2000 Computer ConceptsPage 1

1. A device resembling a mouse with the ball on top is called a trackball. / a. True / b. False
2. A flat rectangular surface that senses the movement of a finger on its surface to control the movement of the insertion point is called the mouse. / a. True / b. False
3. If an object is linked to the container document, it can be edited within the container document. / a. True / b. False
4. A URL is an icon used for identifying and addressing an item in a computer network. / a. True / b. False
5. A microprocessor is a programmable, processing unit with multiple chips. / a. True / b. False
6. User friendly is a descriptive term for hardware and software features that promote ease of use and lessen frustration for computer users. / a. True / b. False
7. The one-bit binary code offers two choices, 0 and 1. / a. True / b. False
8. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. / a. True / b. False
9. A megahertz is a unit of electrical frequency equal to 1 billion cycles per second. / a. True / b. False
10. In a relational database, only one file can be accessed at a time. / a. True / b. False
11. The highest layer of the OSI model is the application layer. / a. True / b. False
12. Machine language is easier to use than high-level languages. / a. True / b. False
13. Task switching allows a computer to run two or more programs concurrently. / a. True / b. False
14. A logic error is more difficult to detect than a syntax error. / a. True / b. False
15. Structured programming techniques help improve clarity and decrease costs associated with programming. / a. True / b. False
16. A node can only receive data. / a. True / b. False
17. A NIC is needed for each member of a LAN. / a. True / b. False
18. The individual applications in an integrated software package are called nodes. / a. True / b. False
19. Computer software is protected by U.S. copyright laws. / a. True / b. False
20. Bridges make high level, complex comparisons and decisions about whether or not to forward traffic on a network. / a. True / b. False
21. Storage where data is lost if the computer is turned off is called / a. RAM. / b. nonvolatile. / c. ROM. / d. CD-ROM. / e. floppy disk.
22. The bar typically found at the bottom of a program window, which displays current information on the state of a program, is the / a. button bar. / b. status bar. / c. format bar. / d. scroll bar. / e. program bar.
23. A program that changes other programs by placing a copy of itself inside them is called / a. breeder virus. / b. hitchhiker. / c. virus. / d. worm. / e. bomb.
24. The most widely used binary code for microcomputers is called / a. byte. / b. ASCII. / c. EBCDIC. / d. Visual Basic. / e. Cobol.
25. The high-speed storage area on the microprocessor that receives data, holds it, and transfers it immediately during processing is called / a. control unit. / b. memory. / c. motherboard. / d. register. / e. arithmetic logic unit.
26. The array of microchips used to build the storage area within a computer's CPU is called / a. RAM. / b. virtual memory. / c. cache memory. / d. memory. / e. external memory.
27. The most common output device is the / a. printer. / b. plotter. / c. monitor. / d. scanner. / e. modem.
28. What is the benefit of WYSIWYG? / a. Displays user-friendly features that includes macro capability / b. Displays user-friendly on-screen help / c. Displays dialog boxes that require user input / d. Displays document on the screen as it will look when it is printed on paper / e. Displays context-sensitive help
29. What kind of graph shows the direction of change in performance over time of a subject being studied? / a. Bar graph / b. Line graph / c. Pie chart / d. Pictograph / e. 3-D column
30. A printer that uses either a heat, laser, or spraying technique to print characters and images is called / a. ink-jet. / b. laser. / c. dot-matrix. / d. nonimpact. / e. deskjet.
31. What manages the circuits of a computer so that the computer can activate a program or put a letter or number on the screen? / a. Program / b. System software / c. Application software / d. System / e. Word processing software
32. Which of the following definitions best describes the term broadcast? / a. Binary digit used in the binary numbering system that can be 0 or 1 / b. Section of a network that is bound by bridges, routers, or switches / c. Data packets that will be sent to all nodes on a network / d. Two computers next to one another that transmit through a satellite / e. Device that spreads the cost of a high-speed line over many users
33. If a computer is sorting student names alphabetically, what part of the computer is it using? / a. Fixed memory / b. Motherboard / c. Database software / d. Central processing unit / e. Arithmetic logic unit
34. What network configuration is supported by a single, direct, high-speed link to the processor of a central computer? / a. Star / b. Ring / c. Bus / d. Hub / e. Token-ring
35 If you were a database administrator, what database function would you use to request specific information from a database (such as: all suppliers) / a. Sort / b. Cross-referencing / c. Query / d. Report generator / e. Recalculation
36. Which of the following is not a utility program? / a. Virus-protection program / b. Screen saver program / c. File recovery program / d. Simulation program / e. Defragmenting program
37. What is the first building block in the OSI reference model? / a. Physical layer / b. Data link layer / c. Network layer / d. Transport layer / e. Session layer
3 8. What language uses only binary digits? / a. Assembly / b. High-level / c. Machine / d. Fourth-generation / e. Object-oriented
39. Which of the following is not a high-level programming language? / a. Fortran / b. BASIC / c. Pascal / d. COBOL / e. OS2
40. Nodes and links can be arranged in which of the following configurations? / a. Central bus, 10baseT / b. Star, ring / c. Ring, double star / d. Bus, central bus / e. Double ring, linear
41 If you were a network administrator for a large company that needed to send a lot of information over a network and required high speed data transmission with high security, what cable would you chose for the network? / a. Television cable line / b. Twisted-pair cable / c. Coaxial cable / d. Telegraph wire / e. Fiber optic
42. Which of the following best describes where all communications on a network are being sent? / a. Computers / b. Data packets / c. Destination / d. File server / e. Hub
43. Which of the following utilities will rearrange parts of a file to store them in contiguous locations for quicker access? / a. Disk compression / b. Memory management / c. Data recovery / d. Defragmentation / e. System backup
44 Which of the following best describes the cause of the Y2K problem? / a. The inability of any computer BIOS to read four digit numbers / b. The inability of the ALU to calculate calendar years beyond 1999 / c. In early computer development, magnetic storage was limited so using only 2 digits for calendar years conserved space. / d. All software programs are incapable of using four digits for calendar years.
45. Which of the following is not a major task of an operating system? / a. Provides a user interface / b. Manages the computer hardware / c. Manages the disk file system / d. Performs task management / e. Performs Internet searches
46. Which of the following cable types has the highest bandwidth and is capable of carrying data up to 1.2 miles? / a. Telegraph wire / b. Fiber optic / c. Telephone wire / d. Coaxial cable / e. Cat 5
47. The first operating system used on the IBM PC was / a. OS/2. / b. Unix. / c. DOS. / d. Windows. / e. System 7.
48. A/an ____ is a predefined format provided by the program. / a. template / b. attribute / c. formula / d. worksheet / e. application
49. Databases are divided into ____ and ____. / a. cell, records / b. values, records / c. fields, formulas / d. fields, records / e. values, cells
50. You are a small business owner and have just purchased your first computer. In order to protect the computer from electrical variations you also need / a. UPS. / b. an electrical adapter. / c. a modem. / d. a battery power pack. / e. a generator.
51 You have been asked to develop a promotional advertisement, budget and proposal for a new product line. What software packages would you use for the project? / a. Word processing software, spreadsheet software, system software / b. Spreadsheet software, database software. Internet software / c. Desktop publishing software, spreadsheet software, word processing software / d. Database software, presentation software, spreadsheet software / e. System software, word processing software, clip art software
52. Which of the following is not an Internet search engine? / a. Yahoo / b. Lycos / c. HotBot / d. WebCrawler / e. Ebay
53. Which of the following are all Internet domain name suffixes? / a. exe, corn, net / b. bat, edu, org / c. doc, org, mil / d. bmp, gov, edu / e. mil, org, edu
54. Web pages are created by authors using a language called / a. BASIC. / b. HTML. / c. COBOL. / d. RPG. / e. C.
55. Which of the following URLs is written correctly? / a. corn/ / b. http;//home.netscape.com/ / c. http:\\home.netscape.bat/ / d. / e.
56. On the Internet, pages previously viewed load more quickly than new pages because they are stored in / a. VRAM. / b. external memory. / c. Cache. / d. ROM. / e. internal memory.
57. The acronym DVD stands for / a. Digital Virtual Disc. / b. Digital VRAM Disc. / c. Digitalized Video Disc. / d. Digital Versatile Disc. / e. Digital Vector Disc.
58. The foundation of a computer is the / a. motherboard. / b. control unit. / c. ALU. / d. system software. / e. hard drive.
59. While working on a large database file, the computer suddenly "freezes" and will not allow you to input data or use the mouse. In order to start the computer again, which of the following keystrokes would you use to reboot? / a. Ctrl, shift, alt / b. Ctrl, alt, escape / c. shift, alt, delete / d. Ctrl, shift, enter / e. Ctrl, alt, delete
60. Which of the following terms refers to 1 billion bytes of storage on a computer? / a. Terabyte / b. Megabyte / c. Gigabyte / d. Kilobyte / e. Byte
61. Which of the following is not an input device? / a. Mouse / b. Control unit / c. Keyboard / d. Scanner / e. Light pen
62. A predefined list of steps that you can invoke by pressing a specific key sequence is called a / a. mini. / b. merge. / c. macro. / d. table. / e. kem.
63 In your newsletter, you notice that the fit between two adjacent characters is uneven or has too much space. To correct the appearance, you would change the / a. size. / b. font. / c. kerning. / d. justification. / e. tracking.
64. You are a network administrator for a large company. Many departments are in different geographical locations and would like to store data locally but share access of the data among all departments. Which of the following databases would best meet your needs? / a. Structured / b. Distributed / c. Flat-file / d. Relational / e. None of the above
65. The token ring protocol was developed by / a. Novell. / b. Cisco. / c. Macintosh. / d. IBM. / e. Microsoft.
66. Which of the following media has the largest storage capacity? / a. DVD / b. CD-ROM / c. Floppy drive / d. Zip drive / e. 2 gigabyte hard drive
67. Which of the following definitions best describe an IP address? / a. 32-bit address assigned to hosts using TCP/IP / b. Standardized data link layer that is required for every port or device / c. Network interface card that provides network communication capabilities to and from a computer system / d. The register in the CPU that holds the address of the next instruction to be executed / e. The address that controls the interchange of data between independent devices
68. As a video game designer, you would like to create the look and feel of an actual fighter pilot cockpit. Which of the following imaging technology applications would you use? / a. Computer-aided design / b. Simulation / c. Artificial intelligence / d. Computer-aided manufacture / e. Robotics
69 Which of the following is not true about routers? / a Routers determine which network to send data to by looking at the destination IP address. / b. Routers make no determination as to what network segment the data should be sent. / c. Routers are used to access the Internet. / d. Routers are hardware. / e. Routers are a type of internetworking device.
70 You are a systems analyst for NASA. Because you need a computer capable of doing 100s of billions of arithmetic operations every second, the category of computer you would select is / a. microcomputer. / b. minicomputer. / c. mainframe. / d. super computer. / e. laptop.
71. What is the component of a computer that performs arithmetic operations? / a. CPU / b. ALU / c. CU / d. ROM / e. Bus
72. Which of the following is not an image file format? / a. WMF / b. BMP / c. GIF. / d. JPG / e. MGP
73. When a disk is formatted, it is divided into pie-shaped wedges, called sectors. A combination of two or more sectors is called a / a. track. / b. cylinder. / c. cluster. / d. group. / e. unit.
74. Of the following storage options, which one is not a magnetic storage device? / a. CD-ROM / b. Hard disk / c. Tape / d. 3 1/2" diskette / e. Zip disk
75. When you download your e-mail messages, you notice a large amount of inappropriate or unwanted messages. This inappropriate e-mail technique is referred to as / a. dumping. / b. spamming. / c. slamming. / d. shouting. / e. flaming.
76. Which of the following replaced transistors in third generation computers? / a. Integrated circuits / b. Vacuum tubes / c. Electronic transistors / d. Microchips / e. Circuit boards
77. The first microprocessor was developed by / a. Intel. / b. IBM. / c. Macintosh. / d. Cisco. / e. Western Digital.
78. Which of the following definitions best describes networking? / a. Sets of rules or procedures that are either widely used or officially specified / b. A formal description of a set of rules and conventions that govern how devices on a network exchange information / c. The interconnection of workstation, peripherals, terminals and other devices / d. A program that sets up and manages connections between two or more computers / e. Communication among groups of people through electronic mail
79 ______is a collection of documents found over the Internet that you can navigate using hyperlinks. / a. Usenet / b. FTP / c. Electronic mailbox / d. Telnet / e. WWW
80. When a scanner scans text, it saves the text as an image. This image cannot be manipulated in a word processor as text unless you use ______software to store it as text. / a. bar-code / b. word processing / c. LCD / d. OCR / e. UPC