Social Care and Adults Services Scrutiny Panel20 December 2005


A meeting of the Social Care and Adults Services Scrutiny Panel was held on 20 December 2005.

PRESENT: Councillor Rooney (Chair); Councillors A E Ward and Davison.

CO-OPTED MEMBER: E Briggs (Age Concern).

OFFICIALS: M Braithwaite, E Williamson.

**APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were submitted on behalf of Councillor Ferrier, J Jones,

J A Jones and J McCowat (Co-opted Member).


No Declarations of Interest were made at this point of the meeting.


The minutes and informal notes of previous meetings held on 2 November 2005 (Informal) and 22 November 2005 were submitted and approved as correct records.


A copy of the draft final report had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting.

The Scrutiny Support Officer presented the final report that incorporated the views obtained from discussions held with parents of young people who had or were currently involved with the transition process (paragraphs 69 -77 refer), together with an executive summary setting out the main findings and conclusions of the review.

Members commented that, although the level of service received and experienced by the two parents interviewed were different, this was in part due to a time gap and changes in services during that span of time. It was however apparent that there was a need for parents to be involved in the transitions process and that, where necessary or requested, an advocacy service be available in order to articulate their views.

The small number of respondents to the panel’s requests for parental views was noted and a suggestion made that for future reviews, less formal settings might be more appropriate. It may be more beneficial for evidence or views to be obtained from relevant persons if the panel attend events already on-going (e.g. social activities or carers evenings) rather than expect people to attend panel meetings.

AGREED that subject to the following amendments to the proposed Conclusions and Recommendations and, final consideration by the Chair to any additional minor corrections, the report be approved for consideration by the Executive:-


  1. That the panel agree with the policy direction of the Council, in which the Council promisestrive to provide local services, where this is more cost effective, thus enabling service users to receive their care in Middlesbrough and not to have to travel outside of the area. (para 71)

Recommendations 1,2,6 and 8

  1. Whilst the panel recognise that transitions procedures are in place, the panel suggest that consideration be given to investigating the potential benefit of, for a short period of time, an overlap between young people’s Children’s Services Social Worker and their new Adult Services Social Worker, subject to individual needs.
  1. That work continues to increase the numbers of people being offered a Person Centred Plan and an update on numbers be provided to the panel in six months.
  1. In order to improve the number of training courses that are available to people with learning disabilities, Adult Services ensure that consideration is given to working with training providers to commission additional training courses.
  1. (a) The Government and the Learning and Skills Council consider the impact of cuts in funding on the statutory duty to provide training for people with learning disabilities;

(b) Adult Services ensure that consideration is given to working with training providers to commission additional training courses.

  1. That the department continues to pursue the policy direction that ensures that, for those people that want them, and, depending upon individual circumstances, the services are available in their own area.


The panel received a report on progress achieved in regard to agreed Executive actions resulting from the consideration of scrutiny reports since the last update in August 2005. Out of a total of 93 recommendations, 68 would have been implemented – 64 full implementation and 4 partially implemented. Appendix A to the report detailed those actions that had not been implemented by the target date.


The Panel noted the contents of the submitted report providing an update on business conducted at the Overview and Scrutiny Board meetings on 16 and 29 November 2005.


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