The SPP enables cross-service comparison of property needs through using a common calibrated measurement tool. This is based on shared processes, definitions, and understanding across the organisation. Its purpose is to support better prioritisation to inform investment and disposal decisions across all services and demonstrate the link between our use of resources and asset management systems.
An Annual Accommodation Statement (AAS) is produced by each service to summarise its strategic property needs. The objectives of the AAS are mapped and planned through the SPP.
The SPP spreadsheet comprises of four main sections. They are as follows:
Part 1 – Service Input data sheets
Service representatives answer a number of detailed questions on suitability, capacity and utilisation for all propertiesused to deliver services. For schools these scores are based onvery detailed data that the DCSF requests. The overall Red, Amber, Green (RAG) scores are also recorded. This section is not displayed in the SPP report because of the sheer volume of data and its lack of relevance to the decision making process. Parts 2,3 and 4 assimilate all the relevant data.
Part 2 – Individual Property Assessment
Condition, CO2 and Running Costs are assessed using industry standards and appropriate benchmarks.
All the scores are combined in a single property summary sheet to produce an elemental assessment for each property that is then summarised in an overall ‘traffic light’.
Service Point Name / Condition / Suitability / Capacity / Utilisation / CO² / Running Costs / Overall Traffic LightA
Part 3 – Property Performance Summary Analysis
This displays the overall performance of the service RAG score by element and provides a comparison with the previous year’s scores.
State of Service Point / Red / Amber / Green / Not assessed / Not relevant / TotalNo. / % / No. / % / No. / % / No. / % / No. / % / No.
Condition / 50 / 5% / 253 / 24% / 458 / 43% / 109 / 10% / 196 / 18% / 1066
Suitability / 157 / 15% / 312 / 29% / 544 / 51% / 53 / 5% / 0 / 0% / 1066
Capacity / 72 / 7% / 255 / 24% / 686 / 64% / 53 / 5% / 0 / 0% / 1066
Utilisation / 66 / 6% / 264 / 25% / 683 / 64% / 53 / 5% / 0 / 0% / 1066
CO2 / 96 / 9% / 401 / 38% / 142 / 13% / 169 / 16% / 258 / 24% / 1066
Running Costs / 66 / 6% / 82 / 8% / 660 / 62% / 91 / 9% / 167 / 16% / 1066
Overall / Red / Amber / Green / Not assessed / Total
No. / % / No. / % / No. / % / No. / % / No.
373 / 35% / 403 / 38% / 260 / 24% / 30 / 3% / 1066
Part 4 – Priorities and Actions
Displays the priorities and actions relating to individual properties. Where a property is shown as an overall red traffic light then it is a requirement to identify the problems to be solved / proposed solution. If relevant, basic details of a capital bid are recorded.
Service Point Name / Overall Traffic Light / Problems to be solved / proposed solution / Service Priority Grading for capital works not yet funded (1 - 4 ) / Service Priority Order / Total Capital Estimate (£k) / Funding StatusA / R / Site over-utilised.
Seeking additional site for expansion. / 1/1 / Further investigation required
B / R / Victorian building – energy inefficient. Capital bid for project to improve efficiency. To include smart metering and installation of new lighting. / 2 / 2/3 / 20 / Capital programme
C / R / Multi level site - inaccessible. Capital bid for project to improve accessibility. Includeinstallation of a shaft lift. / 1 / 3/3 / 90 / Capital programme