Newt Gingrich, David Barton, et al.Ecumenical "Rediscovering [g]od in America" Abomination comes to Columbia, SC, July 18-19, 2011

The god of Rome and of Freemasonry is notthe One True God of the Bible.

This ecumenical event is designed to attract Christian pastors. Those pastors who attend

may be in danger of being misled into believing that NWO Servant, Jesuit-ruledCFR-member, 33rdDegreeMason, Roman CatholicNewt Gingrich is interested in restoring the God of the Bible to pre-eminence in America. Gentlemen, the false religion followed by Newt Gingrich does not worship the God of the Bible - Romanism is NOT Biblical Christianity ! Freemasonry, especially the 33rd Degree [ Ordo Ab Chao ], does NOT worship the God of the Bible !

"Abortion"-tolerant and Sodomy-tolerant Newt Gingrich endorsed pro-abort, pro-sodomite

Dede Scozzafava for U.S. Congress - are Christian pastors going to allow themselves to be deceived into thinking Gingrich is principled pro-life, against ALL child-murder-by-"abortion" - which is the Biblical standard that these preachers should be preaching (no "exceptions" !),

or that Gingrich has a principled position against sodomite coupling (otherwise, euphemistically, unbiblically, known as "gay marriage" - an impossibility !).

Why would any Bible-believing Christian pastor even attend such an ecumenical mockery

of Biblical Truth as this event featuring, among others, "Abortion"-tolerant, Sodomy-tolerant, Jesuit-ruledCFR-member, 33rdDegreeMason, Roman CatholicNewt Gingrich ?!?


In Columbia, SC, "Abortion"-tolerant, Sodomy-tolerant, Jesuit-ruledCFR-member, 33rdDegreeMason, Roman Catholic, Newt"NAFTA-NWO" Gingrich will share the line-up with:

1. EcumenicalDavid Barton, Wall Builders, who despite his renowned ability to present the amazing Christian

portion of America's history ( although he does not share the full story and impact of other influences that

plague America to this day, such as the Masonic, Illuminati, Romanist/Jesuit influences ) is himself also a

collaborator and enabler of false religionists, such as Roman Catholic Newt Gingrich, and Mormon Glenn Beck. )

2. Pro-NAFTA Governor Mike Huckabee, associate of Jesuit-ruledCouncil on Foreign Relations President,

Richard Haass in the 2008 Presidential campaign.

3. "Conservative" Feminist Michele Bachmann ( Is this not an oxymoron ? - no, not in today's America, where

even the evangelicalreligious landscape is filled with weak, worldly, feminized, ecumenical "conservative"

churches, instead of radically Bible-believing churches filled with strong Biblically-obedient Christians, and

pastors who follow the example of the "Black Regiment" pastors of the American Revolution. America is

seeing professing Christian women being raised up in the offices of civil government because we the

Christian men in this nation are either pathetically weak, Biblically ignorant, or unwilling to be obedient,

allowing women to rule over us, to the curse of us, these women, our children, churches, and this nation

[ Read in context what God's perspective is about women ruling - Isaiah 3;12, KVJ. It is not a sign of blessing,

it is a sign of judgment ! How many even so-called “evangelical” pastors are preaching this truth ?! ]

How many Christians would be willing to support an American hero, Judge Roy Moore,

the Ten Commandments Judge, for President ? Or are we so programmed, so dumbed-down as free thinkers, that unless the dominant corporate CFR-controlledmedia, and/or the dominant fake alternative CFR-controlledmedia, (e.g., FOX (Faux) News (fake and NWO-biased) owned by News Corp. CEO, CFR-member, PapalKnightRupert Murdoch; or FOX's Romanist shill for the NWO Global Papist Establishment, Sean Hannity; or thrice-divorced, pro-sodomite, Skull-and-Bones-masonic-secret-society-member-George-W.-Bush-buddy, Rush Limbaugh)

tell us it's OK to view Roy Moore as a "first tier" candidate, or that he's "electable", that then too many follow-the-crowd, group-think Christians [ having been well-trained to yield to peer

pressure growing up in the age-segregated government school indoctrination system,

and continually brainwashed by sophisticated propaganda media techniques ] will instead parrot the well-programmed lines, "Oh, he can't win. Oh, he's not electable." Rubbish. Biblical Truth and Christian Faith replies with what God's Word has to say:

" ... with God all things are possible." [ Matthew 19:26, KVJ ].

" ... He [ God ] removeth kings, and setteth up kings: ... " [ Daniel 2:21 ]

" ... the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, ..."

[ Daniel 4:17,25,32 ]

" ... the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men, and that He appointeth over it whomsoever

He will." [ Daniel 5:21 ]

Christians, are you going to believe false religionists and unbelievers on FOX (FAUX) News, et al., and Vatican "pro-life" [sic] frontorganizations like NationalRightto "Life" [sic], or are you going to believe "the King of kings, and Lord of lords" [ 1 Tim. 6:15, KVJ ], He who "sitteth in the heavens" and laughs at the "kings of the earth" who "set themselves" and

the rulers who "take counsel together, against the LORD, and against His anointed, ..."

God the Father has said to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, "Ask of Me, and I shall give

Thee the heathen for an inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession."

[ Psalm 2 ]. Who are you going to believe, Christian ? Support and vote on Election Day,

November 2012 only for a man who is Biblically faithful, and who is a strong Christianconstitutionalist, whomever the LORD may raise up at that time. [ Consider ]

4. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)

5. Dr. Don Wildmon,founder of American Family Association (AFA)

... and others [ see the June 17, 2011 e-mail below, forwarded by Tim Wildmon of AFA, from Pro-NAFTA Governor Mike Huckabee, associate of Jesuit-ruledCouncil on Foreign Relations President, Richard Haass

in the 2008 Presidential campaign, in which Governor Huckabee exhorts recipients to, "encourage your pastor to come be with us at a special event." ]


God has warned us in His Word the Bible - FOLLOWING FALSE LEADERSHIP CAN BE FATAL !!!

God says: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people,

they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

God says: For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."

Isaiah 9:16, KJV



Related reports:

From Columbia Christians for Life:

Audio: Newt Gingrich acknowledges he is a CFR-member

Saturday, April 9, 2011 [ Audio - 1:43 ]

Carolina First Center, Eisenhower Drive, Greenville, South Carolina

Greenville County Republican Party Convention

- Steve Lefemine, while distributing copies of an April 7 Letter to the Editor about CFR-member Newt Gingrich,

in the first floor lobby of the conference center, is approached by Newt Gingrich, who is accompanied

by several others, including Katon Dawson, former Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party.

- Photo of Newt Gingrichentering first floor lobby of Carolina First Center

- Audio (1:44) - Voices begin at 29 seconds, encounter with Newt Gingrich begins at 1:13.

Steve Lefemine: "Hello, Mr. Gingrich. I am asking people not to support you."

Newt Gingrich: "OK"

Steve Lefemine: "Because I believe you're part of the new world order effort to destroy the sovereignty of our nation."


Steve Lefemine: "You're a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, isn't that correct ?"

Newt Gingrich: "Sure."

NAFTA: CFR-member Newt Gingrich Voted for / Promoted NWO's NAFTA

- CFR-member, RINO Newt Gingrich endorsed pro-abortion, pro-sodomite

RINO Dede Scozzafava for US House (NY-23) in 2009

Letter to the Editor

Steve Lefemine, Latest Revision April 7, 2011

Another "Rediscovering [g]od in America" event featuring "Abortion"-tolerant, Sodomy-tolerant,

Romanist Jesuit-ruled CFR-member, 33rd Degree Mason Newt Gingrich, and others - in Texas, March 26, 2011:

Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing in TEXAS March 26, 2011:

CFR, 33rd Degree Mason, Roman Catholic, Newt "NWO" Gingrich

The Lord Jesus Christ warned those who call themselves His disciples about "false prophets"

appearing in "sheep's clothing" who are actually "ravening wolves". Jesus Christ warned

Christians that we would know these wolves-in-sheep's-clothing by their fruits:

"... by their fruits ye shall know them." Matthew 7:15-20, KJV

This rally event in Texas is billed as "Rediscover God in America" and "One Nation Under God"

- but is it really ? Which God or god(s) ?

- How can it be the One, True, Almighty God of the Bible, when one of the principal speakers

is a Roman Catholic, 33rd Degree Mason who is also a member of the Jesuit-ruledCouncil on

Foreign Relations (CFR) purposed to advance Rome's Vatican / Papal / Jesuit / Masonic / Illuminati

New World Order ??? Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity. Freemasonry is NOT compatible

with Biblical Christianity. And Rome's Anti-Christ, Anti-Bible, Anti-ChristianNew World Order is the

21st century's modern Tower of Babel.

God says: For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."

Isaiah 9:16, KJV



------Forwarded message ------

From: Tim Wildmon

Date: Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 10:04 AM

Subject: Please make sure your pastor gets a copy of this important invitation from Mike Huckabee


Please make sure your pastor gets a copy of this important invitation from Mike Huckabee


Dear Pastor,

I need your help to encourage your pastor to come be with us at a special event.

America and our Judeo Christian heritage is under attack by a force that is more destructive than any threat America has faced in decades. Over the past year, we have been declared to be "not a Christian nation"; a response is necessary from those who believe that while government itself should not establish a faith, our principles are rooted in the notion that we are the result of providence and a dynamic Creator. Defeating the radicals who wish to ignore or revise our history will require renewed resolve and spiritual rearmament by the evangelical pastors in America.

Rediscovering God in America's goal is to work with pastors to ignite people of faith to again engage the culture and bring America back to our standing around the world as a Beacon of Hope and a Shining City on a Hill.

Because pastors are a critical component to reclaiming the centrality of God in American life and confronting the evil that faces us now we ask that you encourage your Pastor to sign up and attend this important event.At a time when Congress is busy trying to legislate defeat, we are inviting your pastor to a "Pastors' Policy Briefing" that will help you engage the battle, to walk point. Today, with our troops facing danger abroad and our nation looking for guidance here at home, America's need is to rearm spiritually through the leadership of her pastors. The silence of the church and her pastors have helped to create this mess; Russell Kirk offers insight into the political climate of America if bible believing pastors pick up the mantle, "politicians are actors performing a script that is written by the audience".Rediscovering God in America-Columbia is to remind and encourage pastors that the proper position for America when facing evil and confronting enemies is not to find excuses for defeat but to find the resources, the courage, and the strength from God necessary to win.

Please ask your pastor to join us in Columbia.

South Carolina Renewal Projec

Cordially invites you to participate in its

Pastors' Policy Briefing

Rediscovering God in America

With Special Guests

Governor Mike Huckabee

Historian David Barton

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

Senator Rand Paul

The Honorable Bob McEwen


Former Speaker Newt Gingrich

Who will be accompanied by

Pastor Ken Graves

Attorney John Stemberger

Pastor Larry Stockstill

Pastor Jason Taylor

Dr. Don Wildmon

and other guest speakers

To be held at Columbia Marriott Downtown

1200 Hampton Street Columbia, SC 29201

on Monday, July 18th and Tuesday, July 19th

Meals and lodging are complimentary

and will be provided by the South Carolina Renewal Project

To reserve your space, please RSVP no later than June 30, 2011

by calling(800) 992-5596 or

Hotel information will be distributed the week of July 11, 2011

RESERVATIONS are limited and will be accepted on a first call basis.


Monday, July 18, 2011

5:00 p.m. Check - in and registration

6:00 p.m. Reception

6:30 p.m. Dinner Session

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Morning Session

10:30 a.m. Break

11:30 a.m. Luncheon

2:00 p.m. Close


CCL: omitted


American Family Association | P O Drawer 2440 | Tupelo, MS 38803 | 1-662-844-5036

Copyright © 2010 American Family Association. All Rights Reserved



Additional reports:

From Columbia Christians for Life:

YouTube: CFR-member "Newt World Order" Globalist-Gingrich praises NAFTA while American Jobs shipped to Mexico

Gingrich: NAFTA Worked Because It Created Jobs In Mexcio

Uploaded Mar 15, 2011 / Audio (1:03)

- While in the U.S. Congress, Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA) voted for / promoted NAFTA !!!

Newt Gingrich voted for NAFTA

H R 3450 RECORDED VOTE 17-Nov-1993 10:36 PM

QUESTION: On Passage


Ayes 234 (D-102, R-132)

Noes 200 (D-156, R-43, Indep.-1)

Gingrich - "Aye"

CFR-member, RINO Newt Gingrich endorsed pro-abortion, pro-sodomite

RINO Dede Scozzafava in US House race in 2009

- Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member, "Big Tent" RINO Newt Gingrich endorsed

pro-abortion, pro-sodomite RINO Dede Scozzafava in the well-publicized U.S. House

NY District #23 special election in 2009

- "Gingrich is apparently willing to overlook Scozzafava's support for same-sex marriage and abortion rights."

SOUTH CAROLINA - March 24, 2011

CFR-member, pro-NAFTA Newt Gingrich coming to Greenville, SC March 24, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Steve Lefemine, March 10, 2011

IOWA - March 7, 2011

CFR, 33rd Degree Mason, Roman Catholic Newt "NAFTA-NWO" Gingrich

biggest name (by design ?) at Iowa 2012 GOP presidential candidates event March 7, 2011

[ Other big name candidates curiously absent from Iowa affiliate of Bilderberger (2004)

Judas Goat Ralph Reed'sFaith and Freedom [sic] Coalition event: Romney, Palin, Huckabee ]

The other four Republican candidates appearing March 7 in Iowa:

- Knight of Malta, Roman Catholic, Rick Santorum

- Baptist Tim Pawlenty

- Methodist Buddy Roemer

- Baptist Herman Cain


Mormon Glenn Beck's Divine [sic] Destiny

- Heretics and False Religionists platformed, JFK Center, August 27, 2010

- Bible separation is the practice of separating from sin and error unto truth and righteousness.

- To all professing Christians, God says:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?

and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that

with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;

as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,..." [ emphasis added ]

2 Corinthians 6:14-17, KJB


From Columbia Christians for Life:

CFR-Member, 33rd Degree Mason, Roman Catholic, NEWT "NAFTA-NWO" GINGRICH:

Newt Gingrich

Religion - Roman Catholic

"A Baptist since graduate school, Gingrich converted to Catholicism, his wife's faith, on March 29, 2009."

2006 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster

(including current and/or past positions of some members)

CFR List entry: "Gingrich, Newton L "Newt' (R-Georgia) - former Speaker of the House"

Newt Gingrich, 33rd Degree Freemason

Newt Gingrich, Confirmed Mason.


"The board of Empower America is composed almost entirely of CFR members and/or high ranking Freemasons, including Jack Kemp [33º Mason], Jeane Kirkpatrick [CFR], Michael Novak [CFR],

Trent Lott [33º Mason], Ward Wood [CFR], Theodore Forstmann [CFR] and past board member

Newt Gingrich [CFR, 33º Mason]."

House Speaker, Newt Gingrich: 33º Mason; member of CFR and World Future Society.

Circle of Intrigue ­The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy, by Texe Marrs, 1995, page 41.

"... Mr. Gingrich is numbered among the most ferocious enemies of American sovereignty."

Circle of Intrigue ­The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy, by Texe Marrs, 1995, page 171.

(Audio) Ordo Ab ChaoThe Great Work of the Illuminati

(CD) Ordo Ab ChaoThe Great Work of the Illuminati

In this in-depth exposé, Texe Marrs investigates the Great Work of the Illuminati. You'll learn of the many front organizations

they have set up to further their objectives, how they recruit and inspire fresh young talent such as Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton!



The Bible says: "Where there is no vision, the people perish:..." Proverb 29:18a, KJV

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:

but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." Proverb 29:2, KJV

We need a Christian nation, a nation that acknowledges the Sovereign rule of Messiah as King of all the earth (Psalm 47:7,8, KJV), governor among the nations (Psalm 22:28, KJV), and King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Timothy 6:15, KJV); and we need a nation whose constitutional and statutory law is consistent with the eternal, authoritative, Law of God.


Biblical Standards for Choosing Civil Magistrates

by William Einwechter, July 7, 2004

Should Christians Support a Woman for the Office of Civil Magistrate?

by William Einwechter, July 8, 2004



Servants of the New World Order:

Newt Gingrich = Barack H. Obama = George W. Bush = Bill Clinton = George H.W. Bush

ROME / VATICAN = The New World Order