Schools
August 4, 2017 /
  • PD Data: PD 8
/ These forms are entered directly into the PD Data System / Public School Districts
Date / Event / Person
Responsible / Description / Applicable to:
August 11, 2017 /
  • 2016-17 Special Education Data Elements: VR13, VR15, and VR16 through PD Data System
/ These data are populated in SIRS and are certified in the PD Data System / Public School Districts
  • All Final 2016-2017 SIRS EOY Data Due
/ Used for federal and State reporting purposes, for State Aid allocations, and to make accountability status determinations. / Public School Districts, Charter Schools, BOCES , Nonpublic Schools
  • 2016-2017 Staff Tenure (SIRS 322) Data Due 2016-2017
  • Staff Attendance Data Due
/ For a complete list of Tenure Codes (see SIRS Manual).
As part of End of Year SIRS Collection. For a complete list of Staff
Attendance Codes (see SIRS Manual). / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
August 14, 2017 /
  • Certification of 2016-17 Special Education Data Elements: VR13, VR15, and VR16 through PD Data System
/ These data are populated in SIRS and are certified in the PD Data System / Public School Districts
August 18, 2017 /
  • 2016-2017 SIRS EOY Data Certification Due
/ Certify the accuracy of 2016-2017 SIRS data. / Public School Districts, Charter Schools (all reports); BOCES; Nonpublic Schools
  • 2016-2017 Staff Tenure (SIRS 322) Certification
  • 2016-2017 Staff Attendance Certification
/ Certify the accuracy of the data submitted as of the end of year reporting deadline in the NYSED Business Portal.
This will be certified on the SIRS End of Year (EOY) Certification form. / Public School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools
August 25, 2017 /
  • Start of collection for 2016-2017 Staff Evaluation Scores and Ratings
/ Evaluation Composite Ratings, Category Ratings, and Subcomponent Scores and Ratings for districts implementing an APPR plan under Education Law 3012-d.
Eligibility for 2017-18. State Aid is dependent upon submission of Staff Evaluation data for school districts only / Public School Districts, Charter Schools, BOCES
Date / Event / Person
Responsible / Description / Applicable to:
August 31, 2017 /
  • PD Data: SR 13
/ These data are entered directly into the PD Data System under Self Review Checklists / Public School Districts
September 22, 2017 /
  • PD Data: 2016-17 Special Education Data Elements: VR 11-12 and VR 14 through PD Data System due
/ These data are populated from SIRS and are certified in the PD Data System / Public School Districts
September 25, 2017 /
  • PD Data: Certification due for 2016-17 Special Education Data Elements: VR 11-12 and VR 14 through PD Data System
/ These data are populated from SIRS and are certified in the PD Data System / Public School Districts
October 13, 2017 /
  • PD Data: SR 9, SR 10A, and SR 10B data due
/ These data are entered directly into the PD Data System under Self Review Checklists / Public School Districts
October 27, 2017 /
  • 2016-2017 Staff Evaluation Scores and Ratings Data Due
/ 2016-17 Staff Evaluation scores and ratings to fulfill data reporting requirements under Education Law 3012- d. Eligibility for 2017-18 State Aid is dependent upon submission of Staff Evaluation data for school districts only.
Further info will be available in the fall of 2017. / Public School Districts, Charter Schools, BOCES
November 3, 2017 /
  • 2016-2017 Statement of Confirmation of Staff Evaluation Rating Verification Report Due
/ This form can be accessed and must be submitted via SED Monitoring in NYSED’s Application Business Portal at portal.nysed.gov
CEOs must un-submit ePMF forms and then recertify in TAA, if corrections were made as a result of the Out of Certification report. / Public School Districts, Charter Schools, BOCES
November 2017 /
  • August 2017 Graduates for 2016-17Cohort Graduation Rate Data Release
/ Submission of August 2017 diplomas for students in the 2011 and 2012 total cohorts for reporting 2011 and 2012 total cohort graduates as of August 31, 2016 for the 2015–16 graduation rate release. / Public School Districts