1. Why did the French recognize and join the American war for Independence?
  2. What is the philosophical base of the American Revolution? From what philosophers did the Declaration of Independence spawn?
  3. What is the Declaration of Independence, and what is its importance in relation the American Revolution?
  4. What was the Treaty of Paris and what did is signify and declare?
  5. Who was George Washington and how was he important in the war for American independence?
  6. How was the battle at Saratoga, crucial for the colonist in the American Revolution?
  7. What was the Boston Massacre and response of colonists specifically Sam Adams…
  8. What was "Common Sense" how was it important, and who is the author?
  9. How did the war finances of both the colonies (America) and England?
  10. What was Shays' rebellion an what was it in response to?
  11. What were the Articles of Confederation?
  12. What was the Great Compromise?
  13. What is the Second Amendment?
  14. Who were the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists, and Ideas
  15. What were the Federalist Papers?
  16. Stamp act Crisis
  17. Navigation Acts
  18. First Great Awakening consequences
  19. Cotton Gin
  20. Articles of Confederation lots of questions
  21. Women’s Advocate
  22. Thomas Jefferson said, “I hold that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” What is he referring to?
  23. Madison’s role in the Constitutional convention
  24. Anti-Federalists and the Bill of Rights
  25. problems with Confederation
  26. Federalism
  27. Bacon’s Rebellion
  28. French and Indian War
  29. Proclamation of 1763, Grenville, Townshend and North
  30. France in Revolution
  31. Montesquieu,Rousseau, Locke and Enlightenment ideas
  32. Constitution and Commerce
  33. Pontiac Rebellion
  34. Northwest Ordinances and the grid pattern
  35. Virtual vs Actual Representation
  36. Olive Branch Petition
  37. Salem
  38. Deadlock in Constitutional Convention
  39. Significance Shays Rebellion
  40. Quartering Act
  41. Tea Act
  42. First Continental Congress why created
  43. Jeffersonian vison
  44. FortNecessity
  45. Great League of Peace
  46. Slavery in 17th and 18th centuries
  47. Lexington and Concord
  48. Economics in New England, middle and Southern Colonies
  49. Federalists Madison and Adams team up
  50. Parts of the US Constitution
  51. 2nd Amendment
  52. Grenville program
  53. Financing the Rev War
  54. Sovereignty/authority in the Constitution
  55. Women During the war
  56. Problems in the Confederation
  57. Intolerable Acts
  58. Common Sense
  59. 1600s Puritan families
  60. Not at the Constitutional Convention
  61. Boston Tea Party
  62. Regional differences in 17 and 18th centuries
  63. 1777 Victory for Americans
  64. Peace of Paris
  65. Stamp Act Congress
  66. Virginia and New Jersey Plans
  67. Relationship between the British and colonies before 1763
  68. Counting Slaves in Constitution
  69. Colonial governments legislatures and Governors
  70. Achievement in Articles of Confederation
  71. Colonial cities served what purpose