For Aberdeen’s children Integrated Children’s Services

MEETING TITLE: ICS Achieving - Outcome group minute / Thursday 29May 2014
PARTICIPANTS: :Neil McLennan (Chair), John Cairns (Minutes), Cath Munro, Mary Annal, Maggie Hepburn, Louise Beaton, Linda Brownlie, Angus Hutchison, Alan Tulloch, Heather Farquhar, Linda Buchanan, Allison Lamont, Paul Sherrington, James Simpson, Jacinta Birchley, Sheila Erskine, Denise Forman, David Bliss
Apologies: Nicholas Asante-Ampaduh, Bill O’Hara, Matthew Musset, Nicola Graham








/ Strategic Feedback & Discussion / Feedback from ICS Board – NmcL reminded group of the change to the outcome group’s name and remit. The final ICS structure was circulated as part of the papers along with a draft remit for the group. Outcome group members were asked to feed comments to JC to assist shape a new role and remit.
Future group membership - Members were asked to consider who else should be invited to future meetings. Services which were identified as having a role in the group were Headteacher representation from special school, SEBN rep from Pupil Support Service & Business sector rep from Federation of small business or Chamber of Commerce.
ICS Inspection -LB provided an update of the forthcoming inspection of children services which has recently been announced by the Care Inspectorate. The inspection notification letter was shared with the group as part of the agenda papers.. Preparation for the inspection has begun with the Improvement and Performance group leading on the preparation in terms of collating evidence, agreeing communication strategy and logistically planning for hosting the inspection team in September. Chief Officers have been invited to a briefing on 10 June with inspectors to find out more about the inspection group.
Outcome group members were asked to notify teams so that there is awareness that the inspection will be carried out. Further communication will be shared shortly. Outcome group members were also asked to flag up any particular examples of good practice in teams working and delivering projects in partnership which could be highlighted to the inspection team.
NESCOL , ESF Funding 2014/15– PS updated the group on additional funding which is being made available to the college through the Scottish Funding Council to support activity relating to workforce development. The additional funding will be available from August 2014 – July 2015. The funding will be targeted at young people on Stage 4 & stage 5 of the employability pipeline. Members were invited to an information event at the college on 4 June to learn more about the fund and how to be involved in planning and development of provision.
Wood Commission report – NcML updated feedback from this outcome group at January’s evaluation event had now been collated along with information from school HT’s and is working on the attached. Intention is to discuss further with the college (how are also considering audit) to get an overall position on how ready we are as a local partnership to deliver on recommendations. Expectation is the Wood Commission are to publish the final report in June 2014 – date TBC.
Aberdeen Guarantees – JC updated on developing the new partnership commitment to providing learning, training or work to all 14-15 year olds. Intended launch event has been delayed and we will be aiming for a September launch to Employers and Partners. Aberdeen Guarantees logo has been finalised work is now on-going to construct a new website to represent our various strands of work. / JC to circulate electronic copy of draft role & remit for comment
All – notify teams of forthcoming inspection
LB to collate information from the open event on behalf of the group.
Final Wood commission report to be circulated and recommendations discussed further with NESCOL. Update at next meeting.
JC to demonstrate final website at next meeting
/ Opportunities for All Offer / CELSIS 2014/15 Project –JB updated that partners in Aberdeen were due to meet to discuss the opportunity to be part of a new Strathclyde University research project focusing on positive destinations of looked after children. A briefing on the project was circulated as part of the papers and future updates will be shared with the group.
Life Changes Trust –DB provided an update on a recent briefing which was held in Aberdeen by the Life Changes trust who will be seeking applications later in the year. The new charity organisation have been set up via Big Lottery andhave been allocated £50 million over ten years to develop transformational change to services for Looked after Children and people with dementia. Life Changes Trust is seeking to fund programmes/services to work with 14-26 year olds across all care settings and have identified two key themes - Education/Employment.Public sector bids must be submitted in partnership with 3rd sector organisations. Life Changes Trust are currently piloting s personal funding allocation programme of up to £500 per participant in Glasgow. Indications are that they will be inviting calls for funding applications in Autumn 2014
SDS update on Employability provision 2014/15 – A handout which highlights provision which has been allocated contracts during 2014/15 was shared as an additional paper at the meeting.
Youth Employment Activity Plan – JC updated that work was ongoing with SDS to produce a revised edition of the YEAP. Local providers have been requested to submit information and update currently held information to profile all provision across all 5 stages of the pipeline. Anticipated that the YEAP will be published mid-June.
Activity Agreements – JC shared the national summary on Activity Agreements performance during 2013/14. 68% progressed onto employment, education or training. Work ongoing to develop and Aberdeen City end of year report – progressions have dropped this year compare to last year and aim is to reflect on why this has decreased and actions to improve outcomes this year. JS has been helping with producing the summary with the aim to complete by the end of June.
Over the past 3 months ACC have been recruiting for a new Activity Agreement worker – have preferred candidate and target to start them over the summer.
Senior Phase benchmarking event – NmcL updated on the
1st training event hosted by Education Scotland for education staff. Insight system will go live in September and Positive destinations will be one of the key performance measures for schools from August 2014.
SDS Skills Summit – JC updated on a recentevent held by SCDI/SDS in Aberdeen by SC to highlight business role in providing learning/training opportunities for young people. Event highlighted good practice & challenged employers to do more to provide training & work for young people / JB to update on future progress of project group.
DB to notify group when application process is open
JC to circulate revised YEAP was available
JC to circulate presentations from business event
/ Data & Management information / Local data – JS circulated the latest management report based on data extracted from the data hub. JC updated on the new Seemis risk matric which will be available to schools once the Seemis system is implemented at the end of June 2014. / JC/JS to provide future update on Seemis risk matrix at a future meeting.
/ Partner updates / CM updated that JCP have been upgrading ICT infrastructure which will provide clients with access to more PC’s. Staff will also be supporting ICT taster sessions over the upcoming months.
MA updated that Aberdeen Foyer have been developing their senior phase offer and have been developing a new city campus programme in partnership with SHMU.
At updated on Careers Academies programme with 3 new schools participating in the course in August 2014. AT also updated on chamber of commerce survey which has been carried out with schools in the north east. In August 2014 Christine Murray (Kincorth Academy - Depute) will be the new enterprise lead within ACC. AT was thanked for his contribution to the group over the past two years.
DB updated that ACC social Care & Wellbeing have appointed a new Principal Planning Officer who will lead on the internship scheme. DB also updated that the new national legislation for corporate parenting has now been delayed and will be released after the referendum.
SE updated on a new Family project which Action for Children are running in Torry which will assist parents develop employability skills.
AH updated that WEA Stage 2 provision is now up and running in Aberdeen.
LB updated that the new national Youth Work strategy was recently published including Scotland’s 5 ambitions for young people. The new Adult Learning statement for ambition has also been published. The national review of CLD has now been put on hold until after the referendum.
AL updated that NESCOL have applied for the Buttle award.
Next full group Meeting:Thursday 28August 2014, 10am in Committee Room 4, Townhouse