This form is to be completed by existing staff and for new staff as part of pre-employment checks if they fall within the following categories (schools can use their discretion to interpret this to include staff who may occasionally work in these categories):-

  1. Staff working in education and any supervised activity with children up to the 1st September following their 5th birthday.
  2. Staff working outside school hours with children up to the age of 8 e.g. breakfast clubs and after school childcare clubs (but not including school sports and activity clubs e.g. football, chess etc.)
  3. Managers e.g. Headteacher, Principal, Early Years Manager etc.

A yes answer to any of the questions would mean that you are disqualified. An application to waive this should be made to Ofsted within 2 weeks of the school becoming aware of this information.

Name: / Post:
Questions relating to you as a member of staff / Please delete as appropriate
Have you ever been cautioned or convicted of any offences against a child? / Yes / No
Have you ever been cautioned or convicted of any violent or sexual offences against an adult? / Yes / No
Have you ever been barred from working with children by the Disclosure and Barring Service? / Yes / No
Have your children ever been taken into care? / Yes / No
Have they ever or are your children currently the subject of a child protection order? / Yes / No
Has a court order ever been made against you in respect of a child under your care? / Yes / No
Have you ever been refused registration or had registration cancelled in relation to childcare or a children’s home or have you ever been disqualified from private fostering? / Yes / No

If you have indicated yes to any of the above you must provide further information in the space provided below: (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

Questions relating to anyone else who lives in your household / Please delete as appropriate
Has anyone in your household ever been cautioned or convicted of any offences against a child? / Yes / No
Has anyone in your household ever been cautioned or convicted of any violent or sexual offences against an adult? / Yes / No
Has anyone living or working in your household ever been barred from working with children by the Disclosure and Barring Service? / Yes / No
Does anyone in your household have children that have been taken into care either currently or in the past? / Yes / No
Does anyone in your household have children that have been or are the subject of a child protection order? / Yes / No
Has anyone in your household ever had a court order made against them in respect of a child in their care? / Yes / No
Has anyone living in your household been refused registration or had a registration cancelled in relation to childcare or childrens home or have they ever been disqualified from private fostering? / Yes / No

If you have indicated yes to any of the above you must provide further information in the space provided below: (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)


I confirm the information I have declared above is correct and I understand that I have a duty to inform the Manager, Headteacher, Principal or the appropriate member of the Senior Leadership Team should any of this information change at any time during my employment with the establishment.

Name (in capitals):

The following action has been determined, as a result of the answers on this declaration: (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)


Name (in capitals):