On June 20, the GVAD Board had its last meeting before the summer break. The board members agreed to continue using the Old Navy Community Room in Metrotown for its monthly meetings in the fall. The date for the 2014 Annual General Meeting is Saturday October 25, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to allow for a possible presentation / workshop after the AGM. More information to come.

The “Thursday Night Live Deafblindhood Variety Show” on Thursday, June 26went very well with over 100 people buying tickets. GVAD and the VCC ASL & Deaf Studies department were the sponsors, with “Johnnie and Vinnie” (John Warren and Vincent Chauvet) and five Deaf-Blind actors (Eddy Morten, Pier Morten, Karen Ursulak, Ryan Ollis, and Tracy Metzger) providing an entertaining evening including information about Deaf-blind communication and culture. Profits go towards the Intervenor Program fund. Many people said they hoped there would be another Deaf-Blind show in the future.

Furniture and items from the GVAD storage room were returned after a partial flood happened in the basement of the WIDHH building last spring. All wet and damaged areas were dried out and repaired. WIDHH took care of everything, for which we thank them and the company hired to do the work.

GVAD hosted “drop-in” socials and information sessions at the Old Navy Community Room in Metrotown Mall everyTuesdayevening during July. On July 22, quite a lot of people came to register for the T911 service with their mobility companies.

The 2014 CAD Annual General Meeting was at Fredericton, New Brunswick from August 1 to 3. GVAD chose a member who was planning to be in New Brunswick to present at the 2014 Canadian Deaf Youth Leadership Camp (CDYLC), and would be at the CAD AGM to set up the live-streaming (internet video) broadcast.

Lisa Anderson-Kellet represented GVAD well, and provided key information from President Leanor Vlug and Vice-President Peggy Fee through internet messaging. We’re proud that Lisa was able to work with Vinu Abraham Chetipurackal owner/manager of the Deaf Canada Ustream account – it was a “First-time” for CAD to broadcast its Annual General Meeting.

The next AGM & CAD’s 75th Anniversary will be in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2015. We will provide more details on how GVAD will choose the GVAD representative(s) to attend the CAD 2015 AGM in Halifax at our GVAD AGM onOctober 25th. More details on other future events will be announced later.
