Daily Lesson Plan (_2__#1)Name: Staci Guillemin

Unit: Health and wellness: STI’s Grade Level: 7th

Connections (Past/Future Lessons):Length:50 min

Today is the first lesson on STI’s. Next class, we will go over HIV/AIDS.

Community and Family Outreach

At the end of the lesson, students will choose an STI and make a pamphlet describing the infection and its symptoms. They will then take it home to talk about it with their parents/family and have it signed.

VDE Health ED. Standards(s) & PIs:

7.1 The student will identify and explain essential health concepts to understand personal health.

m) Recognize harmful and risky behaviors


. Standard 1

Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health

Standard 7

Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Standard 8

Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.

VDE Family Life Standard:

7.6 The student will be aware of the consequences of preteen and teenage sexual

Intercourse. Descriptive Statement: Instruction focuses on updated, factual information regarding sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; pelvic inflammatory disease (PID); cervical cancer; unintended pregnancy; and discussion about reputation, guilt, and anxiety. Discussion also includes the emotional, psychological and financial implications of sexual activity and parenting before marriage. Students are guided in identifying positive aspects about themselves as reasons for avoiding risk-taking behavior. They learn also about the positive results and freedoms associated with postponing sexual activity

Cross Curricular Link(s):

Art: The students will have to create a pamphlet


Research is done to learn about the STI’s and their symptoms / how they affect your body.

Learning Target (Objectives)/Assessments

1. Content-based Objectives:(Cognitive) -TSWBAT write on an exit slip 3 ways you don’t contract an STI

2. Skill-based Objectives:(Psychomotor) -TSWBAT express 3 different ways to protect themselves from STI’s

3. Affective Objectives:TSWBAT journal 1 paragraph about how they would feel if they contracted and STI.

Connections (Objectives):

The skill objective and the content objective are connected by having the students recognize the different ways you get an STI and ways how to prevent them.


1.Content assessment: exit slip

2. Skill assessment: pamphlet

3. Affective assessment: Journaling

Instructional Sequence

Anticipatory Set / Introduction:5min or less (Time: 5 mins )

The “wow” factor to hook the audience

Students will watch a funny video on STI’s


1. Lesson/Lecture:Try to keep under 10min(Time: 10 min )

The PowerPoint will go over what an STI is, the infection symptoms, and how they affect the body. It will also go over how you can get them and how to protect yourself from them.

2. Practice Activity:Minimum, over 50% (Time: 20 mins)

I will have the students in groups of 2 and create a pamphlet on one of the STI’s of their choosing and they have to include the STI’s name, a drawing, 3 symptoms, and the best ways to protect yourself from it.

3. Assessment: The pamphlets that will be taken home to get signed by a parent from both of the students who made it.

Exit slip: students will have to list 3 ways you don’t contract an STI (Time: 5 )


This pamphlet needs to be signed by a parent from both partners in the group so it will be due next week. (Time: 3 )

Meeting the needs of diverse learners

Differentiated Instruction:Providing multiple pathways for student success.

1. Lower Skilled:if finding the pamphlet information is difficult for them I’ll give them websites they can get the info from.

2. Gifted Learners: They can add places where someone can get tested for STI’s in their area.


Students should begin to realize that STI’s are a harmful and they can prevent getting them by not having sex/ wearing a condom. Also, students are at the stage in their lives where being sexually active is new to them (hopefully).


Dislcaimer. (n.d.). Retrieved April 03, 2016, from

EPublications. (n.d.). Retrieved April 03, 2016, from

U. (2012). The STD Song. Retrieved April 03, 2016, from


Will students fully understand that STI’s are easily spread and contracted? Will they know that not being sexually active is the number one way to prevent contraction? Could my lesson have been harder?