Blackguard– Adventure Walkthrough
Class and Alignment
This module is designed for evil aligned characters. Lawful evil characters and neutral evil characters are acceptable albeit your natural choice - as a servant of Talos - should be oriented towards a chaotic evil character.
You can choose any class you wish - but you must become a blackguard to complete the module. You must become a blackguard to complete Chapter One and you must gain at least 5 levels as a blackguard to complete Chapter Two.
To qualify as a blackguard your character must have: a base attack bonus +6 or more, at least 5 ranks in the Hide skill, and the Cleave feat.
Level of Play
The module is intended to be played at the hardcore difficulty level.
If your character dies he’s gone forever – respawning is not permitted. So, save a lot!
You can have only one henchman at a time. In Chapter Two there will be a quest linked to each henchman.
Killer Instinct
As a rule, you can kill anyone who doesn’t bear a proper name (i.e. commoners, kids, patrons, guards, soldiers and so on). Mostly, killing someone won’t make their whole faction hostile – unless other factioneers witness the assassination. There are exceptions, though (i.e. Mornbryn’s Shield in Chapter Two).
Usually, killing an innocent will shift your alignment of 5 points towards evil.
Killing someone with a proper name could be a risky business. First, some people are crucial to complete the adventure. Second, a few people simply cannot be killed. Of course, you can kill anyone without qualms if you get the ‘attack’ option during a conversation.
Your adventure begins with a dream. A group of bloodthirsty orcs is busy butchering a bunch of commoners and children for your own enjoyment when a mysterious being comes in, asking why you’ve summoned him. It’s not the first time he visits you in your dreams, though you don’t remember to have ever called for him. The armored-clad being, however, claims he has made his way in dreams for centuries and he never come unsummoned. Anyway, thedreamwalker likes your dreams for they are full of hatred, blood, death anddestruction. He questions, however, if you are up to the task you’ve chosen – destroy the city of Yartar. You reply by swearing the city is doomed. Tymora won’t save its people and they will all pay.
The dreamwalker is not so sure, though. Suddenly, a couple of guards appear to fight and kill the orcs. Such a disturbance angers you and you cry you will summon the dark powers if you must. No one will stop you and Yartar will fall. As you wave your hands calling forth the forces of darkness, four vrocks appear to slaughter the guards. The dreamwalker isamused by the show but he laughs you’re nothing but a novice. It will take a little more to summon any servant from the Abyss... If you want to learn, you have to meet a man who goes by the name of Fargrak. He’s waiting for you in Yartar. Follow his lead until you will be ready, then...
Time to wake up now!
As you wake up, a voice speaks in your mind: Fargrak is waiting for you in Yartar and he has already sent someone to meet you here. Go now!
Before moving on, you should throw a look at your inventoryand read your personal diary. You've written many things in it during the past few years. Some pages are filled with minor notes of no importance, while others describe events that changed your entire life: ‘I can't believe this has happened... This can't be! My native city has betrayed me! NOOO!! (...) A week now... I had to leave, before they came for me...The pain is still fresh... They must not get away with this. SHE will not get away with this! (...) A whole year traveling around. I haven't forgotten... A whole year wondering about what must I do. I hate them! I HATE THEM! They must pay! All of them! Just like in my dreams... Who IS that man in my dreams? (...) It has been two years, now... I want revenge! REVENGE! I dream about it. I dream about their blood spattered everywhere. Soon... That... whoever he is... still appears from time to time. He says he likes it when I spill blood in my dreams. I told him to just enjoy the slaughter and keep quiet. I will leave none of them alive. NONE OF THEM ALIVE!!! (...) I spent the whole night dreaming about how I would kill her! When I woke up, I knew. Before this is over, her head will be up on a pike. Like a sharp rock in a boot, he was still there... watching me... (...) Three years traveling around the Dales... coming of age... learning to kill... It is time... I'm heading towards home... Home... is it really home anymore? The stranger appeared again last night in my dreams... just after I finished slaughtering all those... *people*, yet again... Then, he told me about this Fargrak fellow; I don't know why... I'm sick and tired of having to listen to him... (...) I stand near Yartar, my homeland. I sleep here tonight, and tomorrow, they will all feel my wrath’.
A man is standing here, near a signpost showing the way to Yartar. Morcis [LE, Ro3] has been sent by the Hand of Yartar – the local thieving guild – to assist you in any way he can.His aid, however, is limited to information only. After all, he’s just an errand boy.
Morcis says things are quiet in the city. The Waterbaroness is still in charge. She’s been there for many years now. Since she was elected, the city has prospered... which is good for the guild actually. But at the same time, the sheer number of guards around is totally insane. The Waterbaroness, a paladin of Tyr, is so motivated to have what she calls ‘the safest city in the North’, that she tripled the amount of guards on duty.
If you ask about Fargrak, Morcis says he’s staying at the guild these days. He’s a reserved man who looks too religious to the rogue’s taste. The access to the guild is restricted, though. You will not pass the entrance if you don’t have the proper ward token. And for that, only Grassar can help you. He’s the one responsible for giving out the ward tokens to those who need one. If you are lucky, you might catch him in one of the two taverns in Yartar... or if not, you could just ask there, maybe somebody will know more.
Morcis has nothing else to say. If you plan to kill the rogue to get his belongings, he won’t drop anything but an alexandrite gem.
When you’re done here, follow the road ahead to enter the city of Yartar.
Notes: As you walk about this large area you may meet thirtytwocommoners [N, Commoner 1], a couple of little kids [N, Commoner 1],two little girls [N, Commoner1],sixteenShield guards[LG, F6- F16] and seventeenShield soldiers [LG, F7 - F9 - F17 - F19].
If you wish, you can attack and kill these people without messing the game. You should be wary to do that without others taking notice, however, or you will be soon in serious troubles.
Indeed, the Shield guards and soldiers are definitely tough to beat.
Fourteen guards are level 6 fighters but a couple of them are 16th level fighters! One of such guards stands at the bottom of the ramp leading to the Waterbaron’s Hall; the other is found by a well in the southeast corner of the area, just south of the thieving guild entrance.
The soldiers are level 7 or level 9 fighters – with two notable exceptions. One level 17 fighter stands near the bridge leading to the Western Bank; one 19th level fighter patrols the middle southern portion of this area. Be careful!
Shield guards and Shield soldiers leave a few things behind when killed: a Shield Armor (a banded mail+1), a Shield Helmet (it grants the wearer a +1 bonus on all saving throws), a Shield Halberd or a Shield Sword (guards have halberds, soldiers have swords. Both are weapons +1), a Shield Protector (a tower shield+1. Only the soldiers have one), a Potion of Barkskin and a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.
The ‘Shield’ items can only be used by lawful good characters,albeit a rogue having the use any item skill can overcome this limitation. Most merchants and shopkeepers will refuse to buy such itemsfor they are stolen but you can sell them to Fribo at the thieving guild... they fetch a good price.
All the buildings and places you can enter are pinpointed on your area map. Don’t bother with the other doors - they are locked and cannot be opened. As your game progresses, other buildings will become accessible. New markers will be placed on your area map to pinpoint theselocations.
Two Shield guards stand watch here at all times... unless you kill them, of course. Go through this gate if you want to leave Yartar.
The merchant’s shingle by the door informs you’ve found The Cointoss tavern.
Once an inn, this building now houses the poorest people in town.
From here you can enter the city sewers.
Four merchants are selling their wares near the stalls about here.Be warned that if you attack commoners or guards around here they will become hostiles as well and you will be forced to kill them.
One merchant [N, W2] deals in magical artifacts. His wares include a few robes (acid resistance, electrical resistance, mage’s battle robe, adventurer’s robe), many arcane scrolls (of level 0-3), non-curative potions (bull’s strength, cat’s grace, clarity, eagle’s splendor, endurance, fox’s cunning, invisibility, lore, owl’s wisdom, speed), protection items (amulet of natural armor+1, ring of protection+1, ring of clear thought+1, ring of resistance+1, scarab of protection+1) and miscellaneous stuff (a wand of missiles, a gem of seeing, a gem of brightness, a harp of haunting, a slaad’s tongue, dust of appearance, a chime of opening and two magic bags).
Another merchant [N, C2] deals in curative stuff. His wares include potions (antidote, barkskin, clarity, cure wounds – any types, eagle’s splendor, heal, owl’s wisdom), scrolls (greater restoration, lesser restoration, neutralize poison, protection from alignment, raise dead, remove fear, restoration, resurrection) and healer’s kits+1.
A third merchant [N, F2] deals in weapons and armor. His wares include light armor (hide, leather, padded, studded leather, studded leather+1), shields (small, small+1, large), common weapons, a few magic weapons and ammo (arrows+1, arrows+2, bolts+1, bullets+1, bullets+2, bullets of smiting, a composite longbow+1, a dagger+1, fire arrows, piercing arrows, a short sword+1 and a sling+1) and a pair of Boots of Hardiness+1.
The last merchant [N, Ra2] deals in miscellaneous items. She sells bracers (decterity+1, lesser gauntlets of ogre power), belts (agility+1, archer’s, brawler’s, monk’s, swordsman’s), cloaks (fortirication+1, nymph+2, protection+1), necklaces (glittering and common types), rings (of cyan, of crimson, of jade and common ones), torches and traps (all the minor kits plus a strong acid splash kit).
Two Shield guards stand at the bottom of the ramp leading here. The Hall’s gates are guarded by two Shield guards and a Shield officer [LG, F11].
The officer informs the Hall is the home of the elected ruler of Yartar. Since the Waterbaroness is currently absent, only a few important visitors are allowed in. If you ask about the Waterbaroness, the officer says she is loved by all the citizens. She has only ruled for a couple of years, but she has already performed great deeds.
A powerful ward has been placed on the Hall’s door and you won’t be able to pass through it. Move along.
A paladin of Tyr is standing here, together with four Shield guards. When you approach Lamir de la Bora [LG, P20], the paladin says your heart is black - he can smell the stench of evil at a hundred leagues. As a servant of the Lord of Justice, he won’t do anything to you now but he warns you’d better not stray from the path of righteousness, least he will hunt you down.
Lamir and his fellows won’t be here anymore once you’ve attained an higher level. Don’t worry, though - you shall meet again.
This is the recently established temple of Tyr. A couple of Tyr guards [LG, P16] stand watch at the entry door. If you somehow manage to kill them, they leave behind a full plate armor.
This is the local temple of Tymora. Two Tymora guards [LG, P16] stand by the door.
This building will become accessible only when you’ve found the Altar of Savil and then you’ve talked with the glabrezu you can summon there.
Both sides of this gate are guarded by a couple of Shield guards.
Cross the bridge to enter the western section of the town.
The merchant’s shingle near the door of this building, let you know this place is The Wink & the Kiss, Yartar’s most famous festhall.
This location will be shown on your map only when you have been given the ward token to enter this building. The token can be obtained from Grassar, the man who runs a warehouse in the western portion of the town.
The merchant’s shingle by the door of this tower informs the mage Esklindrar runs a library here. Also, he sells a lot of arcane scrolls and other interesting stuff.
Read the merchant’s shingle by the door of this building to learn this is the place to visit if you need to buy weapons or armor.
The merchant’s shingle near the door informs this is the Beldabar’s Rest inn.
This location will become accessible only when you’ve been asked from Massvik (at the Hand of Yartar guild) to come here and kill the tower’s owner.
A merchant’s shingle by the door, informs this is the Pearl-Handled Pipe Inn.
This building will become accessible only when its location has been revealed by the halfling Krip Fallflies - who’s found at the Beldabar’s Rest inn.
The merchant’s shingle by the door informs you’ve found the One Foot in the Boat tavern.
This building will become accessible only when you’ve obtained the finished Khalid poison.
Seven patrons [NG, Commoner 1] are found here, along with the owner of the place, Tanataskar Moonwind [LG, Commoner 4]. He explains this is the best place if you want to have a drink quietly. Here, they don’t like noisy or nosy people.
Be warned that if you ask for a beer and then you comment it tastes like cow pee, Tanataskar will takeoffence and he will refuse to speak with you again.
If you ask about Grassar, Tanataskar says you might find him at his warehouse. It is just across the bridge, in the western part of Yartar. For getting this information you will be given 50xp – unless you’ve already learned that information by the tavern keeper of the Foot in the Boat.
If you ask about Yartar, the tavern keeper says this is a fine city. Since Lady Belleethe Kheldorna was elected, she has done a fine job, fixing almost everything her predecessor messed up. Two years ago, she even ended the feud they had with their rival town, Triboar. Indeed, the old Waterbaron wasn’t that good with diplomacy... but the Lady is different. She’s a paladin of Tyr, always acting for the common good. Even the stubborn Lord Protector of Triboar couldn’t resist her. Recently, she has been very busy developing new relations with people from the North. It seems Yartar is going to have Mornbryn’s Shield as an ally, even if this is just a rumour.
If you plan to murder everyone here, keep in mind that Tanataskar cannot be killed. Don’t attack him or he will follow you everyehere!
Here is a chestyou can search to find random treasure of minor value.