Spanish 1 and 2

Course Summary and Classroom Expectations

Ms. Hunt – Room 204

253-566-5710 ex. 2204

We will be learning the Spanish language, incorporating listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This will be accomplished through many different activities and you can expect to participate in several of following each day:

1.  listening to and repeating words, phrases and sentences

2.  speaking in pairs and small groups

3.  listening to and interacting with native speakers on audio and video

4.  questioning and answering the teacher and other students

5.  listening to music and singing

6.  reading

7.  writing

8.  playing different types of language learning games

9.  learning the culture of Spanish speaking countries


You will learn how to:

1.  Greet people and introduce yourself. 16. Express how often something is done

2.  Use numbers in every day situations 17. Describe what people or things are like

3.  Talk about things related to the calendar. 18. Discuss food, health and exercise choices

4.  Describe weather and the seasons 19. Talk about locations in your community

5.  Talk about activities you like and don’t like to do 20. Discuss leisure activities

6.  Ask others what they like to do 21. Discuss where you go and with whom

7.  Talk about personality traits, ask and tell what people are like 22. Ask questions

8.  Use adjectives to describe people 23. Extend, accept and decline invitations

9.  Talk about school schedules and subjects 24. Tell when an event happens

10.  Discuss what people do during the day 25. Describe families, celebrations and parties

11.  Ask and tell who is doing an action 26. Ask and tell ages

12.  Describe a classroom 27. Express possession

13.  Indicate where things are located 28. Ask politely to have something brought to you

14.  Talk about more than one object or person 29. Order a meal in a restaurant

15.  Talk about foods and beverages, likes and dislikes 30. Describe the clothing you wear.


1.  Be to class on time.

2.  Bring materials to class.

3.  Class participation.

4.  Show respect for yourself and others by refraining from doing anything that interferes with your learning or that of anyone else.

5.  Complete work on time. If you have an excused absence it is your responsibility to get any make up work, quizzes, tests, etc. You will have one week to make up work. Make up work will only be accepted for excused absences

6.  Practice outside of class. Only 15-20 is necessary. Learning a language requires practice EVERY DAY.

7.  Regular attendance.


1.  paper

2.  pen and or pencil

3.  single subject notebook or composition notebook


30% - classwork, homework, notebooks, participation, projects, other activities

70% - assessment

Points will be calculated on a percentage basis: PRIDE

A 93-100% C 73-76 P - PERSEVERENCE

A- 90-92 C- 70-72 R -RESPECT

B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69 I - INTEGRITY

B 83-86 D 63-66 D - DETERMINATION

B- 80-82 D- 60-62 E - EXCELLENCE

C+ 77-79 F 59 and below

Español 1/2: Proficiency Assessment Rubric
Novice Low
(1) / Novice Mid
(2) / Novice High
(3) / Intermediate Low
(4) / USE OF:
-definite and indefinite articles
- adjectives
- subject pronouns
-regular verbs in the present tense
-the verbs ser, estar,ir, jugar, tener,hacer,
ver,poder, decir,
-plurals of nouns and adjectives
-Me gusta(n), me encanta(n)
-asking questions
-Ir + a
-possesive adjectives
- ser vs. estar
What language do I use?
Vocabulary / I can use a small number of repetitive words and phrases for common objects and actions. / I can use a limited number of words and phrases for common objects and actions, but they are repetitive. / I can use familiar words and phrases on familiar tasks, topics, and activities. I can elaborate a little. / I can use a variety of words and phrases on a range of topics. I can begin to give more details and elaborate on a topic.
How do I use language?
Function & Structure / I can use some simple words to provide basic information. / I can use words, phrases and occasional sentences to provide basic information. / I can use phrases and short simple sentences to provide basic information. I can begin to combine words and phrases to create original sentences. / I can use strings of simple sentences to express my thoughts. I can combine words and phrases to create original sentences.
How well am I understood doing the task?
Comprehensibility / I can be understood only with great effort. / I can be understood with difficulty by someone accustomed to a language learner. / I can mostly be understood by someone accustomed to a language learner. / I can be understood by someone accustomed to a language learner.
How well do I use the language?
Language Control / My errors in grammar, word order, word choice, and spelling prevent communication. / My errors in grammar, word order, word choice, and spelling often prevent communication. / My errors in grammar, word order, word choice, and spelling sometimes prevent communication. / My errors in grammar, word order, word choice, and spelling rarely prevent communication.
How much language did I deliver?
Task Completion / I completed little of what I was asked to do. / I completed some of what I was asked to do. / I completed most of what I was asked to do. / I completed almost all of what I was asked to do.

First year goal : Novice High


1.  Be on time

2.  Listen with the intent to understand.

3.  Squared shoulders/Straight Back/Clear eyes

4.  One person speaks and the others listen

5.  If the teacher is not clear, tell her

6.  Only Spanish papers/notebooks/books on desk

7.  Do your 50%


Procedures are a part of life. We follow procedures for using an boarding an airplane, approaching a stoplight, and attending a wedding. The reason we have procedures in life is so that people can function in society knowing the acceptable and efficient ways other people do things.

There are also procedures in this classroom. We do many different types of activities in this class, with many transitions. These procedures establish our classroom culture.

Following these procedures will ensure a safe and productive classroom where all can learn. Be sure to review the procedures regularly to ensure you know them.

1.  Entering the classroom. Enter the class before the bell rings, quietly sit down at your assigned seat check the board for the entry task and/or cuaderno (notebook) and begin working.

2.  When you are tardy. Enter quietly, and place your note in the absent make up work box on the table (if you have one) and go QUIETLY to your seat.

3.  Leaving the classroom. If you need to leave the class (bathroom, nurse, etc.) wait until an appropriate time, (independent student work time), raise your hand and ask for permission.

4.  End-of-period class dismissal. The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell. Students will remain in their seats, on task, until the teacher dismisses the class.

5.  Asking a question. If you have a Spanish curriculum question during the class, please raise your hand and wait quietly to be called on. If you have any other question please wait until an appropriate time (independent student work time), raise your hand, and wait quietly to be called on.

6.  Listening to and responding to questions. When the teacher is asking questions, listen carefully and try your best to answer. Always listen, even if I call on someone else, because the more Spanish you listen to, the more competent in Spanish you become, which results in higher test scores.

7.  When you need a paper or pencil. This should be a rare occurrence as you will bring these materials every day. In case this happens, ask for the materials before class begins.

8.  Sharpening your pencil. Sharpen your pencil before class, or at an appropriate time (during independent student work). If you should need to during a test, quietly raise your hand until you get my attention and I will quietly nod.

9.  Responding to my request for attention. I will say “Atencion, por favor” (attention, please). When you hear these words, stop whatever you are doing, look up and remain quiet.

10.  When you are absent. The day you come back from your absence, come up to the teacher before class and get the make up work. You have one week to complete the work, make an appointment to make up a test or quiz, and hand the assignment in the make up box on the table in the front of the room.

11.  Working in pairs. This will be a common occurrence in this class. You will work with your partner on various speaking and reading tasks, vocabulary cards, or other activities. Work until you hear “atencion, por favor”, look up and remain quiet. You may not have finished the whole task by then, but you will always have gotten some practice.

12.  Working in small group projects/games/activities. Quietly move to assigned group. Stay on task the whole time, doing your part as a member to complete the task.

13.  Moving from task to task in the classroom. If movement from one place to another is required, students will move quickly, without disrupting others to the new place or task, and listen quietly for the next set of instructions.

14.  Using whiteboards. Whiteboards are to be used for practicing Spanish only.

15.  Keeping your notebook (Cuaderno). Each cuaderno entry should be numbered and dated in Spanish. Listen carefully to instructions, and correct any errors afterwards. Cuadernos will collect and graded at the end of each quarter.

16.  Keeping your Calendario. Enter the data each day, and be sure to get the data from a classmate if you were absent. You will answer data question at the end of each month and hand in these questions along with your calendario.

17.  If you need extra help. I am available most days after school. Please let me know when you need help by coming up after class and we will set up a time for you to get help.

18.  Turning in work. Take out work place it on the corner of your desk and wait for instructions

19.  Tests and Quizzes. Do not talk or partake in any other form of communication, sit up with your shoulders square to the front of the room and place the test in front of your body until completed. Quietly walk to the front of the room when completed and place it in the place indicated by the teacher.

20.  Teacher Work Stations. Please do not touch anything on the teacher’s desk or go behind her desk.

21.  Heading class work or homework papers. Your paper should have the following information in the upper right hand corner: example

Spanish first name and regular last name Ana Johnson

Date el 6 de septiembre

Period 3ª

The title of the assignment should be printed on the top of the paper.

22.  Presentations, Lectures, Videos, Audios. When someone is addressing the whole class, your full attention is required. Talking or working on other assignments/tasks is not allowed, unless you are instructed otherwise.

23.  Getting Up During Class. If you need to get up during class (use tissue, throw away trash, etc.) wait until an appropriate time (independent student work time), quietly and quickly compete the task. It is NEVER an appropriate time to do these tasks if anyone (teacher, principal, counselor, student) is addressing the class.

24.  If you disagree with the teacher’s reminder to stay on task and/or stop talking. Reminding students to stay on task is part of my job. You are never in trouble when I remind you to stay on task. You are to stop doing what you were doing and go back to the instructed task. If you disagree with me, expressing your disagreement at the time is being disruptive to the learning process in class. Then you will be warned and if it continues, I will continue with the discipline process. The best time to discuss your disagreement with me is after class, or if that isn’t possible, after school.

25.  What to do if you finish a task earlier than others. You can switch roles and practice more if you are doing partner work, you can spell a Spanish word in Spanish and have your partner guess it, or you can take out your vocabulary words and study them.

26.  Respectful behavior. Students will treat themselves and others with respect, even those whom you do not like. No put downs or inappropriate language will be tolerated.

27.  Cell phones, Ipods, Electronic Devises, Cheating, Plagiarism, Dress Code, Tardies, etc. I will follow the school wide discipline plan for infractions of school rules.