Scandinavian Green Roof Prize

Project nomination template

Project name / Add the name of the building
Completion Date / The year of inauguration of the roof/building
Owner / Name of building owner
Contractor / Name of Contractor
Location / Address, City, and Country
Development type / Private, Public, Mixed use Development
Type / ·  Extensive, Intensive or Semi- Intensive
·  Vegetation and growing medium and depth
System / Module, Mats, …
Size / m2
Slope / o
Supporting city planning / Climate Adaption Plan, Green roof policy, GAP
Architect / Name of Architect and Landscape architect
Civil Engineer / Name of Civil Engineer
Roofing Contractor / Name of Roofing Contractor
Total cost of green roof
Description of the project / Max 500 words
·  Main purpose:
o  Biodiversity: The variety of plants species and animals, and specific design for habitat replication.
o  Water: How the green roof utilizes rainwater and / or been part of the strategy for climate change adaptation.
o  Recreational value: To which extent the green roof offers recreational values.
o  Sustainability: Material selection that supports circular economy and does not include materials with an heavy environmental impact.
·  Spectacular and innovative design, and / or multi-functional design concepts.
·  Accessibility
·  Special experiences and learning value of the project
·  Photos (may be included in the word document – please attach high resolution photos when sending the nomination)
Feedback for the criteria & template / ·  feel free to give us feedback how well the template facilitated communicating the quality of your project

The completed nomination must be sent to within the deadline indicated on the SGIA web site.


·  Biodiversity:The variety of plants species and animals, and specific design for habitat replication.

·  Water:How the green roof utilizes rainwater and / or been part of the strategy for climate change adaptation.

·  Recreational value:To which extent the green roof offers recreational values.

·  Sustainability:Material selection that supports circular economy and does not include materials with a heavy environmental impact.

·  Spectacular and innovativedesign, and / or multi-functional design concepts.