Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor’s Degree Program Proposal

Please print or type all information.

Student’s Name ______I.D. number ______Date ______

Local Address ______

Be sure to update

Email ______Local phone______

Home Address ______

Phone ______Cell ______

Expected graduation date ______

Title of Proposed Degree: Interdisciplinary B.A. Degree in: ______

(Note: This will appear on your diploma and transcript.)

Program Committee: This proposal has been read and approved by:

Print Name Signature Department Date

(Chair) ______



Note: The Chair of the Program Committee will be listed by CLAS as the student’s advisor.

Interdisciplinary Studies Committee Approval:

Chair ______Signature______Date______

Educational Goals

Two-three pages defining what you hope to achieve as a student and why you cannot reach your goals with a conventional major, double major or combination of majors and minors. You need to demonstrate that you have planned an integrated and coherent program of study. Please put your name and name of your proposed degree program at the top of each page.

Plan of Study (to be completed in consultation with your committee)

Please list at least 36 hours, including at least 27 hours of upper-level coursework and no more than 18 hours from a single department. At least 2/3 of your courses should be from CLAS. Be sure to note the writing intensive course in the major and the capstone course that you and your committee have identified for your program of study. (You will later need to turn in a Capstone Plan form with additional details.)

For each course you list, please include

  • course designator and number
  • full title
  • credit hours
  • prerequisite(s) if appropriate
  • proposed semester of study
  • permission to enroll although not a major in the department, when needed (faulty committee members must assure that interdisciplinary B.A. students will not be shut out of majors-only courses)

Submit a draft of your proposalto the chair of your Program Committee at least four semesters before your anticipated graduation. When approved and signed by the Program Committee, deliver the proposal to the Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for review by the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee. The committee may return the proposal with suggestions for improvement. The Interdisciplinary Studies Committee chair will send you a signed copy when it is approved. Always keep a “hard copy” as well as your computer file.

Distribution: After approval, the INS Committee chair distributessigned copies to


CLAS Dean’s Office

Program Committee Chair

Interdisciplinary Studies Committee file

All departments represented in the program of study