Maine Dementia Capable Service Systems (MEDCAPS) Grant ~ Stakeholder Meeting


December 18, 2013

Present: Jim Martin, Romaine Turyn, Christine Merchant and Nicole Rooney, OADS; Julie Fralich, Stuart Bratesman and Louise Olsen, Muskie USM; Laurie Trenholm and Jessica James, Alzheimer’s Association; Betsy Sawyer-Manter, Connie Jones, and Gretchen Zeh-Higgins, EIM,Seniors Plus; Brenda Gallant, LITCOP, Holly Harmon, MHCA, Sharon Foerster, MaineHealth, Deb Halm, Spectrum Generations; Deborah Poulton, EAAA; Meg Callaway, Charlotte White Center; Cliff Singer MD, Acadia/EMMC Hospital

Via Conference Line: Ann O’Sullivan and Katlyn Blackstone, SMAA, Dennis Fitzgibbons, Alpha One; Kathryn Pears, Dementia Care Strategies, Ken Capron, Memory Works; Lorraine Lachapelle, Goold Health Systems; Roger Renfrew MD, Redington Medical Primary Care; Steve Farnham, AAAA

Welcome10 – 10:15 am

Jim Martin, OADS Director welcomed everyone and introductions were made.

Dementia in Maine10:15 – 11:05 am

Julie Fralich, Director Program on Aging and Disability and Stuart Bratesman, Muskie School of Public Service, USM

Julie presented a Power Point (sent separately before the meeting) on Dementia in Maine; USM analysis linked to MaineCare and Medicare Data. Julie, Stuart and Louise Olsen responded to a number of questions from very interested attendees. Romaine acknowledged that this data offers a framework to look at systems issues rather than to dig into the data details at this time.

AlzheimerState Plan Highlights and Update11:05 – 11:20 am

Laurie Trenholm, Director and Jessica James, Maine Alzheimer’s Association

Laurie noted a great deal of fear on the part of many people when thinking about a possible dementia diagnosis and summarized the public awareness campaigns that have compromised much of the Association’s work since release of Maine’s first state plan on Alzheimer’s and related dementia.

MEDCAPS Overview and First Steps in the grant plan development11:20 – Noon

Romaine Turyn, Aging Services Manager & Christine Merchant, Dementia Grants Mgr., OADS

Reviewed the grant application and 2013 timeline to date; July 17th submission, September 25th notice of award, November 20th Governor approvedacceptance of award, and December 18th first stakeholder meeting.

Reviewed overall goal statement noted in the Executive Summary from the MEDCAPS grant application.

Noted that final work plan needs to be approved by HHS Administration for Community Living by/before March 25, 2014.

Reviewed Objective 1 of MEDCAPS DHHS proposed work plan:Create and sustain a dementia-capable home and community based service (HCBS) system that includes a Single Entry Point/No Wrong Door (SEP/NWD) access for PWD and their family caregivers, and then began discussion of Performance Objectives. It was noted that numbers indicated for Targets/Benchmarks were not on the agenda for today’s meeting. They will be discussed after consensus has been reached on Performance Objectives.

  • Performance Objectives 3, 4, and 5 are related to the development and standardization of the screening and evaluation process for identification and/or diagnosis of dementia. –
  • 3: Modify existing Level I/ II screens for identification of persons with dementia (PWD) across all home and community based service systems (HCBS).
  • 4: Number of staff trained/monitored on Level I/II screens at Single Entry Point/No Wrong Door (SEP/NWD) entities established by the Balancing Incentive Payment Program (BIP).
  • 5: Number of persons with possible dementia identified and referred.
  • Nicole Rooney, BIP Project Director, OADS reviewed a One Page BIP handout (attached), addressed the status of BIP progress to date, and answered preliminary questions about how Objectives 3-5 relate to BIP. It was noted that one intention described in the grant application was to “piggyback” on BIP efforts recently begun in Maine.
  • 6: Number of Physicians trained on proper dementia diagnosis and referral.
  • Roger Renfrew noted possible opportunities to integrate dementia care with patient care medical homes as well as building processes into medical practices; transitions of care, re-admission rates related to underlying memory issues.
  • Jessica Maurer noted two connecting points with Get Better Maine and Maine Health Care Management.
  • Cliff Singer & Holly Harmon both added a number of ideas and questions to this part of the discussion re: physician training as well as other items (not recorded).
  • 7: Number of aging network and community partner staff trained to understand needs/services available for PWD and how to communicate with them.
  • 8: Number of PWD seeking long term services and supports (LTSS) provided with Options Counseling and a HCBS plan.

Reviewed Objective 2: Ensure access to a comprehensive, sustainable set of quality HCBS that are dementia capable and provide innovative services to PWD and their family caregivers. As time was running out, remaining Performance Objectives 9-12 were noted for reference without any time for clarification, discussion, or questions.

  • 9: Number of Caregivers trained utilizing Savvy Caregiver Training Model
  • 10: Number of Community-based Care Transitions programs (CCTP) utilizing the Coleman Model ( adapted for PWD.
  • 11: Expand number of CCTPs utilizing the PWD adapted Coleman Model.
  • 12: Number of aging network and community partner staff trained on dementia and LTSS.

After a brief discussion re: next steps, consensus was reached to begin meeting regularly in January and the first agenda item should be further conversation and alignment about the overall intention of Objectives 1 and 2 before breaking out into subgroups interested in Performance Measures and subsequent Targets/Benchmarks.

  • Ken Capron, Memory Works asked about and offered ideas for reaching out to include more PWD in conversations about MEDCAPS plan development.

Christine Merchant notes in the minutes that 28 people representing 19 different organizations participated in the meeting/call!

Next Meeting:Wednesday January 15, 2014

Location: DHHS 41 Anthony Ave.Augusta, Conference Room A

Time: 10 am - Noon

Call in Conference Number:


Conference Code: 207 287 7134