
Date: 2/22/11

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Place: 10020 SW Bank Rd., Vashon, WA, EOC Room


Present: Rex Stratton, Board Chair

Ron Turner, Commissioner

Gayle Sommers, Commissioner

David Hoffmann, Commissioner

Hank Lipe, Fire Chief

Susan Wolf, Minute Taker

Absent: Neal Philip, Commissioner (excused)

Amendments to Agenda

Commissioner Sommers added “Instructor Volunteer Points under Old Business.

Chief Lipe added 9/11 Memorial to New Business.

Approval of 2/8/11 Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Sommers:

“I move we approve the minutes of 2/8/11.”


Voucher Approval

Motion by Commissioner Hoffmann:

“I move we approve the referenced vouchers as detailed in Administrative Memorandum No. 2.22.2011-2.”

·  Chief Lipe found a very reasonable air fare to attend the conference at $250.


Chief Lipe’s Report


·  Attended the King County Fire Commissioner’s meeting last week.

·  Commissioner Stratton also attended.

·  King County Sheriff’s Office presented the resources of their Helicopter Air Division.

·  They are reaching out to let the fire service know they are available Tues-Sat and on call the remainder. They can reach the island within 45-60 minutes.

·  They can assist in extrication of patients from deep ravines, etc. that might be difficult or dangerous for our firefighters.

·  The Marine Division (of King County) has also reached out to the fire chiefs and are attempting to remove derelict or abandoned boats in Quartermaster Harbor.

·  Chief Lipe had a good meeting with Senior Center Board and it is his desire to partner with them to serve seniors better.

·  The Chief found out that some seniors went without water for up to 4 days during the power outages at Thanksgiving. He finds that unacceptable and wants the District to reach out to our seniors during such conditions and conduct welfare checks.

·  Perhaps the chief could contact the Food Bank director for seniors who are homebound.

·  The Food Bank keeps their clients’ names private so perhaps a flier or other generic handout could be made available at a few places around town, including the Food Bank to let people know they can contact the fire district if they need assistance.

·  Senior outreach might be an appropriate activity for CERT.

·  Some CERT members are seniors.

9/11 Memorial:

·  Over a year ago the District requested (per invitation from the Port of New York) a piece of structure from the World Trade Center attack.

·  A piece of steel arrived last week.

·  It is Chief Lipe’s wish to build a small memorial for the 9/11/01 victims and would like to get a committee together to figure out how best to do that.

·  It would be nice to unveil it on the 10th anniversary (this year).

·  Chief Lipe contacted Al Bradley to design something on which to mount the piece of steel and Al said he was honored to be asked.


·  Former Commissioner Jan Nielsen was going to put a rock or stone bench by the Bennedsen Residence, but there has been no follow-up.

·  Generators are arriving this week, weather permitting.

Volunteer Comments


Paid Staff Comments


Old Business

Status of SB 5365

·  Board Chair Stratton testified to the state legislature this past week on the volunteer service year bill.

·  The state senate has until March 7 to pass their bills along.

King County Fire Commissioners Meeting and Golf Tournament in July

·  The Country Club is delighted to host the King County Fire Commissioners meeting and golf tournament.

·  The Commissioners can invite Dow Constantine, Sharon Nelson and Joe Fitzgibbon as well as (perhaps) Mike Brown president, of Washington Fire Commissioners Association and Kelly Fox of the Washington Firefighters Association.

·  This is a Board-approved (voted on) event.

·  The King County Fire Chiefs could join as they don’t have a meeting that week.

Instructor Points

·  Does it still make sense to separate out Instructor Points?

·  Does it cost staff time?

·  There is a difference between regular drills and all day classes like Recruit Academy and they are paid differently.

·  The larger expense is during Recruit Academy when volunteers instruct and are paid $20 per hour.

·  Chief Lipe agrees that those Instructors have to be figured separately.

Tabled Items

2010 Financial Report

·  Tabled due to Ganzer conversion.

Board Retreat

Motion by Commissioner Sommers:

“I move to remove the Retreat from the table.”


Motion by Commissioner Sommers:

“I move that we remove it from consideration.”

New Business

Resolution 11-320 Surplusing Equipment

Motion by Commissioner Turner:

“I move that we approve Resolution 11-320.”

·  The gurneys are surplused without any warrant, as is and with all faults.


2011 Executive Fire Officer Symposium

Motion by Commissioner Sommers:

“I move we approve Hank’s attendance at the Executive Fire Officer Symposium as detailed in Administrative Memorandum 2.22.2011-1.”


9/11 Memorial

·  There is consensus that the Board endorse Chief Lipe pursue making a memorial.

·  Is it possible to incorporate the names of VIFR former volunteers with the 9/11 memorial?

·  A memorial for our former volunteers had been discussed some years ago.

General Comments

·  At present there is no agreement between the airport district and the fire district for emergency response or fire suppression.

·  The Airport is its own municipality but an agreement and perhaps fee is needed.

·  Vashon is the only place in King County that has an airport and cemetery district.

·  Phil McClure, with John L Scott Realty, is in charge of the airport district.

For the Good of the Order

·  The Recruit Academy graduation is this Saturday, Feb. 26, at 10 a.m. in the Penny Farcy Training Center.

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:11 p.m.

Next Regular Meeting will be Tuesday, 3/8/11, 6:30 p.m. at 10020 SW Bank Rd, Vashon, EOC room.

Approved this _____ day of ______, 2011.


Rex Stratton, Chair Susan Wolf, Minute Taker

VIFR Board Minutes 2.22.11 Page 1 of 4