Name: ______

Period: ______

Lord of the Flies, chapter 5“Beast from Water” review

Part I: Vocab: Define the following vocabulary terms. (5 pts)
- improvisation

- jeeringly

- ludicrous

- subdued

- incantation

Part II: Questions. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (17 pts)

  1. Why does Ralph feel that life on the island has become “wearisome” to him?
  1. Describe the mood at the beginning of the chapter.
  1. Why does Ralph feel disgusted with the changes he has undergone on the island? Describe how he has changed since the beginning.
  1. Why does Ralph feel anger about the springy log in the assembly area? How does this represent a larger problem on the island?
  1. Ralph compares himself to Piggy, knowing that Piggy has a gift for thinking. Why do you think he felt that “Piggy was no chief” even though he was a good thinker?
  1. What does Ralph tell the little’uns to do that makes all the other boys laugh? Why do you think the little’uns did not see the importance of this issue before?
  1. What is the new rule about fire that Ralph establishes at the assembly?
  1. When Jack takes the conch at the assembly, what does he say/do? How do the other boys react to his speech?
  1. When the little’un describes his nightmare, what does he say that he saw? What is the explanation for his vision in the night?
  1. When Simon acknowledges that there might be a beast, how do the other boys react?
  1. Summarize the argument between Jack and Ralph toward the end of the assembly. Do you think they have made up, or will this continue in future chapters?
  1. Piggy tells Ralph to blow the conch – why does Ralph hesitate?
  1. Why do Simon and Piggy encourage Ralph to continue as Chief? Why does Ralph feel he should consider stepping down?
  1. Why do you think the boys wish they could get a message from the grown-ups?
  1. Match the following: (3 pts)

___solemnitya. to express agreement

___discursiveb. running from premises to conclusion

___assentc. formula of words said or sang for a spell

___jabberd. seriousness

___incantatione. monster or ghost

___bogief. speak quickly and without importance