Prospective Staff Handbook

(updated Nov 2015)

Southeast Region

Kentucky - Tennessee
Table of Contents

Overview of InterVarsity USA

What are our core commitments? 3

What is our doctrinal basis? 4

National Overview 5

Regional Overview 7

InterVarsity Staff Roles & Responsibilities

Campus staff positions 9

Campus Staff Member 10

What kind of people are we seeking? 11

Ministry Intern Program 12

The Hiring Process

What is the appointment/placement process? 13

Time line of events 14

Funding the Ministry and Staff Benefits

What will my salary be? 15

Sample Staff budgets 16

How will I raise the ministry budget? 17

How are “overhead” funds used? 18

What benefits do we provide? 19

Life on Staff

How will I be supervised and trained? 21

What about my future? 22

What is the impact of staff life on singles? 23

What is the impact of staff life on married couples? 24

What are our Core Commitments?


•  College and University: We are called to be a redeeming influence among its people, ideas and structures.


•  Scripture: We encounter the living God through scripture and are transformed by the Holy Spirit as we read, study, teach and obey His Word.

•  Prayer: We express our faith, love and dependence on God through lives of prayer and worship.

•  Spiritual Formation: We cultivate intimacy with God and growth in Christ-like character through personal and corporate spiritual disciplines, empowered by the Spirit.

•  Community: We promote authentic relationships and redemptive communities marked by God's grace and truth.

•  Discipleship of the Mind: We engage in learning and thoughtful Biblical reflection in every area of life.

•  Leadership Development: We develop women and men to serve as leaders at every level of InterVarsity and ultimately for the Kingdom of God, honoring God's gifts and calling in them.


•  Evangelism: We proclaim and live out the gospel with love and boldness, calling people to repentance, faith and new life in Jesus Christ.

•  Whole Life Stewardship: We proclaim Jesus as Lord over all creation and culture, striving to integrate faith, life and vocation in serving Him.

•  Ethnic Reconciliation and Justice: We pursue ethnic reconciliation by practicing mutual empowerment, grace and truth and by promoting personal and systemic justice.

•  Church: We partner with churches in campus ministry and equip students, faculty and staff to be lifelong active members in local congregations.

•  Missions: We serve God and partner with His people to extend His kingdom cross-culturally on campus and around the world.

What is our Doctrinal Basis?

We believe in:

The only true God, the almighty Creator of all things,
existing eternally in three persons–
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–full of love and glory.

The unique divine inspiration,
entire trustworthiness
and authority of the Bible.

The value and dignity of all people:
created in God's image to live in love and holiness,
but alienated from God and each other because of our sin and guilt,
and justly subject to God’s wrath.

Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine,
who lived as a perfect example,
who assumed the judgment due sinners by dying in our place,
and who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as Savior and Lord.

Justification by God's grace to all who repent
and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

The indwelling presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit,
who gives to all believers a new life and a new calling to obedient service.

The unity of all believers in Jesus Christ,
manifest in worshiping and witnessing churches
making disciples throughout the world.

The victorious reign and future personal return of Jesus Christ,
who will judge all people with justice and mercy,
giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation
but receiving the redeemed into eternal life.

To God be glory forever.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees
October 20, 2000

National Overview

Collegiate Ministries

In 2014-2015, InterVarsity had 985 chapters on 649 campuses. Many campuses have more than one chapter, which may include separate outreaches to international students, sororities and fraternities, and ethnic minority groups, as well as career-specific graduate student chapters. During the 2014-2015 school year, 40,219 core students and faculty were actively involved in InterVarsity. Of that number, 59% were women and 41% men. There are 1,137 InterVarsity field staff who minister to these students and faculty.

Multi-Ethnic Ministry

•  Approximately 36% of the college population (not counting internationals) identify themselves as ethnic minorities.

•  Of the 40,219 active InterVarsity students, 15,060, or 38%, identify themselves as ethnic minority or multiracial students.

•  InterVarsity has 219 Asian American staff, 80 Black/African American staff, 63 Hispanic/Latino staff, six American Indian or Alaskan Native staff, four Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander staff, and 38 “two or more races” staff.

•  Specialized areas of ministry includeBlack Campus Ministries(including 29BCMchapters),Asian American Ministries(34 chapters), andLatino Fellowship(including 5 LaFe chapters) with 1Native ministrychapter.

Graduate and Faculty Ministry

•  189 chapters are primarily oriented to graduate students, professional students, and/or faculty.

•  1,809 faculty members are involved with InterVarsity and 4,895 graduate students are actively involved with InterVarsity.

Nurses Christian Fellowship

•  During the 2014-2015 school year, 1,109 students and 118 faculty members participated in 87 Nurses Christian Fellowship groups in Schools of Nursing. 14 students came to faith through the ministry of NCF.

•  348 professional nurses were involved in 24 Nurses Christian Fellowship local nurse chapters during the same period and 325 nurses attended area conferences. In areas without student chapters, 26 student nurses were involved in nurse chapters.

•  Many other students and professionals are reached through theJournal of Christian Nursingand conferences which focus on applying a Christian worldview to the field of Nursing.


•  4,269 first-time professions of faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord reported by chapter leaders (up 21 % from the previous year and 172% from the same number ten years ago).

•  3,037 students attended the 1,691GIGs (Groups Investigating God) held during 2014-2015

•  53,228 seekers participated in evangelistic events

•  82,053 students followed-up after New Student Outreach.

International Student Ministry

•  International students in the United States number 886,052 from 219 countries, according to theOpen Doors 2014 Reportfrom the Institute of International Education. China sends the most students, more than the next four countries combined: India, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Canada.

•  140 InterVarsity staff members work to develop international witnessing communities on campus, including official volunteer staff.

•  4,951 International students are regularly involved in both undergraduate and graduate fellowships, including 69 fellowships specifically for International students.

Greek Ministry

•  Currently, there are 750,000 fraternity and sorority students on over 800 campuses across the United States. These students hold a disproportionate amount of leadership on campus and historically hold significant leadership positions after graduation.

•  A total of 3,195 students were involved with Greek InterVarsity on 90 campuses, including 29 campuses with fraternity and sorority specific fellowships.

Kentucky / Tennessee Regional Overview

10 campuses – 14 undergraduate chapters

15 staff – 400 students

Strategic Staffing in Kentucky

•  University of Louisville

•  University of Kentucky International Student Ministry

•  Planters in new campuses

Strategic Staffing in Tennessee

·  University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

·  University of Tennessee Knoxville

·  Tennessee Tech University (Cookeville)

·  Vanderbilt University - Asian American Christian Fellowship (Nashville)

·  Black Campus Ministries in Nashville and Middle Tennessee

o  Tennessee State University (Nashville)

o  Fisk University (Nashville)

o  Middle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro)

·  Planters in new campuses

The Kentucky and Tennessee Staff Team

Southeast Regional Director

John Criswell




Kentucky / Tennessee Area Director

Eric Peterson



Campus Staff Positions

Campus Staff Member (CSM) position involves staffing one or two campuses, with additional responsibility in the area and region as assigned. (See job description). CSM's generally are asked to make a four year commitment.

Campus Interns (CI) work on one campus under the supervision and training of a senior staff member. Except in rare circumstances, all new staff spends a year as CI's to receive training and orientation to staff work. Each CI takes one day per week away from campus work for directed study related to InterVarsity staff.

A Ministry Intern (MI) is a one-year, limited-term position in which the individual receives intensive training and is paid a monthly stipend. A supervisory decision is made at the end of the year as to whether or not the individual will transition to ongoing staff or leave staff altogether.

Campus Affiliates (CA) are folks who wish to, or are able to work part time, requiring only a portion of a full salary from another organization. This opens up the possibility of a "tent maker" type of service, where the staff person is a full member of the staff team and is present at all/most events. This is a great way for some to try out staff while paying off student loans or working in their field of study.

Campus Volunteer (CV) positions range from people who work 10-20 hours a week on a particular campus, to people who volunteer at special events.

What kind of people are we seeking?

While we are serious about looking for people who live out the following qualities, skills, and knowledge, we realize that no one perfectly embodies them, except Jesus Christ. Equally important to their presence in the life and ministry of prospective staff is a lifestyle of continued growth and development in each of these areas.

Personal Life

A conviction of God's present call on you to student ministry

A deep commitment to live out Christ's Lordship in every aspect of your life

Ability to take risks

Initiative to shape life rather than waiting for life to shape you

Internal motivation

Basic spiritual disciplines established

Faithful involvement in a local church

Ability to work comfortably with others, seeking their best in team situations

Commitment to finding personal role in world evangelization

A person that it would be good for others to imitate (1 Cor. 11:1, 2 Tim. 2:2, Heb. 13:7)


Discipling ministry in the lives of other people

Competence in leading a small group through community, worship, nurture, and outreach

Clear and motivating written and oral communication

Ability to share your faith

Ability in recruiting others to participate in events and programs

Ability to develop students into leaders through biblical influence



Understanding and commitment to the InterVarsity Doctrinal Basis

A pattern of Christian study and integration

Awareness of personal issues of dysfunction and growth towards health

Ministry Intern Program

Purpose: This is an opportunity to “try on for size” what it’s like to be on InterVarsity staff for a one-year commitment. You will make an impact on campus while receiving training in the basics of campus ministry. This is designed for those who are still discerning God’s call to make a longer commitment to InterVarsity staff or who are unable to make a 4-year commitment. This is also an opportunity for InterVarsity leadership to assess character, skills and giftedness of potential full time staff.


•  Term: 1 Year

•  May to mid-August spent in Fund Development

•  mid-August to May at campus assignment

•  Campus Time: 20-30 hours/week on campus

•  Maximum of 30 hours/week at other paying job, if necessary

•  Fund Development: Raise budget in commitments prior to New Student Outreach

•  Covers a stipend, ministry expenses and training expenses

•  Need to arrange for your own health insurance outside of InterVarsity

Training & Objectives:

•  Fund development training in May

•  Regional training retreats in August and January with Ministry Intern class

•  Development of annual plan and learning objectives by Sep 1

•  Mentoring and development by Intern Trainer through on-the-job training, writing assignments and monthly meetings

•  Emphasis on New Student Outreach, evangelism, leadership, Scripture teaching, vision casting, student discipleship and personal spiritual maturity

•  Participation in regional student training events (e.g. Breakthrough & one Rec Week)

•  Potential participation in and development at Area Team events and Regional Staff Conference

•  Honest assessment of suitability to InterVarsity staff

Application Process:

•  MI Application & references due according to Area

•  Interviews in defendant on area

•  Announcement of MI teams and campus placement by March

•  New Staff and MI Fund Development Training in May

•  Campus Staff Member Application & references due by January 31st of following year

What is the appointment/placement process?

Assignments in the Kentucky / Tennessee area of InterVarsity are determined on the basis of four factors, combined with a deep desire to hear the will of God in prayer.

1.  The current strategic ministry need.

2.  InterVarsity's ability to provide adequate training, supervision and support.

3.  The right fit for the prospective staff member's gifts, interests and potential funding with the available assignments.

4.  The personal preferences of the staff member.

The decision-making process for staff placement is as follows:

1.  An individual either seeks out InterVarsity or is recommended by an InterVarsity staff member for consideration.

2.  The area director or staff person who is first involved with the potential staff person does an initial interview.

3.  On the basis of the initial interview, the staff directors decide whether or not to invite the individual to enter the formal paper application process.

4.  For the next academic year, the potential staff member submits references by January 18.