Design a Solution Pre-Lab Scoring Guide

Stage in Design Process / Description of Expectations / Points
Gather Information / Describe information needed.
In order to do this activity, I will need to know ______.
definitions, relationship & equations / 1
Gather Scientific Information / How to collect that information.
I will collect ______data by
type(s) of data you will collect
process/methods, length of time, number of test groups / 1
Explore Ideas / More than one idea that could solve the problem is described.
One way to solve this problem would be to______.
description of process
Another way to solve this problem would be to______.
a second and different description of process / 1
Explore Scientific Ideas / An idea includes scientific concept(s) for considering the idea.
When solving this problem, one scientific concept that needs to be considered is ______.
science principle, law or theory / 1
Plan Summary / A simple plan summary is given with at least one scientific reason for selecting one of the solutions/materials.
I will ______
brief description of plan you will use from “Explore Ideas”
why you chose this plan based on science principles / 1
Steps to Do the Plan / The steps are clear, logical, and complete.
I will do the following ______steps to complete this plan…
number greater than one / 1
Labeled Diagram of Solution / Alabeled diagram of the solution or steps you chose to solve the problem is given.
If you only do one drawing, be sure to include different labeled stages of your solution. / 2
Test Solution / The test describes at least one measurement or observation that relates to the effectiveness of the solution.
To affectively solve this problem, I will need
to measure ______
measurements taken from tools how often
so that ______calculations can
responding variable
be made. / 2