The Friendship Central School Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting on September 17, 2013 in the Board Conference Room. The meeting was called to order by President William Ritchie at 6:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by roll call.
William Ritchie Present
Craig Plaisted Absent
Robert Cummins Present
James Lewis Absent
Richard Stewart Present
Also Present:
Mrs. Judy May, Superintendent
Mr. Dona Putnam, Building Principal
Ms. Gayle Pavone, Director of Pupil Personnel
Mr. Robert Lingenfelter, District Treasurer
Mr. Russell Solomon, Teacher
Ms. Laurie Butts, District Clerk
Mr. Dave Ditana,, Buffamante Whipple Buttafaro PC-Auditors
Superintendent Report:
Community School RFP Update
Business Office Update – Nicky James
Family Connection Ideas
Principal Report:
FCS Awards 3-8 – Student / Parent Goals
Opening of School
Open House / Teacher Meetings
Fire Prevention Week/Friday Assemblies
Upcoming September 25 In Service Day / Math Modules, ELA’s
District Treasurer Report:
Update on monthly reports new format
Ms. Pavone updated on meeting schedules and after school program.
Mr. Solomon inquired as to our current enrollment.
Robert Cummins moved, seconded by Richard Stewart to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following items:
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of August 20, 2013 as submitted by District Clerk, Laurie Butts;
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the period of July 1, 2013 through July 31, 2013 as presented;
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the warrant reports for the month of July 2013 for General, School Lunch, Special Aid, Capital and Payroll as presented;
Motions were unanimously approved.
Richard Stewart moved, seconded by Robert Cummins to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following items:
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve Beth Lord as Teacher Aide from 10:30-2:00 p.m. for the 2013-2014 school year;
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve Jennifer Ameigh as co-advisor for the class of 2014 (seniors);
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following after school facilitators:
Kathy Schumann Regina Giles Donna Lewis
Jennifer Greene Tami Thorpe Deanna Tyler
Brenda Carpenter
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve Judy May, Donald Putnam and Gayle Pavone as Lead Evaluators as presented;
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following substitutes for the 2013-2014 school year:
Kristin Loucks – Certified PreK-12
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the reduction of time for health reasons of Betsy Price from 60% to 50% in the Are tenure area;
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Terrence P Parmenter as Varsity Basketball Coach;
Motions were unanimously approved.
Robert Cummins moved, seconded by Richard Stewart to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following:
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the Occupational Therapy Agreement for 2013-2014 as presented;
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the sharing of speech pathologist services with Belfast Central School for a maximum of four hours per week. Belfast Central School will pay the cost of this service to Friendship Central School at the rate of pay of the employee and benefit for time used;
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following resolution:
RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Friendship Central
School District hereby agrees to enter into the attached contract with the Erie 1 BOCES for a three-year period commencing on September 11, 2013 to authorize the Western New York Regional Information Center to finish certain computer services to the District pursuant to Education Law 1950 (4) (JJ) for an amount not to exceed $12,630.24 and authorizes 36-Monthly payments to be made to Erie 1 BOCES in the amount not to
Exceed $350.84.
Be it further RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the
Friendship Central School District hereby authorizes the Board President
or the District Clerk to execute the contract on behalf of the District.
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve Elizabeth Jablonski, daughter of Chester Jablonski as an Out of District Student;
Motions were unanimously approved.
Richard Stewart moved, seconded by Robert Cummins to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to adopt the following policies:
1335 Appointment and Duties of the Claims Auditor
5320 Expenditures of School District Funds
5321 Use of District Credit Card
5322 Use of The District Cell Phone – Delete Completely
5410 Purchasing
6510 Health Insurance
6172 Determination of the Employment Status: Employee or Independent Contractor
6561 Professional Services Providers
6174 Employment of Retired Persons
Motion was unanimously approved.
5110 Budget Planning and Development
5120 School District Budget Hearing
5130 Budget Adoption
5330 Budget Transfers
7210 Student Evaluation
Robert Cummins moved, seconded by Richard Stewart to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following:
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Darrin Harmon as Boys Modified Basketball Coach for the 2013-2014 school year;
To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the Auditors Report as presented;
Motions were unanimously approved.
Robert Cummins moved, seconded by Richard Stewart that the Board move into executive session for the purpose of discussing a particular personnel issue at 7:35 p.m.
Motion was unanimously approved.
The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:00 p.m.
Richard Stewart moved, seconded by Robert Cummins to adjourn at 8:01 p.m.
Motion was unanimously approved.
Laurie Butts
District Clerk