Lab 1-3

A. Thickness of Aluminum Foil

Manufacturers claim that heavy duty aluminum foil is 50% thicker than regular aluminum foil.

Determine if this is a legitimate claim. The density of aluminum is 2.70 g/mL.

Data Table. Clearly record your data in a table with labeled the columns/rows (1). Include units (2). Record your measurements with the correct number of significant figures (2).

  • Calculations. Show your work for all calculations. Label what you are calculating, such as “Volume of Aluminum in Regular Foil” and then show the calculation below (2). Use units within your calculations (2). Another group should be able to follow your calculations on their own. Circle your final answer with correct significant figures and units (1).
  • Conclusion. Is the manufacturer’s claim correct? (1) Support your answer with evidence (2). Your conclusion should be written in complete sentences and clearly express your reasoning (2).

Lab Assessment: You will turn in one lab sheet for your lab group. You must have clearly labeled sections (Data Table, Calculations, Conclusion). Follow the expectations above and review the rubric to earn maximum points on this lab. Have another group review your lab sheet before you turn it in to make sure everything is clear.

B. Metal Identification

My grandma found a jar of my grandpa’s old metal BBs in the attic. Use your understanding of density and graphing to identify the metal in my grandpa’s BBs.

Data Table (5). Clearly record your data in a table. Label the columns/rows. Include units. Record your measurements with the correct number of significant figures.

  • Data Analysis (5). Use Excel to make a full-page graph of your data. Include a descriptive title, labeled axes with units, best-fit line (trendline), equation of the line, and R2 value. Make sure the slope of your line has scientific meaning.
  • Error Analysis. Using complete sentences, discuss the following:
  • Accuracy (3). Compare your results with the actual density value (provide your source) for the identified metal. How accurate are your results? What is your percent error? Show your work for the calculation.
  • Precision (2). Discuss your precision. Provide your evidence from the graph.
  • Experimental Error (3). Discuss ONE specific experimental error (has to be one of the measurements you made) that could have impacted your accuracy and precision. Would it have made your value of the slope (density) too high or too low? Explain your reasoning.
  • Conclusion (2). Write a statement that answers the problem statement. Support your answer with specific evidence from your experimental data.

Lab Assessment: You will turn in one lab sheet (with attached graph) for your lab group. You must have clearly labeled sections (Data Table, Error Analysis, Conclusion). Follow the expectations above and review the rubric to earn maximum points on this lab. Have another group review your lab sheet before you turn it in to make sure everything is clear.

Rubric: Honors Lab 1-3

A. Aluminum Foil Thickness

Data Table (5)

Clearly labeled rows/columns/measurements (sample, length, width, mass) (1)

Measurements include correct units (g, cm) (2)

Measurements recorded to 0.01 g and 0.01 cm (2)

Calculations (5)

Calculations are labeled (2)

Units shown within calculation (2)

Answer has correct significant figures and units (1)

Conclusion (5)

Claim with Supporting Evidence (3)

Written clearly using complete sentences (2)

B. Metal Identification

Data Table (5)

Clearly labeled rows/columns/measurements (mass, volume, sample) (1)

Measurements include correct units (g and mL) (2)

Measurements recorded to 0.01 g and 0.1 mL (2)

Data Analysis (5)

Descriptive Title & Labeled Axes (2)

Best-fit Line, Equation of Line, & R2 value (1)

Data graphed so that the slope will give density (2)

Error Analysis (8)—Must be written clearly in complete sentences to earn any points.

Percent error calculation with work clearly shown (1)

Accuracy of results, compared to true value with source provided (2)

Precision of results with reference to R2 and/or data points on line (2)

Discusses one error (mass high/low or volume high/low) (1) with

impact on value of slope (density) (1) and explanation (1)

Conclusion (2)—Must be written clearly in complete sentences to earn any points.

Includes a statement that answers the problem statement (1)

Provides experimental evidence tosupport the conclusion statement (1)