Guess Paper - 2008
Class – X
Subject – Computer Applications
Total : 100 Marks
(Two Hours)
This paper is divided into two sections. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].
Group – A ( Compulsory )
1.a) What output will the following code fragment produce ?
int c=900, x, n =2000;
x = n+ c >2550? 1350 : 1500 ;
b)Suppose x1 and x2 are two type double variables that you want to add as integers and assign to an integer variable. Construct a single line java statement for doing so.
c)Given the following set of identifiers:
long longval ; char ch ; int intval ; float fl ; short sh ;
Identify the datatype of the following expressions:
a) ‘a’-3 b) intval*longval-ch c) fl+ longval/sh d) longval * 3
d )Construct an expression that is equal to the absolute value of a variable. That is , if a variable p is positive, the value of the expression is just p, but if p is negative, the value of the expression is –p, which would be positive.
- a) Define wrapper class with example.
b) Diff between Private and public access specifier.
c) Short notes on replace(), lastIndexOf().
d) What is the difference between literals and identifiers ?
e)Write down the difference between prefix and postfix operators.
a) Write a statement to import a class “Nano” under the package “car” which is
under the package “Tata” which is under the package “Indian”.
b) State how can you declare a variable.
c) Define scope of variable.
d) Explain Call by reference.
e )Given :
double x=”45.9856”;
Define a java function that will round up x to it’s higher value i.e 46.
4.a) Define vector class.
b) output:
String s=”JAVA”;
String s1=”Platform”;
System.out.println( s1.subString( 0,s1.length() –5));
System.out.println( s.charAt(s.length() - 2 )+toLowercase(s));
c) Find and correct errors(both logical and syntactic)
d) Find the value of x when ?
int x=20;
x *=--x+ ++x +--x
System.out.print( x );
e) Convert to while loop
for(; ;)
Group – B
( Attempt any 4 questions from this section )
- a) WAP to calculate the sum of the following series.
S = x/(x+1)! x2/(x+2)!+x3/(x+3) ……..n terms
b) WAP to design a class that will find the hcf and lcm of two values.
Data members : int a, b
Member Functions hcf() : to find the hcf of two numbers.
lcm() : To find the lcm of two values when lcm = a*b/hcf. Use function hcf to find lcm.
[ 8 + 7 ]
- Wap to find the sum of the elements stored in the left diagonal and right diagonal of a 4x4 matrix.
- WAP to design a class by using following criteria.
Data Members : String s – Stores a string.
Member Function :
accept () – accept a sentence through console.
long() finds the longest word in the sentence.
4. . Design a class to search an element in an integer array.
Class name mysearch :-
Void bubble () to sort an integer array.
Void bsearch () search the item in the array using binary search technique. [15]
5. Write a program for the given class ( An automorphic number is the number which is at the end of the number’s square. Examples are : 1) 6 because 6 square is 36. 2) 25 because 25 square is 625. ) [10]
Class Name: Automorphic
Member Data: numb ( integer )
Member Function:
Automorphic()// non parameterized constructor
Automorphic(int n)// constructor to initialize numb with given value
void read()// to read numb from user
6. Question 7
Write a program to enter two matrices of any order and find its product. The program should also check whether the multiplication is possible or not. [15]
[ 15*4 = 60 ]