Wurtland Elementary
SBDM Special Meeting
November 6, 2013
4:00 p.m. Media Center
Mission Statement
Wurtland Elementary will provide every student a quality education in an environment that enhances student achievement in academic, social, cultural, and personal skills; thus allowing them to become responsible citizens throughout life. The parents, staff, and community will work together to meet the individual needs of all students.
Official Minutes
I. Meeting called to order ____4:05______
II. Roll Call
a. Carma Crum, Parent _x___
b. Jessica Gilliam, Parent ____
c. Kelly Coldiron, Teacher _x___
d. Erika Krebs, Teacher _x___
e. Heather Harris, Teacher ___x_
f. Chris Ailster, Principal __x__
III. Old Business
a. Approval of Oct. 16th Special Meeting & Oct. 30th Special Meeting
i. Motion _KC___ Second _HH___ Vote _U___
b. Approval of Agenda
i. Motion CC____ Second__EK__ Vote __U__
c. New WES Bylaws 1.1-11.1
d. Emergency Plan Policy 0.26.000
IV. New Business
a. Budget Reports
i. PD funds - $602.00
ii. Title 1 - $2,217.55
iii. SBDM Funds - $21, 655.38
b. KASC Test Score Training November 21, 2013 for all staff and council members (Lynn Keen is trainer.)
c. CSIP-Mr. Ailster has started on it, and it has to be done for the next meeting. Will have for council approval for the next regular meeting December 4th. Presentation for board review on December 9th.
d. Program Review-We met as a staff and discussed the need to put things on the Z drive. Robinson is over Practical Living, Fletcher is over Arts and Humanities, Gammon is Primary, and Fraley is Writing. We have to have three meetings, and the first one was help on October 24. We will have another one in February or March.
e. Review of WES Writing Policy 001.000-There were no changes other than formatting. (Check on argumentative.) In the past, we have done personal narrative, how-to, letters, persuasive, and other pieces. We discussed changing argumentative to how-to or possibly changing the wording for grade level appropriateness. We will change Oct. 1 approval date to the first meeting of October. We will add “as needed” to the professional development for writing instruction. We no longer have writing portfolios, we have working folders, so that wording will be changed. There will not be a team/committee to check to see if writing folders are progressing. Principal or designee will monitor working portfolios. The writing plan will not be developed, as it is already done.
f. Review of WES Council Bylaws Policy 002.000-annual review
g. Review of Planning Policy, Policy 003.000-add “approximate” to the yearly timetable. Mr. Ailster will check to see if I and I check sheets need to be done every 2 months. We will take out the check sheet for October if possible.
h. Fall Festival Friday November 8, 2013-4:30-6:30
i. Veteran’s Day Program Monday, November 11, 2013-Will start around 10:00, Renee Waddell is coordinating it. School Cast may be used to ask people to bring in memorabilia, and it was in the newsletter.
V. Delegations-1. What is signed up for is what we are doing. It was first come, first served with sign-ups. 2. The front of the school needs improvement. HH had the idea to clean out the circle, put weed blocking cloth down, and put gravel over it. We may have a work day to do it.
VI. Adjournment
a. Motion _KC___ Second_HH___ Vote_U___
Time: 5:20