Teacher: / Mr. Christopher Walstead / Phone: / 770-578-3266 x523
Subject: / AP Environmental Science / Email: /
Room: / 523 / Planning Hour: / 3rd Period
Time/Profile: / 1 semester: 90 minute block
Course Description:
AP Environmental Science is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college course in environmental science. The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific concepts, principles, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. To achieve these goals, we will focus on the following: personal experience in experimental design; understanding the unifying themes that integrate all biological and environmental science topics; and the application of knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and societal concerns. Taking the AP Exam is not required but it is encouraged. College credit may be given for exam scores of three and above. Exactly what scores will be accepted and how much credit will be awarded depends on the individual college.
Course Prerequisites: Biology, Chemistry, Algebra I
Text: / ·  Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet, 6th Edition, Botkins & Keller
Supplemental Resources: / ·  Assorted texts found in classroom library; peer reviewed science publications
Websites: / ·  Cobblearning.net/Walstead (class blog)
·  www.wiley.com/college/botkin
·  www.hippocampus.org
Notebook – 3 ring binder, laboratory journal, Graphing Calculator, graph paper, pens, pencils, markers, colored pencils


Cobb County Grading Scale: / Approximate Grading Breakdown:
90 – 100% / A / Grading Policy:
Tests, Quizzes & Assessments…50 %
Laboratory Work & Reports…....20%
Homework & Classwork………..15%
Final Exam………………………15%
80 - 89% / B
75 – 79 % / C
70 – 74% / D
0 – 69 % / F


Material in this syllabus is subject to modification by instructor if deemed necessary

Laboratory Work:
AP Environmental Science will contain laboratory experiences from lab manuals, data sets, fieldwork and student-designed experiments. Emphasis is placed on in-depth investigation and experimental design regarding environmental science concepts. These lab activities emphasize development and testing of hypotheses; collection, analysis, and presentation of data; and clear discussions of results. Formal reports are required and must include the previously mentioned elements, as well as proper labeling of tables and graphs. In many cases, software and Internet simulations will be conducted in support of the lab being undertaken. With the addition of computers to our labs, we will be using Pasco scientific probes and software as part of the lab procedure.
Each lab will require:
·  The formation of an hypothesis or hypotheses, based on in-class discussion of the presented problem or focus of each experiment
·  Design of (an) experiment(s), also based on in-class discussion, to test the hypothesis or hypotheses
·  Collection of data and observations
·  Calculations using the collected data
·  Conclusions about how well the hypothesis or hypotheses held up based on the experiment
·  Class discussion of variance and error analysis
·  Written report: formal or informal (in the lab notebook)

TECHNICAL WRITING REVIEWS: Students will be given technical articles to read. The Students will do various writing and reading comprehension activities throughout the year to enhance their skills. This will happen about once a week.

TESTS: All tests are given at the end of each unit. They will be modeled after the AP test (approx 60% multiple choice, 40% essay)

PROJECTS: Projects are assigned according to topic, with descriptions and guidelines provided at time of assignment. A current events project will be assigned at the beginning of the year and presentations will occur throughout the semester (according to a lottery system)

NOTEBOOKS: Students are required to keep all assignments in their 3-ring binders. This must be brought to class every day and kept up to date.

PARTICIPATION: Participation consists of class participation, daily warm-ups, preparedness for class (book, paper, writing utensil, etc.), and notes. Professional behavior is always expected. Each day, students will be presented with a question and will be expected to work in small groups to answer that question. New topics will be introduced in this manner, but questions will also address topics already covered to enhance conceptual understanding. Students will have access to books, the Internet, lab equipment, computer simulations, etc. The teacher will act as a facilitator assisting and guiding students, at all times encouraging carefully articulated responses based on principles of environmental science.

DAILY WORK: Daily work is broken into 2 categories, class work and homework. CLASS WORK consists of work assigned in class - it may be bookwork, laboratories, research, a worksheet, and/or vocabulary. It is due at a specific time during class. HOMEWORK is assigned at the end of each class period, and DUE at the beginning of class, PRIOR TO warm-ups, notes, etc. Getting missed work due to ANY KIND of absence is the student’s responsibility.

LATE WORK: Late work is accepted for EXCUSED absences only. Arrangements must be made with the instructor for lab time if necessary.

Course Outline:
·  Earth Systems & Resources (10-15%)
·  The Living World (10-15%)
·  Population (10-15%)
·  Land & Water Use (10-15%)
·  Energy Resources and Consumption (10-15%)
·  Pollution (25-30%)
·  Global Change (10-15%)
Major Themes:
Concepts and topics are organized into unifying themes that recur through the course. These themes are applied across the curriculum to provide a unity of concepts. They are:
·  Science is a Process.
o  Science is a method of learning more about the world.
o  Science constantly changes the way we understand the world.
·  Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes.
o  Energy cannot be created; it must come from somewhere.
o  As energy flows through systems, at each step more of it becomes unusable.
·  The Earth itself is one interconnected system.
o  Natural systems change over time and space.
o  Biogeochemical systems vary in ability to recover from disturbances.
·  Humans alter natural systems.
o  Humans have had an impact on the environment for millions of years.
o  Technology and population growth have enabled humans to increase both the rate and scale of their impact on the environment.
·  Environmental problems have a cultural and social context.
o  Understanding the role of cultural, social, and economic factors is vital to the development of solutions.
·  Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems.
o  A suitable combination of conservation and development is required.
o  Management of common resources is essential.

AP Environmental Science Course Planner

Est. time
(GPS) / Topic / Chapters & Description / Labs & Activities
Unit 1
1 week
(SCSh8, SEV2) / Introduction to Environmental Science / Chapters 1-3
The first unit of AP Environmental Science (APES) acquaints students with environmental science. It introduces the theory, philosophy, rhetoric, and terminology that will be used throughout the course. / ·  A Brief History of the Environmentalist Movement
·  Seed Germination Lab
·  Parts of a Good Experiment
·  Carrying Capacity Lab
·  Calculating Population Doubling Time
·  The Power of Doubling
Unit 2
1-2 weeks
(SEV1, SEV2 , SEV3, SEV5) / Life on Earth, Part I (Ecology) / Chapters 4-6
The second unit of APES is an introduction to two of the fundamental underpinnings of environmental science: basic ecology and the study of human populations / ·  Lily Pond
·  Population Profile – The Power of Pyramids
·  Estimating population sizes activity
·  Tectonics Web quest and Build an Earthquake
·  Carbon Cycle Game
·  Predator/Prey Simulation
Unit 3
1-2 weeks
(SEV1, SEV2 , SEV3) / Life on Earth, Part II (Ecology) / Chapters 7-10
This unit completes the study of basic ecology. / ·  Leaf-litter Biodiversity
·  Biome research & mini-presentation
·  Predator/Prey Simulation Lab
·  Ecological succession hunt
Unit 4
1-2 weeks
(SEV5) / Food and Agriculture / Chapters 11-12
In this unit, students study the basic nutritional needs of human beings, what happens when these needs are not met, and what is being done in an attempt to make certain these needs are met for all people. Students also study agriculture, including the various methods of growing crops, the history of agriculture, and the “green revolution.” / ·  Fertile Minds activity
·  Soil Nutrient lab
·  Ecological Impacts of Rice Farming: Analysis of Rice Sample Experiment
·  Famine Activity
·  "The Worst Mistake In The History Of The Human Race" article discussion
Unit 5
1-2 Weeks
(SEV5) / Land Use / Chapters 13-14, 29
This is a transition from the study of ideal ecosystems and ecology to the study of human impact on the environment. Students study the roles of wildlife management, land use, species protection, conservation, and preservation in determining how “natural” the Earth will remain. / ·  Tree Mensuration
·  Fisheries and Endangered Species activity
·  Designing Sustainable Urban Areas
Unit 6
1-2 Weeks
(SEV5) / Health, Risk and Toxicology / Chapters 15-16
This unit includes the effects that environmental hazards have on human health, as well as on the health of the environment, and an examination of the risks we face in our environment. / ·  Toxicology LD-50 Lab
·  Natural Disaster pamphlet
·  Risk: perception vs. reality survey and analysis
Unit 7
1-2 Weeks
(SEV4) / Energy Resources and Energy Use / Chapters 17-20
Fossil fuel reserves are finite and the use of other energy sources will need to be increased in the future. Students study the advantages and disadvantages of alternative sources of energy that can be used in place of fossil fuels. / ·  Half-life Lab
·  Investigation of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels
Unit 8
1-2 Weeks
(SEV5) / Water / Chapters 21-22
This is perhaps the most relevant unit of study for environmental science students in our area of the world. The world’s best examples of water development are in our backyards, and we focus on these local examples throughout the unit. / ·  Water quality index
·  Home water use survey
·  Field trip – Water treatment plant
Unit 9
1-2 Weeks
(SEV5) / Atmospheric Dynamics, Air Pollution, Ozone Depletion & Global Warming / Chapters 23-26
Following a brief introduction to the structure and characteristics of the
Earth’s atmosphere is a survey of several air pollution problems. This unit includes the study of some of the most serious global environmental problems we face. / ·  EcoBadge
·  Air Pollution Combustion lab
·  Testing for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution
·  CO2 audit – Your contribution to Global Warming
·  Airborne particulate lab

*Please see the college board course description at: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/courses/teachers_corner/2128.html

Instructions for Maintaing your

Laboratory Notebook

In AP Environmental Science you will be required to have a lab notebook. You will be recording labs, in-class simulation activities, warm-up questions and homework assignments in it. It must be a composition book or single-subject spiral notebook. 3-ring binders and multi-subject notebooks are not acceptable and it needs to be separate from your notebook. It will be collected (usually unannounced) periodically throughout the semester and be graded on format, completeness, and content of certain assignments.

Science does not take place on the pages of textbooks or learned journals, but it is recorded there. The quality of any work is only as good as the report that remembers it when the test-tubes have long been washed up.


/ Leave several pages blank at the beginning for a Table of Contents and update it when you start each new experiment or topic
/ Always use black or blue pen and write neatly and clearly
/ Date every page on the top outside corner
/ Start each new topic (experiment, notes, calculation, etc.) on a right-side (odd numbered) page
/ Record the TITLE and OBJECTIVES of each experiment (or assignment) at the top of the first page of the notebook dedicated to this topic.
/ If you make a mistake, don’t obliterate it and never use white-out
Use a single cross out
/ Data from the computer must be printed and taped into your lab notebook. Your initials should be written partially on the printout and partially on the notebook page below. (This ensures that missing printouts will be noticed)


AP Environmental Science

Wheeler High School

Mr. Walstead

Dear Parent(s) and /or Guardian:

The AP Environmental Science syllabus and other relevant information your child will need to be familiar with white taking the course in Wheeler High School can be found online at cobblearning.net/Walstead under the AP Environmental Science Course Documents heading. Please take some time form your busy schedules to peruse this document. This document has already been discussed with your child, and she/he will be held responsible for meeting the objectives of this class, and maintaining a disciplined environment in my class.

This is a fast-paced course and requires lots of extra time, independent reading, and personal commitment to success. I am asking that you help me remind your child of the need to stay focused and on task in this class. My goal is to help your child achieve his/her best in this course, do well on the AP exam and earn college credit. I cannot accomplish this task without your help.