Hontz -- Honors Chemistry
General Lab Report Requirements & Scoring
This sheet is a reference sheet for students to understand the requirements of submitting an informal lab report for Honors Chemistry. The total point requirements for each lab vary depending on the scale of the lab, calculations, explanations, etc.
Each lab must include the following upon submission:
1)Prelab questions(Typed, if quantitative problem – leave space to hand write)
- 1 point each
- Quantitative questions will need all work shown and correct units and significant figures in final answer. (0.5 point deduction for SF/units)
2)Completed Data Table(Typed – computer generated)
- Students will be creating all data tables.
- Data tables must include all appropriate information based on the procedure.
- A complete data table includes:
- Title (1 pt.)
- Appropriate headings (1 pt.)
- Units (1 pt.)
- Caption (1 pt.) – One sentence describing what the data represents.
- Data (1 pt.) – Data must be complete and recorded to the appropriate significant figures. (0.5 pt deduction for SF)
3)Calculations(hand-written on a blank sheet of computer paper and attached)
- Most labs will require some form of calculations.
- Students will only be required to show sample calculations for one trial if the experiment requires multiple trials of the same calculation.
- Calculations must include units throughout the work and significant figures must be reported in final answers. All calculations must be presented in a clear, logical order.
- Grading for calculations varies depending on the complexity of the calculation.
- General grading guidelines:
- Showing formula used (1 pt.)
- Each step towards answer (1 pt.)
- Final answer with units and SF (1 pt.)
(0.5 pt deduction for SF/units)
4)Postlab Questions(Typed, if quantitative problem – leave space to hand write)
- Postlab questions will vary in point value depending on importance of question and how it relates to scientific theory/content.
- Quantitative postlab question grading will follow the same general guidelines as the sample calculations.
5)Conclusion Paragraph(Typed)
- The conclusion paragraph must be academic in nature and must cover the following topics:
- Lab Objective (1 pt):
- Single, concise statement that states the rationale for completing the laboratory activity.
- The objective must include the variables being test.
- Method of data collection (1 pt):
- Brief discussion on how the data was collected during the laboratory.
- Students should be sure to mention the measurement tools used for direct measurement. Students should define the data calculated (indirect measurement).
- Error (2 pts.):
- Students should discuss any possible errors or sources of error that could have had an effect on their final results.
- Error discussions must include at least two different sources of error.
- Improper calculations should NOT be discussed as sources of error.
- Results (2 pts.):
- Students should report how the lab emphasized information discussed in lecture/class.
- If possible, students should report final quantitative data with appropriate significant figures and units.
- If multiple trials were performed and the final data is quantitative, report the answer in the most appropriate manner.
- EX: Average the data & mention that the final result declared is an average of the trials.
- If any trials seem to be “outliers”, mention them in the results.
HINTS for conclusions:
- Avoid conversational talk.
- Avoid summarizing the lab.
- Avoid 1st person speech, instead use general language.
- EX: DON’T We used a centigram balance to measure mass.
DO Mass was measured using a centigram balance.