Make A Dream Distribution Release Secrets To Better Golf DVD Training Course To Help Every Learning Style

People learn new skills and acquire new information, such as how to play golf or improve your golf, in a variety of ways. These are called learning styles. Make A Dream Distribution have created the Secrets To Better Golf training course to take account of each learning style so that learning and acquiring new golf skills is so easy to do, no matter what someone's learning style may be.

People learn new skills and acquire new information, such as how to play golf or improve your golf, in a variety of ways. These are called learning styles. Make A Dream Distribution have created the Secrets To Better Golf training course to take account of each learning style so that learning and acquiring new golf skills is so easy to do, no matter what someone's learning style may be.

Learning Styles

There are many web sites dedicated to answering this question; here is a brief summary. Basically, there are three types: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic/Tactile learning styles.

Visual Learners

As the name suggests, these learners learn best when they can see the golf coach’s body language and facial expression, in order to fully take in what the Golf Pro is telling them. They learn best from diagrams, illustrations, videos, DVDs and illustrated hand-outs. They make their own notes from what they see.

Auditory Learners

Talking and listening are the key factors here. They often find written text to be meaningless unless it is spoken; so reading things aloud helps them to learn, or listening to audio recordings. They take note of the tone of voice, its pitch, pace of speech and other audio cues to understand and learn.

Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners

These learners benefit the most from being there, at the golf course and having one-on-one tuition. They have to touch and be active to learn – there is a need to explore the learning environment physically for it to have any impact on them – they have to move, do, or feel.

There is a fourth style, but actually, it is a composite or a mix of any of the other two or three, to different degrees - and this is the style that most people tend to have.

The solution, then, is to learn from a mix of sources, to satisfy each learning style and get the maximum out of time set aside for golf training and practice.

Make A Dream Distribution have today released their new golf training course, Secrets To Better Golf, which takes a learner-centred approach in that all learning styles have been taken into account in its preparation.

Secrets To Better Golf ( is a 4 Dvd set that covers all the main aspects of the game of golf, with a PGA Professional giving an excellent visual display and talking through every shot and tip that he gives. If the learner were to follow his lead and practice whilst watching the Dvd, then this training aid certainly addresses each of the above learning styles.

It has the advantage over Youtube inasmuch that the Dvd has far superior video quality and can be played on a big screen TV with better sound than you are likely to get from a computer. Yes, Youtube is free and has a lot of “snippets”, information and tips, but sometimes, vital elements are missed out (sometimes on purpose) to encourage the learner to buy the full product, or have to go search elsewhere for the information they want. The advantage of owning a set of Golf Training Dvds is that they can be watched at any time, without having to go on the internet. Comparatively, Training Dvds are more cost-effective than single lessons because of the simple truth that learners do not take in 100% of the information from a live lesson. It’s necessary to repeat the lesson several times in order to get the maximum benefit. For many learners, it is better for them to take notes – so, pausing the Dvd and rewinding to play again has a much greater appeal, than simply taking a single lesson.

Articles are fine, but, for auditory learners, they are of little value unless read aloud. Audio interviews and transcripts are a good combination, exactly for this reason. As part of the training package they created, Secrets To Better Golf at have added bonuses that include an interview with a golf professional together with a transcript of the interview.

Of course, nothing can compare to actually playing golf in real life, but, if someone wants to be best prepared for the challenges of the course, improve their golf technique and learn from the professionals, then they will have to go a long way to find as complete a training package as put together by Make A Dream Distribution and can be found at They completely understand how a learner actually learns to play golf. They understand all about individual learning styles.

Go to the above link to download your free copy of “Understand Your Learning Style”