Chapter 6 – Crossword Puzzle
______1.) Member of the landholding upper class in ancient Rome. (1)
______2.) Basic Unit of ancient Roman army, made up of about 5,000
soldiers. (1)
______5.) A member of the lower class in ancient Rome, including farmers,
merchants, artisans & traders. (1)
______7.) A person who suffers or dies for their beliefs. (4)
______9.) This emperor granted toleration to Christians. He also built a new
capital, Constantinople. (5)
______11.) This man ruled the Roman empire from 48 B.C.-44 B.C. He
crushed Pompey & he forced the senate to make him a dictator. (2)
______12.) Officials in ancient Rome who was elected by the plebeians to
protect their interests. (1)
______14.) In ancient Rome, officials from the patrician class who supervised
the government & commanded the army. (1)
______15.) A series of three wars fought with Carthage between 264 B.C &
146 B.C. (2)
______18.) Savior sent by God. (4)
______19.) Soldiers serving in a foreign army for pay. (5)
______20.) An economic cycle that involves a rapid rise in prices linked to a
sharp increase in the amount of money available. (5)
______24.) A leader or teacher of a new faith or movement. (4)
Chapter 6 – Crossword Puzzle
______3.) A system of government in which officials are chosen by the
people. (1)
______4.) A 200 year span beginning with Augustus & ending with Marcus
Aurelius. “Roman Peace”; During this time, Roman rule brought
peace, order & prosperity to the Roman lands. (2)
______6.) Issued by Constantine in 313 A.D. It granted freedom of worship
to all citizens of the Roman empire. (4)
______8.) The Carthaginian general who led his army into the second Punic
War with Rome. (2)
______10.) The power to block a government action. (1)
______13.) Rome’s largest racecourse; held chariot races. (2)
______16.) In ancient Rome, bridge-like stone structure that carried water
from the hills into the city. (3)
______17.)Means “Exalted One”; aka Octavian; He was Julius Caesar’s
grand-nephew. He defeated Mark Antony & his powerful ally
Cleopatra. (2)
______21.) Religious belief that is contrary to the official teaching of the
church. (4)
______22.)A ruler who has complete control over a government; in ancient
Rome, a leader appointed to rule for six months in time of
emergency. (1)
______23.) Was among those who persecuted Jesus. After having a vision, he
converted to the new faith & spread the teachings of Jesus. He set
in motion Christianity becoming a world religion. AKA – Saul. (4)
______25.) The Roman god who ruled over the sky & other gods. Similar to
the Greek god Zeus. (1)
______26.) Domination by one country of the political, economic or cultural
life of another country or region. (2)
______27.) Population count. (2)