Kindergarten Corner

January 20-24, 2014
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that we are coming down to the last few days of the second nine weeks. We will be assessing for report cards, as well as the nine weeks benchmark tests in Math, Science and Social Studies. We will also conduct our running records testing to see how the children have progressed in their reading. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and has a good breakfast each morning if they eat breakfast at home.
Please be reminded that we do not have school on Monday, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. We will dismiss at 1:00pm on Friday, January 24th for the end of the nine weeks. We will not have school on Monday, January 27th as it is a teacher workday. Thanks!
Thanks and take care!
~ The Kindergarten Team
This week, our learning intentions are that
Question and Predict.
Identify the letters/sounds of th and wh.
  • Identify one more and one less than a given number.

Please read every night with your child! / Resource Schedule:
Monday None/School is closed.
Tuesday PE
Wednesday Computer
Thursday Library
Friday None/Early dismissal for students
Remember to dress your child appropriately for P.E. each Tuesday and to return his/her library book on Thursday.
Please make sure your child has a coat for recess each day.
Thank you.
Remember to:
  • Read nightly with your child.
  • Join the PTA ($5.00)
  • Check Agendas nightly and return them to school daily. Return the blue Friday folder. Keep papers unless they are noted to be returned.
Upcoming Dates/Events:
  • Jan. 13-24– PALS Midyear Testing
  • Jan. 20 – School Closed for Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day
  • Jan. 21-24 – 9 wks. Benchmark Testing
  • Jan. 24 – 1:00pm Dismissal/End of 2nd nine
  • Jan. 27 – School Closed for Teacher
  • Jan. 30 – Yearbook orders DUE
  • Feb. 3 – January Book-It due
*****Please make sure that your child brings his/her reading bag to school every day, including the contents of the bag. *****
Thank you. 