Council owned high rise - fire safety FAQs

We're updating the following questions and answers as new information becomes available

Do anycouncil high rise buildings have cladding made from materialcurrently being tested by the UK Government?

None of our council high rises have cladding made from Aluminium Composite Material (ACM), which is being tested by the UK Government. ​The government is currently only testing ACM material.

What caused the Grenfell Tower fire in Kensington, London?

The cause of the fire and the tragic results are currently under investigation and part of a public inquiry. Together with Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service, we’ll be monitoring closely all information on the Grenfell Tower tragedy.Over the coming days, weeks and months, we will continuously review our own properties and practices in light of the outcomes of the investigation, official government advice and the public inquiry called by the Prime Minister.

What counts as a 'high rise'building?

A building that is more than 18 metres or sixstoreys high.

What about low rise buildings?

Buildings less than 18 metres tall are not subject to the same requirements in terms ofcladding. However we will be working with the Government to take account of the learningfrom all this work in reviewing current regulations and requirements.

How many council-owned high rise buildings are there?

Tamworth Borough Council owns 6 high rise buildings in the town.

What are you doing as a result of the Grenfell Tower fire?

The council has taken a number of actions to reassure concernedresidents that our highest priority always has been and always will be their safety. We sent a letter to all high rise residents on 14th June and have subsequently sent a further letter on 3rd July which highlights the Councils intention with regards toongoing fire safety and forthcoming refurbishment woks inclusive of the installation of sprinkler systems.

We are currently conductingjoint inspections with Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Services (SFARS) of all our high rise blocks.

We will continue to work with SFARS on reviewing our policies, practicesand property in light of any information and learning from the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

What fire safety procedures do you have in place?

All our blocks of flats are checked on a regular basis and fire precaution work is carried out whenever required. High-rise flats are built to be fire-resistant and walls, ceilings and doors will hold back flames and smoke.

Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service also carry out test simulations in council housing and work together with Tamworth Borough Council through theHousing Health & Safety meetings.

More information is available in our High Rise Health & Safety Booklet.

What action is taken when a fire risk assessment is done and recommendations are made?

Once a fire risk assessment is completed, the recommendations are discussed at one of Housings Health &Safetymeetings who then agree atime scale for actions.

Do you work with Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Services (SFARS)?

We have a very good working relationship with SFARS through the joint Housing Health &Safetymeetings and are conducting joint inspections and reviews of our buildings. Housings Health & Safety meetings continue to be held regularly.

How often do fire risk assessment inspections for council-owned high rise blocks take place?

Annual Fire Risk Assessments are in place for all blocks and SFARS have checked these with us to ensure we have complied with all fire regulations. They are due again over July and August 2017 and will be carried out routinely – the same as every other year.

When were council high rise blocks last inspected?

All our high rise buildings were inspected in July 2016 as planned

Do we have fire safety certificates for each building?

Fire safety certificates were discontinued in 2005. Instead we conduct fire risk assessments.

Are you working with the UK government on fire safety in high rises?

The Council is co-operating fully with the UK government as part of this nationwide inquiry. We are working hard to provide information to them and they have also offered to help check council high rise buildings.

Will sprinkler systems be installed in council high rise buildings?

The Council remains committed to the fitting of sprinkler systems, this decision was taken before events in London; and the tendering process is well under way. The Councils Cabinet are keen to support leaseholders with funding this work to ensure that there are no financial barriers to securing the safety of all residents and arrangements to waive charges to leaseholders are currently being considered subject to the Councils usual decision making processes including approval by the Council’s Cabinet.

Refurbishment works, including the sprinklers, are already planned for the lifts and balconies and officers’ are working hard on putting together a timetable of works. Once a timetable is available then the Council intends to hold regular sessions at the high rise social club to consult, inform and discuss these arrangements with you and your ward members. We will write to you again over the summer with ‘dates for your diary’.

In the longer term, we will be reviewing the use of sprinklers, taking into account latest technology and future government guidance

Do you have a 'stay put'policy?

We do not have a 'stay put policy'. Guidance from Staffordshire Fire & Rescue service is:

If there’s a fire in your own flat, you should get out, stay out and call 999.

However, if there’s a fire elsewhere in the building, you are usually safe in your own flat with the doors and windows closed, unless heat or smoke is affecting you or you are told to leave by the Fire Service.

The Fire Service will evacuate you. Whenthe Fire Service considers it safefor you to evacuate the building, they will tell you to leave. Their guidance will be reviewed in line with any national government review.

How are you keeping tenants informed?

On Wednesday 14 June we hand delivered a letter to all 6 high rise blocks.

We have reviewed and updated the High Rise Health & Safety Booklet with SFARs. Details remain on the Councils web-site. A hard copy will be hand delivered to all high rise residents.

SFARS have issued a fire safety leaflet, which is already displayed in our high rise blocks. We have taken the opportunity to distribute a personal copy so you can refresh your memory on fire safety practices.

High Rise residents were notified of the annual exercise being undertaken by SFARs to test their response in the event of an emergency and we would refer you to the letter they sent. The date of this exercise was Friday 30th June 2017.

Over the last two weeks we have discussed recent events with tenant representatives within high rise blocks and they have suggested we take the opportunity to continue our conversations with residents. We are happy to do this and helpfully have arranged an informal drop in session between 12 – 2pm on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at the High Rise Social Club. Council officers will be present along with some members of the landlord Tenant Consultative Group so we can offer further reassurance and support.

A further letter and a printed copy of our fire safety leaflet was hand delivered on 3rd July 2017.

Will you be providing any further information to tenants?

As new information becomes available or questions asked, we will update this page.

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