Job announcement for Executive Director of the NorthCarolina beach, inlet and waterway association


The North Carolina Beach, Inlet and Waterway Association (NCBIWA) is seeking a visionaryExecutive Director (ED) with a passion for coastal restoration and science, as well as extensive experience advancing comprehensive and strategic solutions to coastal issues. The ED will serve as the principal spokesperson and advocate for NCBIWA. The ED must possess the skills necessary to steer the organization through its next stage of growth and provide leadership in all aspects of organizational, operational, and fiscal management. The ED will report to the NCBIWA Chairman under the general guidance of the Board of Directors, and work in concert with the Executive Committee.

organization description

NCBIWA is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit association founded in 1998 and dedicated to work on behalf of North Carolina’s coast, and those who love it, by seeking to encourage government action and funding, educate and advocate for effective Federal and State policy, and facilitate environmentally sound scientific and engineering solutions for our threatened beaches, inlets and waterways. NCBIWA members gather twice per year via a Local Governments Meeting and an Annual Conference. Members represent multiple coastal constituents including coastal residents; federal and state agencies; state, county and municipal governments; academia, consultants and contractors. For more information, see

Job description

The Executive Director shall:

  • Leverage their extensive knowledge of coastal science, policy, and politics with an understanding of federal and coastal states legislative processes to advance NCBIWA’s Mission
  • Develop and implement plans for the financial and membership growth of the association.
  • Represent NCBIWA on state, and national boards and committees and serve as principal spokesperson for NCBIWA at public events, to the media, and to local, state, and national legislators and officials.
  • Organize the Annual Conference in conjunction with the Program Committee.
  • Organize the Coastal Local Governments Annual Meeting.
  • Develop sponsorship opportunities for both events.
  • Oversight of the organizations website.
  • Formulate and recommend programs, policies, and operational plans to the Board to carry out the established Mission of NCBIWA.
  • Develop relationships and partnerships with local, state, and regional organizations/agencies to maximize advocacy efforts.
  • Promote and grow the association’s visibility and effectiveness through local, state and regional collaborative partnerships.
  • Maintain and develop the public relations and marketing activities of the association, in concert with the Executive Committee.
  • Lead the development and implementation of the association’s long- and short-range financial goals.
  • Act in a strictly nonpartisan manner in their representation of the association.
  • Coordinate and lead efforts by the Board of Directors to arrange for speakers and sponsors for NCBIWA’s two annual conferences.

Candidate Qualifications

NCBIWA envisions the successful ED candidate having the following qualifications:

•Graduate degree in the field of coastal engineering or science, marine science, law, or public policy and a minimum of three years in a management and supervisory capacity. In lieu of a graduate degree, candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree and more than six years in a supervisory and leadership role

•Previous executive experience with a coalition-based, coastal organization is preferred.

•Previous experience in working with a non-profit and successfully engaging them to further the vision of the organization.

•Content expertise in the science and politics of coastal protection, restoration and sustainability, with preference given to those whose primary experience is on a level with Federal and/or State funding process experience.

•Experience in developing and maintaining effective partnerships.

•Proven track record in fund raising and involvement with revenue generating projects.

•Strong verbal and oral communication skills, superior interpersonal skills and proven ability to effectively collaborate with a diversity of stakeholders.

•Experience and proven proficiency with the federal and state legislative process and advocating at the federal and state level.

•No related employment that could present a real or perceived conflict of interest when representing the NCBIWA.

•Reside in coastal North Carolina County (preferred but not a requirement).

•Be familiar with general coastal processes and rules and regulation affecting coastal development

•Ability to organize and disseminate information to the Board of Directors and Membership

•Ability to update and maintain the NCBIWA website


The ideal candidate will possess a deep commitment to North Carolina’s coast and be respectful of the diverse views of coastal stakeholders as their advocate for a sustainable coast, and command the skill sets required to develop and maintain operational processes to effectuate that commitment. We are seeking an individual who embraces the goals and culture of the NCBIWA, is contagious in their passion for the organization, and can harness their skills and commitment to improve and expand its reach. This person will report to the NCBIWA Chairman under the general guidance of the Board of Directors and work closely with the association’s Executive Committee to develop and fulfill the position’s missions and goals.


This is a multi-year part-time contractual position with annual compensation commensurate with experience. Range of salary is anticipated to be $40,000 - $50,000. The successful applicant will be eligible for an incentive bonus based on overall performance, but with emphasis on increasing NCBIWA’s membership and revenues; exact details will be negotiated with the candidate and Executive Committee.


A resume, cover letter explaining your suitability for the position, and names of at least three references (with affiliation, email address, and phone number) should be submitted electronically to NCBIWA Interim Executive Director, Tom Jarrett (). Consideration of applications will begin on February 1, 2015 and the position will remain open until filled.

Further Information

Questions related to this vacancy announcement may be directed to NCBIWA Interim Executive Director, Tom Jarrett ().