/ Post 16 Personal Education Plan(PEP)


PEP form completed by………………………………… Email………………………………………….…

PEP Date……………

Student name……………………………..

NCY: 11 / 12 / 13 / 14

College or Provider……………………………………………………..

Study course & level……………………………………………………

The Personal Education Plan (PEP) is an evolving record of what needs to happen for Looked After children and young people to enable them to make expected progress and fulfil their potential. The PEP should reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning that meets the identified educational needs of the student, raises aspirations and builds life chances. The PEP is the joint responsibility of the relevant local authority and the education provider. Social workers, carers, VSHs, designated teachersand other relevant professionals will need to work together. All those involved in the PEP process at all stages should involve the student (according to understanding and ability) and, where appropriate, relevant family member.

Role / Name / Telephone / Email / Invited / Present
Social worker

The following information has been prepared/gathered:

  • Current attendance data has been entered
  • Current attainment data has been entered
  • Completedpupil voice sheet if they do not wish to attend the meeting
  • Previous PEP is at hand to discuss progress
  • The exams permission/data sharing slip has been signed

Is there any reason why the student cannot participate fully in this meeting? No Yes
If yes, please explain why and what support was provided to increase their participation?
Care information
Address where student currently resides:
Name and address of person with PR/emergency contact:
Who will liaise with the provider on a day to day basis?
Attendance: Factors affecting progress / Detail (including dates etc)
Attendance percentage / punctuality / % / lates
Reason for absences and detail of any action taken
Number of exclusions/disciplinary issues since last PEP, reasons and subsequent actions:
Further action required:
Attainment: New qualifications attained since last PEP
Award/Level / Subject / Result / Date achieved
Special Educational Needs
Not on SEN register
SEN Support / Primary need: Secondary Need:
Statement SEN / ECHP / Primary need:
Secondary Need: / SEN Lead:
Current Circumstances: 16+ Study Programme Overview
Core aim of current study programme:
Programme start date:Target completion date:
Additional learning aims:
Maths Level: Target completion date:
English Level: Target completion date:
Planned work experience:
Who is responsible for this:
Other significant non-qualification activity:
Describe progress, how needs are being met and indicate further action needed
What is going well and can be celebrated?
E.g. Personal, social or emotional development
What needs further work?
Is the student currently making
Better than expected progress (closing the gap)
Expected progress in line with their peers
Progress requiring additional support and intervention
Are the student’s cultural needs being met?
E.g. Dietary or religious requirements

Review of Outcome targets from previous PEP

Outcome 1:
Better than expected progress
Expected progress
Less than expected progress
Comments and next steps:
Outcome 2:
Better than expected progress
Expected progress
Less than expected progress
Comments and next steps:
Outcome 3:
Better than expected progress
Expected progress
Less than expected progress
Comments and next steps:
Future Planning
What courses and activities do you enjoy most and wish to pursue?
What steps have you taken so farto develop these?
E.g. Talking to your careers adviser,research, work experience.
What qualifications and/or experience do you need to achieve your career ideas?
E.g. specific subjects, grades, work experience or extra-curricular activities?
What careers advice, information and guidance have you received so far?
What plans do you have for the end of this programme/year?
E.g. Further studies, training or employment

Outcome targets

If actions have been identified within the planning section above please incorporate these into the Outcome targets.Outcome targets must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Rewarding and Timebound.

At least one target must be academic.

Outcome 1:
Timescale (max 3 months):
Success Criteria:
Who will do what to achieve this outcome:
Outcome 2:
Timescale (max 3 months):
Success Criteria:
Who will do what to achieve this outcome:
Outcome 3:
Timescale (max 3 months):
Success Criteria:
Who will do what to achieve this outcome:
16-19Bursary applied for?
How will it be used?

Does the student give consent for their information to be shared with relevant professionals in order to access further support, funding and services? Yes No

Any requests for additional funding must be identified within the PEP and requested by the Social Worker. Resources will be allocated according to need and availability.

Please include any important dates for special events, parent meetings, etc

Quality Assurance

PEP completed by:

PEP chaired by:

Quality assured by Provider LAC/CL Lead/Designated Tutor (name):

[1]Next PEP meeting to be organised / chaired by:

Date of next PEP meeting:

Attachments – please attach Pupil Voice Sheet and any individualised plans

Pupil Voice Sheet

Other (egProfiles, Support Plans of evidence of recent achievements


Please email completed form to: or alternatively post to:Virtual School for Looked After Children and Care Leavers, 0-25, Unipart House, Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2EQ.

For Virtual School use only
PEP received date
PEP logged date
[2]Quality assured by / Job Title
RAG rating / Red / Amber / Green
Comments and feedback
Copies also to be sent to the social worker and foster carer



Statutory guidance now specifies that there should be 3 PEP meetings per year.

[2]All PEPs are quality assured in line with the Virtual school document: Writing a high quality Personal Education Plan.