Yaxley Parish Council.

Clerk to Yaxley Parish Council: P Freeman.

Meeting of the Parish Council in Yaxley Community Hall on:

Wednesday 7 March 2018at 7.30 p.m.

The Public and the Press are invited, and Parish Councillors are summoned, to attend.


  1. Apologies for Absence.
  2. Councillor’s Declaration of Interests in Agenda Items.
  3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 24thJanuary 2018.(Attached)
  4. Matters arising from the minutes:

Action Points:

Notes on the action are in red.

  • Respond to the planning applications listed on the agenda. No comment on DC/17/06340 - Dove Cottage and support DC/17/06179 - Crossway Cottage.Action: The Clerk. Completed.
  • Cllr Fleming will email the link to the School Transport Consultation. Action: Cllr Fleming.
  • Add Neighbourhood Watch to the next agenda. Action: The Clerk
  • Chase up outstanding tenancy agreements. Action: The Clerk
  • Cllr Fleming will set up a meeting about the footpath from Yaxley to Mellis. Action: Cllr Fleming.
  • Report of the meeting with the Community Centre Committee to be sent to the Clerk. Action: Cllr Pawsey
  • Contact the Committee Centre Committee and the Parish Council will take responsibility for the cost of insurance for the building and asked for a copy of the insurance document. Add note to say that the Parish Council appreciates the work the committee is doing and request contact if they need financial support for a project. Action: The Clerk
  • Follow up the SALC email about a DPO for GDPR. Action: The Clerk
  • Send out invoices: add 3% increase to Workwear and Kier integrated services, and Ms O’Shea and Mr Bull remain the same. Action: The Clerk
  • Accept quote for £70 per cut x 9 cuts from David Newcombe. Action: The Clerk
  • Road surface on Castleton Way and pothole on entrance to the Airfield, sign to Maple Close post has rotted and the road sign on A140 is damaged, report all to the Highways Department of Suffolk County Council. Action: The Clerk
  1. Notification of any urgent business.

Public Forum.

  1. Correspondence received.

If you would like to receive future copies of the agenda for, or minutes of, the Parish Council meetings by email please contact the Parish Clerk: quoting: Parish Council Agenda/Minutes.

Clerk's contact details: Philip Freeman, 2 Mellis Road, Thrandeston, Diss, Norfolk, IP21 4BU.

Telephone: 01379 783203 or 07958 623897.

Dates of meetings in 2018: 24 January 2018, 7 March 2018, 18 April 2018, 30 May 2018 and Annual Parish Meeting, 11 July 2018, 22 August 2018, 3 October 2018, 14 November 2018, 19 December 2018.

Yaxley Parish Council.

Clerk to Yaxley Parish Council: P Freeman.

Meeting of the Parish Council in Yaxley Community Hall on:

Wednesday 7 March 2018at 7.30 p.m.

The Public and the Press are invited, and Parish Councillors are summoned, to attend.

  • Various documents from SALC.
  • Various emails from Suffolk Community Foundation.
  • Town and Parish Council Newsletter.
  • Various emails from the Highways Department Suffolk County Council.
  • Clerks and Councils Direct.
  • The Local Councillor.
  • Community Centre insurance policy.
  • Stowmarket Vision for Prosperity.
  • Battle’s Over Guide.
  • Suffolk Police Locality Meetings.
  • Parish Councillor Register of Interests.
  • Rest Centre Training.
  • Community Infrastructure Levy Invitation.
  • EyeSafer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter.
  • One Suffolk Post Upgrade News.
  • Suffolk On-Board Newsletter.
  • Consultation: Crime and Poor Performance in the Waste Sector.
  • Weather Warnings.
  • Mid Suffolk North Area Meeting.
  • Hedge on Old Ipswich Road, Yaxley.
  • War Graves Event.
  • Community Emergency Planning.
  • Eye Town Council’s Mayor’s Parade and Service.

If you would like to receive future copies of the agenda for, or minutes of, the Parish Council meetings by email please contact the Parish Clerk: quoting: Parish Council Agenda/Minutes.

Clerk's contact details: Philip Freeman, 2 Mellis Road, Thrandeston, Diss, Norfolk, IP21 4BU.

Telephone: 01379 783203 or 07958 623897.

Dates of meetings in 2018: 24 January 2018, 7 March 2018, 18 April 2018, 30 May 2018 and Annual Parish Meeting, 11 July 2018, 22 August 2018, 3 October 2018, 14 November 2018, 19 December 2018.

Yaxley Parish Council.

Clerk to Yaxley Parish Council: P Freeman.

Meeting of the Parish Council in Yaxley Community Hall on:

Wednesday 7 March 2018at 7.30 p.m.

The Public and the Press are invited, and Parish Councillors are summoned, to attend.

  1. Yaxley Allotments:
  • Update on allotment gardens and tenancy agreement.
  1. Report on the number of vacant plots.
  2. Tenancy agreements for 2017/2018.
  • Unused plots:
  • Problem with rats.
  1. Highway matters:
  2. Suffolk Highways: Community Self Help – survey.
  3. Meeting with Highways:
  4. Consultation about parking at the T-junction of the Street and Eye Road.
  5. Pedestrians, including young children, using Mellis Road at peak times.
  6. Grant of Power of Dispensation to the Clerk:

Grant power of dispensation to the Clerk on the matter of the Parish Council’s decision on its annual precept: item 10 e. (Advice given by SALC on 3 December 2012.)(Attached)

  1. Finances and financial report.
  2. Balances on Accounts: 28thJanuary2018.
  3. Current account: £4,490.98.
  4. Deposit account: £5,570.04
  5. Financial report and bank reconciliation. (Attached)
  6. Online banking.
  7. To authorise cheques for signature:

N.B. Cheque signatories to initial cheque stub and invoice.

Payee / Details / Cheque Number / Amount / Power
P Freeman / Clerk’s Pay and Expenses / 101114 / £267.96 / LGA 1972 S112 (i)
HMRC / PAYE / 101115 / £54.00 / LGA 1972 S111
Safe and Sound / Rodent control at the allotments / 101116 / £96.00 / LGA 1972 S111
Yaxley Community Centre / Income from Ms O’Shea for access across the car park / 101117 / £100.00 / LGA 1972 S111

If you would like to receive future copies of the agenda for, or minutes of, the Parish Council meetings by email please contact the Parish Clerk: quoting: Parish Council Agenda/Minutes.

Clerk's contact details: Philip Freeman, 2 Mellis Road, Thrandeston, Diss, Norfolk, IP21 4BU.

Telephone: 01379 783203 or 07958 623897.

Dates of meetings in 2018: 24 January 2018, 7 March 2018, 18 April 2018, 30 May 2018 and Annual Parish Meeting, 11 July 2018, 22 August 2018, 3 October 2018, 14 November 2018, 19 December 2018.

Yaxley Parish Council.

Clerk to Yaxley Parish Council: P Freeman.

Meeting of the Parish Council in Yaxley Community Hall on:

Wednesday 7 March 2018at 7.30 p.m.

The Public and the Press are invited, and Parish Councillors are summoned, to attend.

  1. Requests for financial support: none.
  2. Receipts:
  3. Mid Suffolk District Council Locality Budget Grant: ££650.00
  4. Ms O’Shea –access across the Community Hall Car Park: £100.00
  5. Workwear – advertising sign: £108.15
  1. Neighbourhood Watch.
  2. Yaxley Community Centre:
  3. Parish Council matters for publication in the Yaxley Messenger.
  4. General Data Protection Regulation.
  5. Emergency Plan - update.
  6. Planning:
  7. Applications:
  8. Re-consultation: Application for Planning Permission Without Compliance of Conditions: DC/17/06179:

Proposal:Application under section 73 of the Town & Country Planning Act –DC/17/03934 - Erection of a new dwelling, garage and new vehicular access for variation of Condition 2 (approved plans and documents) and discharge of Condition 3 (agreement of levels), Condition 4 (agreement of materials), Condition 5 (details of screen walls and fences), Condition 9 (surface water drainage details and Condition 10 (foul water details).

Location: Crossway Cottage, Mellis Road, Yaxley.

  1. Application Number: DC/18/00623

Proposal:Planning Application. Erection of 1No. dwelling, detached garage with games roomand storage over, alterations to access, parking and turning area and replacementagricultural access. Revision of previously approved DC/17/05082.

Location:Land Adj. To Arch Haven, The Street, Yaxley, IP238BJ

  1. Application Number: DC/17/05666 Proposal:

Planning Application - Erection of a new processing facility, waste water treatment plant and gatehouse with associated car park and service yards, two vehicle access points, drainage swale and landscaping.

Location: Land to the South of Eye Airfield and East of the A140.

  1. Applications – no decisions to date:
  2. Application: DC/17/05880 Proposal:

Full Planning Permission - Removal of hedgerows, trees and associated vegetation in association with Development Consent Order.

Location: Adjacent to and between Old Norwich Road and the A140 (Easting 612501, Northing 274839) and land adjacent to and West of Leys Lane, North of Yaxley and South of the Leys (Easting 611745, Northing 274963), Yaxley.

  1. Planning decisions:
  2. Approved:
  3. Application Number: DC/17/05104

Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning application 1144/16 - installation of 2 no. Windows either side of Southside door and maintained timber cladding.

Location: Orchard End, Old Ipswich Road, Yaxley.

  • Application Number: DC/17/05882

Proposal: Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act for variation of Condition 3 relating to 3803/16 Materials)

Location: Land Adj Linden Lea, Mellis Road, Yaxley, IP23 8DA

  • Application Number: DC/17/06340 Proposal:

Planning Application Householder Application - erection of single storey rear extension to workshop.

Location: Dove Cottage, Old Norwich Road, Yaxley.

  1. Refused:
  2. Discharge of Conditions for application DC/17/05082 - Condition 7 (Archaeological Works)

Location:Land Adj To Arch Haven, The Street,Yaxley, IP23 8BJ

  1. Withdrawn: None.
  2. Appeal by: None.
  1. Play area:
  2. To receive Play Area Inspection Report.
  3. Annual Play Inspection Report.
  4. Yaxley Cemetery:
  5. To consider inspection report - Councillor J Hawes.
  6. To receive Councillor’s reports.
  7. Councillor Luff – EPR.
  8. SALC.
  9. Councillor Moore - Yaxley Town Estates Fund.
  10. AOB - Any items raised earlier but not for an extended discussion or decisions and items for inclusion at the meeting on18 April 2018.

Agenda Items that the Parish Council will return to in the future:

  1. Fibre Broadband in Yaxley.
  2. Projects that the Parish Council May Finance.
  3. Review of Deeds of Yaxley Community Centre.
  4. Community Led Plan for Yaxley.
  5. Eye Airfield:
  6. Applications for Grants from Wind Turbine Fund.
  7. Progress Power Application:
  8. 50 mph on Eye Road.

If you would like to receive future copies of the agenda for, or minutes of, the Parish Council meetings by email please contact the Parish Clerk: quoting: Parish Council Agenda/Minutes.

Clerk's contact details: Philip Freeman, 2 Mellis Road, Thrandeston, Diss, Norfolk, IP21 4BU.

Telephone: 01379 783203 or 07958 623897.

Dates of meetings in 2018: 24 January 2018, 7 March 2018, 18 April 2018, 30 May 2018 and Annual Parish Meeting, 11 July 2018, 22 August 2018, 3 October 2018, 14 November 2018, 19 December 2018.