Results for 4 points
Treasure Hunt /

1.  Which modules will you practice in this book? Circle the correct answer.


2.  The article on page 113 is about a girl who was ______, but went to ______.

3.  What is a "cyborg", according to the article on page 88? (paragraph 1)


4.  Which short story is about a relative? ______

(Hint: Table of Contents)

5.  Read the text on page 55, lines 15-19. What did a burglar leave behind besides fingerprints? ______

This text is a:

a. movie review b. magazine article c. book review

6.  Find Tammy’s advice column in Unit 2. What is the Internet address of the largest online

safety organization? ______

7.  The questions after each text will teach you reading comprehension. Look at page 89.

Match the exercise to what you will learn.

A. ____ Distinguishing main and supporting ideas

B. ____ Recognizing tone

C. ____ Identifying the writer’s point of view

D. ____ Guessing meaning from context

E. ____ Distinguishing fact from opinion

8.  Each unit has Word Family charts. Which of the following is not part of the word family?

a. adjective c. pronoun

b. noun d. adverb

9.  In Unit 6, Results in Writing will teach you to …

___ describe a person, place, event ___ write a dialogue ___ write a letter

10.  The Writing Guide will help you … (tick the correct answers)

____ express an opinion ____ send an email message ____ write a description

____ write a review ____ apply for a job

____ write a composition (for and against)

Results for 4 points: Answers

1. C D E

2. homeless / Harvard

3. part human, part machine

4. Hilary’s Aunt

5. entire finger / c. book review

6. www.cyberangels.com

7. A. guessing meaning from context / B. distinguishing fact from opinion /

C. distinguishing main and supporting ideas / D. recognizing tone / E. identifying the

writer’s point of view

8. c. pronoun

9. describe a person, place, event

10. everything except send an email message / apply for a job

Results for 4 points Photocopiable Material