The Dahlicious Dress Up Day primary school presentation
2016 /


To thank the children for taking part in the Dahlicious Dress Up Day

To tell the children about Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity

To help the children understand how they are helping seriously ill children.

To add some marvellous magic to your usual schoolassembly!

SLIDE 1 Welcome to the Dahlicious Dress Up Day

What are you going to tell them about today;

  • A quick message from Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity
  • A few facts about Roald Dahl
  • What Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity is all about
  • How the school is helping seriously ill children brave the unknown.

SLIDE 2Roald Dahl and his stories

Warm up: Hands up if your favourite Roald Dahlstory is… (various Roald Dahl titles e.g. The Big Friendly Giant, Matilda, The Twits, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). Share what your favourite story is and why.

  • Roald Dahl was born in 1916 September 13th
  • He was 6 Foot 5 and ¾ so he was a very tall man. A little like which one of his characters….? (Hands up/questions) Correct answer: the BFG
  • When Roald Dahl was at primary school he used to be a taster for Cadbury’s. He used this experience as inspiration when writing one of his books, I’ll give you a clue, one that’s all about treats and chocolate? (Hands up/questions) Correct answer: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  • He was a fighter pilot during World War II and loved to fly.
  • He always wrote on yellow lined paper and used yellow pencils. He wrote his children’s stories in a yellow hut in his garden. Ask children all together - can you guess what his favourite colour was? Yellow!
  • He was a family man – and had five children and three step-childrenin total. One of his children died and so did one of his step-children, because they fell very ill. This made him determined to help other sick children and their families.
  • In fact did you know if Roald Dahl hadn’t been a writer he would have liked to have been a doctor?Ask a show of hands if anyone who would like to be a doctor or a nurse too? That’s fantastic!
  • Refer to the kindness quote, it’s important to be kind… and Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity was set up in Roald Dahl’s memory to carry on the kindness!

SLIDE 3 Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity

  • Living with a serious illness with lots of hospital trips can be very frightening. The charity exists to help seriously ill children with rare or undiagnosed conditions and their families to brave the unknown.
  • The charity believes that all children are marvellous but sometimes children with serious or rare illnesses don’t think they are. The charity exists to try to change this, to give them the confidence to enjoy a marvellous childhood, and to help their families to see this is possible.
  • The charity helps children from when they are born to their 21st birthday, across the UK.
  • The charity helps seriously ill children in many ways including through Roald Dahl nurses and marvellousfamily grants.

SLIDE 4 Roald Dahl Nurses:

  • The charity creates and funds brand new specialistRoald Dahl nurse roles in hospitals all around the UK. Question – hands up guess how many Roald Dahl nurses you think there are in the UK?
  • There are 54Roald Dahl Nurses all over the UK, including Sian, Kate and Lilly (pictured).
  • Roald Dahl Nurse Lilly helps children like Sam (pictured) who is seven years old and has up to 60 seizures a week, manage his epilepsy, which he was diagnosed with when he was five.

-It was a scary time for Sam and his family as they didn’t know that he had epilepsy to begin with.

-Sam’s mum says that without their Roald Dahl Nurse, the family wouldn’t manage as well as they do. Nurse Lilly provides information and support and uses her special nursing knowledge to help Sam and his family mange his epilepsy.

-Sam is currently building a space station and thoroughly enjoys doing this.

SLIDE 5 Family Grants

The charity also helps families who have a seriously ill child enjoy life together by providing Family Grants. They helpthe whole family including the brothers or sisters of the really ill child. This is because sometimes their mum and dad don’t have time to take them to sports lessons or just to have a fun day out at the park because they have to look after the ill child. The charity also tries to help the ill child have the happiest childhood possible despite their condition and has helped families by:

  • Awarding a Grant for a seriously ill boy to enjoy soft play and meet other children.
  • Awarding a Grant for a young girl with different conditions to enjoy swimming lessons and help her to become more confident.
  • Awarding a Grant for a boy with a serious condition to support family outings which provide fun and relaxation for the whole family.

SLIDE 6Thank You

  • The money you donate on The Dahlicious Dress Up Day helps children like Sam and Aidan (find out about Aidan’s story in our latest film:
  • Have a fantasticDahlicious Dress Up Day filled with lots of mischief and marvellous things.
  • Thank you for helping children around the UK feel better.
  • You are all Marvellous and would like you to say out loud after the count of three “I AM MARVELLOUS” and give yourself a big round of applause!

Ps. that could be your school on the front of this PowerPoint. Don’t forget to send your pictures to us!

For any questions please visit or contact

Registered Charity No: 1137409 Company Limited by Guarantee No: 7340518

Illustrations © Quentin Blake Roald Dahl is a registered trademark of Roald Dahl Nominee Ltd