reDefine Reality Track Staff Manual…2016

reDefine Reality

Track Staff Manual - 2016

AKA: rDRStaff Manual2016 for CFW


Welcome to the 2016 “reDefine Reality” Program Director’s Manual. There should be 3 main files on the web-site: the PD’s Manual, thisTrack Staff Manual, and a Session Resources Manual (this file is a zipped down file of each session – it should also be on the web as individual sessions, by day). As a Track Staff you should download this document and the Session Resources Manual– which has all the information on each of the talks and sessions (or the individual files).

Before you work through the material, please familiarize yourself with the track description and the goals of this brand new track.

Brief Description:

"Our world is messed up. Racism. Sexism. Abuse of the environment. The list goes on. If Jesus is the answer, how can Christians make more of a difference?

Jesus’ presence started a revolution in our broken world. Now is the time to connect the dots … His presence, Our faith, the World’s mess. You’ll leave this week challenged to reconsider how your personal life and community can transform your campus … and then the world."

Longer Description and Purpose:

This foundational track is designed as an on ramp for students to fully grasp the revolution Jesus’ presence brought into our world. He redefined our reality. Many times our faith remains detached from the brokenness in our world. Now is the time to connect our faith with issues of race, gender, sexuality, and caring for the environment. We’ve designed this track as a place to experience God through His Word and in prayer. And we’ve designed it to be a practical track – where we take a hard look at how we, as individuals, and how we, as communities on our campuses, can make a difference. Our hope is that you will leave the track with a change in heart and character that leads to personal and community transformation back on campus.


Our goal in this track is to help you, and upcoming generations of students, to respond to the issues that you face on a daily basis:

- helping you understand God's original design in creation, and how all areas of life have been tarnished

- showing you how the gospel can lead to personal and systemic transformation

- encouraging life change--a new way of looking at the environment and at people of different gender and ethnicity

The role of Track Staff:

-there is one PD and two track staff per track (except for SGLT)

-so – staff will NOT be cut, unless the whole track is axed.

-Therefore, you can all start your preparation sooner!!

-And – you need to see yourself in partnership with the PD. They will also be leading a Process Group.

-There might be other students who will lead a Process Group if the numbers warrant it.

-Track Staff are expected to do one, or more talks/lead one or more sessions.

What to do first:

- Read this manual and familiarize yourself with the track.

- Download the 2016 Session Resources Manual, or the individual files you want.

- Look over the Process Group times (marked “All Staff”) and be prepared to lead these times.

- Send your preferences for sessions to your PD in a timely manner.

If you would prefer to have the files e-mailed directly to you, please contact Robert Burdett, the acting Dean of the track, and he would be happy to send them. If you find corrections that need to be made, please also let him know!

We have made some changes based on feedback we received from last year. Please know that we welcome and need your continued feedback – please fill out the evaluation form after your week and tell us what worked and what didn’t.


The Schedule for CFW has changed in 2016. This track is due for a complete overhaul before 2017 (I believe a NEW track is in the works). So the timing is off between the way the track was originally designed and the new schedule. Some sessions will need to be shorter, some can be longer. I have made the changes and done my best to indicate this on the track files.

Please feel free to e-mail or call meat any time with any questions or concerns at:

Robert: , 708-269-1552 (mobile)

Warmly in Christ,

Robert Burdett

Acting reDefine Track Dean

Table of Contents (PD Manual)

Cover PagePage 1

Introductory LetterPage 2

Table of ContentsPage 4

Staff Assignments SheetPage 5

Staff SchedulePage 7

Student SchedulePage 8

Daily Schedule/walk through the trackPage 9

Handouts, Supplies and Videos ListPage 20

Setting up your BinderPage 23

reDefine Reality

Track Staff Assignments

Your Name:

Please fill in and return this form (2 pages) to your PD as soon as you can.

Instructions: Please look these over and give your preference for each assignment. If it is something you feel that you can do well, put a 1. If it is something that you will do if you have to put a 2. If it is something you really do not think you could do, put a 3.


4:00 - 4:40 PM

Track IntroductionTrack PD & All Staff

4:45 - 5:45 PM

The Race Simulation and Debriefing?

5:45 - 6:15 PM

PD TalkTrack PD

7:45 - 8:30 PM

Communal Bible Study – Isaiah 58?

8:30 - 8:45 PM

Soul Space (intro)?

8:45 - 9:15 PM

Process GroupsAll Staff


9:00 - 10:00 AM

Intro Quiet Time and Lead Worship?

10:30 AM - 12:15PM

Creation and Fall, and The Fall experienced?

4:00 - 4:20 PM

Large Group Process Time?

4:25 - 5:10 PM

Exposition – John 4?

5:20 - 6:15 PM

Introduce Process Groups and lead sharing time? and All Staff


9:00 - 9:45 AM

Intro Quiet Time and Lead Worship?

10:00- 11:15AM

Post-it Exercise and Debriefing?

11:30 - 11:40 AM

Lead Antiphonal Reading?

11:40 AM - 12:20 PM

Communal Bible Study & Brief Talk – Luke 4?


9:00 - 10:00 AM

Interactive Exercise?

10:15 - 11:15 AM

Lectio Divina and Concert of Prayer?

11:30 AM – 12:15 PM

Quiet Time

4:00 – 5:00 PM

Manuscript Study ?

5:05 - 5:20PM

Liturgical Worship?

5:30 - 6:15 PM

Examples of Hope: Becoming a Change Agent?


9:00 - 9:45 AM

Intro Quiet Time and Lead Worship?

10:00 - 11:50AM

Guide and Debrief Process Groups? and All Staff

12:00 - 12:15PM

Introduce Soul Space?

4:00 - 4:30 PM


4:35 - 5:05 PM

PD Wrap Up and Devotional on Parable of the Wheat and TaresTrack PD

5:15 - 6:00 PM

Process GroupsAll Staff

6:00 - 6:15PM

Worship and Blessing? and Track PD

Other needs:

Worship Leader for each day, especially the Concert of Prayer?


reDefine Reality Track Staff Manual…2016


reDefine Reality Track Staff Manual…2016

Chapter FOCUS Week 2016 Staff Schedule

Time / Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday /


8:00 AM / Rise and Buffet Breakfast / Pick up Breakfast and Departure
Optional Chapter Time
9:00 AM / 9:15 AM Buffet Breakfast / Remember what it was like before the mess?
9:00 – 10:00
Quiet Time: Gen 1 & 2

10:30 – 11:15


11:30 – 12:15
The Fall experienced / The mess kills the King.
9:00 – 9:45
Quiet Time: Luke 4
10:00 – 11:15
Partnership & Power Exercise
11:30 – 12:20
Antiphonal Reading
Bible Study and Talk – Luke 4 /

We are the mess.

9:00 – 10:00
Interactive Exercise
10:15 – 11:15
Lectio Divina and Concert of Prayer
11:30 – 12:15
Quiet Time: 2 Cor 2 / Free smells: the aroma on campus.
9:00 – 9:45
QT: Phil 2:1-11
10:00 – 11:50
Process Groups
12:00 – 12:15
Soul Space
10:30 AM Worship and Exposition
12:30 PM / Sack lunch and ROS
(12:00 – 2:45) / Lunch & Free Time / Lunch & Free Time / LunchFree Time / Lunch, Site Stewardship & Free Time
4:00 PM / Why is the world so messed up? Pt 1
4:00 – 4:40

Welcome & Track Intro

4:45 – 5:45

The Race Simulation &

5:45 – 6:15
PD Talk – set up the week. / The King Enters the mess.
4:00 – 4:20 Large Group Process Time

4:25 –5:10

Exposition – John 4

5:20 – 5:55

Process Groups

5:55 – 6:15
Group Reports /


/ The aroma of Christ in a messy world.
4:00 – 5:00
Manuscript Study
5:05 – 5:20
Liturgical Worship
Embodying the aroma in a messy world.
5:30 – 6:15
Examples of hope: Becoming a Change Agent / Walking into the mess.
4:00 – 4:30
The Race Simulation … revisited
4:35 – 5:05
PD Wrap Up (Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds)
5:15 – 6:00
Process Groups
6:00 – 6:15
Worship and Blessing
6:30 PM / Supper
7:45 PM / 7:45 PM
Why is the world so messed up? Pt 2
7:45 – 8:30 Communal Bible Study – Isaiah 58
8:30 – 8:45 Soul Space
8:45 – 9:15
Process Groups /

Large Group Worship and Exposition

/ Chapter Time / Large Group Worship and Exposition / Large Group Worship and Exposition

Chapter FOCUS Week 2016 Student Schedule

Time / Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday /


8:00 AM / Rise and Buffet Breakfast / Pick up Breakfast and Departure
Optional Chapter Time
9:00 AM / 9:15 Buffet Breakfast / Theme: Remember what it was like before the mess?
Morning track times include Quiet Time / Theme: The mess kills the king.
Morning track times include Quiet Time /

Theme: We are the mess.

Morning track times include Quiet Time / Theme: Free smells: the aroma on campus.
Morning track times include Quiet Time
10:30 AM Worship and Exposition
12:30 PM / Sack lunch and ROS / Lunch & Free Time / Lunch & Free Time / Lunch & Free Time / Lunch & Free Time
4:00 PM / Theme: Why is the world so messed up? Pt 1 / Theme: The King Enters the mess. / Themes: The aroma of Christ in a messy world and Embodying the aroma in a messy world. / Theme: Walking into the mess.
6:30 PM / Supper
7:45 PM / Theme: Why is the world so messed up? Pt 2 /

Large Group Worship and Exposition

/ Chapter Time / Large Group Worship and Exposition / Large Group Worship and Exposition


reDefine Reality Track Staff Manual…2016

reDefine Reality PDs Daily Schedule & Notes


9:30 – 10:30 PMStaff Meeting

Expect to meet with your PD and to walk through the track.

reDefine Reality PDs Daily Schedule & Notes


4:00 PM – 6:15 PMSession Theme: Why is the World so messed up? Part 1

4:00 – 4:40 PMWelcome and Introduction

[This session can feel long if you have a smaller group. Feel free to play with the timing. If you have a big track, and have everyone introduce themselves, you might run out of time. Likewise, the size of room you are assigned can affect the dynamics and how much socializing you can do. You will need to come early to set things up and develop your gameplan].

1/. Welcome (20 mins total).

We want to start with a warm welcome for the students, and with ethnic snacks and food, as well as a variety of ethnic music playing in the background (see the CDs in the track box). We want them to experience the beginning sense of community, and to start building trust with them.

HOWEVER, we also want to start pointing towards the fact that our world is broken. So we are going to ruin the comfortable atmosphere by leaving the trash from the food on the ground & on the tables.

Socialize and mingle for about 15 minutes. Be very hospitable. But, make sure that staff throw garbage (NOT the food – but the wrappers) on the floor. Don’t let students pick it up.

After 15 minutes, call the group together. Sit on the floor, amidst the garbage.

2/. PD introduction – part 1. (20 mins)

-PD introduce themselves. Tell your ethnic/cultural background.

-Staff introduce themselves. Tell your ethnic/cultural background.

-Students introduce themselves – name, school, major, year in school. Ethnic/cultural background.

-PD tell students what process group they are in.

-Refer to the pre-course assignment, briefly (we will also look at it at the end of the week). Ask: what issues did you identify? Does anyone have a testimony about how God has worked in their hearts?

-Ask for reflections from their Retreat of Silence. Note how it relates to what we are doing together this week.

-Talk about the trash and what it symbolizes (brokenness, mess, not what God originally wanted)

-Encourage them to leave the trash on the floor until after the evening session.

-You might also want to find out the level of experience in the room – who has been to CUP, MUP etc

-Pray for the week.

Needed: Candy or ethnic food, especially food with wrappers on it (like White Rabbit


Small paper plates and napkins

Wadded old newspaper if need be to add to the garbage

iPod and speakers/system to play (ethnic) music.

Table for food

Chairs stacked on the side

Round or rectangular tables on the side


Do NOT have a garbage can handy

4:40 – 4:45 PMTransition to a setting suitable for The Race Simulation (for suggestions,

see the Session notes).

4:45 – 5:30 PMThe Race Simulation and Debriefing.

5:30 – 5:45 PMBreak

5:45 – 6:15 PMPD Introduction, Part 2

-Set up the tables and chairs

-Have people sit by Process groups and ask them to sit in those groups the rest of the week.

-Read the (long) track description for the students.

-Hand out and go over schedule. Explain the flow of the week (see themes for each day). Tell them the QT plan – welcome to do their own before the track, we will have materials for them and will use them during the track time.

-Call them to a journey – of growing in understanding the diversity and multiethnicity of God’s world.

-Share a testimony of why reDefining Reality is important to you (as the PD) and/or to InterVarsity as a ministry (this could be on issues of justice, or race and multiethnicity or any of the track content).

-Deal with any camp logistics, site stewardship etc.

-Ask a few people to pray – committing the week to the Lord.

-Send people to dinner.

-If possible, encourage them eat dinner in Process Groups (and ask them to note the probable ethnic background of the food!)

6:30 PMDinner (by Process Groups)

Sunday (cont’d)

7:45 PM – 9:15 PMSession Theme: Why is the world so messed up? Part 2

7:45 – 8:30 PMCommunal Bible Study in Isaiah 58


-To highlight justice issues in Scripture

-To show scriptural existence of injustice

-To see God's heart vis-à-vis injustice

-To point out the ongoing nature of injustice

This session needs to confirm some of the comments made at debrief & lead them to reflection. It should address the myth of a "golden age" narrative, that it is poor history (the idea that the 1950’s were some golden age when things were as good as they could be). This will also get at the myth of a Christiannation. The session should end with a question that leads them into theSoul Space time

8:30 – 8:45 PMSoul Space


-to have something visual & tactile to help people reflect

-interactive stations and process groups based on which area of brokenness they most relate to (bring up issues from brochure)

-tie it to the ROS

-deal with the question “what do you think breaks God's heart today?”

-Ask what is breaking your heart?

8:45 – 9:15 PMProcess Groups

-Introductory time – giving people a chance to start to get to know each other

-chance for groups to talk & debrief together regarding issues of brokenness that are nearest to their hearts

-focus on racism, sexism, environment, but also include questions about what issues they bring to the table in addition to these

9:15 PMDismiss to Chapter Prayer

Remember to clean up the room!!!

reDefine Reality PDs Daily Schedule & Notes


9:00 AM – 12:15 PMSession Theme: Remember what it was like before the mess?

9:00 – 10:00 AMQuiet Time: Genesis 1 and 2

-gathering song (5 mins)

-individual time in Scripture; possibly go outside and be in nature (45 mins)

-responsive worship (outside, visual, musical, etc.) (15 mins)

10:00 – 10:30 AMBreak

[This is longer than in past years due to the change in schedule for 2016]

10:30 AM – 12:15 AMTalk and Activity: Creation.

Scripture: unpack themes of Genesis 1-11 (original intent, pinnacle of creation, the Shalom of Creation, The Fall, and we have been kicked out & can't go back).

Ideas: act out these themes, manuscript (guided), collages, digital cameras: nature walk, pictures of natural beauty

The Talk: creation's goodness, shalom,cultural mandate (30 mins)

The Activity: make something that reflects the beautyof God's creation & present it to someone as a gift. (15 mins)

11:15 – 11:30 AM Break – try and take them on a nature walk – something to appreciate the world

11:30 AM – 12:15 PMThe Fall … experienced

-students return to find their gifts destroyed (5 mins)

-pastoring, connect w/pain, connect with Genesis 3, can't go back (15 mins)

-PD: make sure to summarize what we have encountered over the course of the morning - tie themes together

-quiet space to reflect on what happened (10 mins)

12:30 PMLunch

Monday (cont’d)

4:00 – 6:15 PMSession Theme: The King enters the mess.

4:00 – 4:20 PMLarge Group Process Time

-a chance to have the whole group reflect on and debrief the morning’s experience and to see where things are at so far.

4:20 – 4:25 PM Break

4:25 – 5:10 PM Exposition: John 4 – the woman at the well.

-Jesus responding to the mess (examples from Scripture of Him doing this)

5:10 – 5:20 PM Break

5:20 – 5:55 PM Process Groups

-The groups examine different stories of Christ in the Gospels interacting with the mess

-in process groups they think of how to re-write one of these stories in a modern context

5:55 – 6:15 PM Group Reports

-share with the whole group what they came up with (20 mins)

6:30 PMDinner

reDefine Reality PDs Daily Schedule


9:00 AM – 12:15 PMSession Theme: The mess kills the King.

9:00 – 9:45 AM Quiet Time

-gathering song (5 mins)

-individual time in Scripture; can go outside and be in nature (30 mins)

-corporate worship (10 mins)

10:00 – 11:15 AMPartnership and Power Exercise

-What would we crucify Jesus for today?

  • an exercise or carefully guided discussion focused on what things in our modern world Jesus might threaten that would cause us to kill Him-->focus here on issues of power and privilege
  • Post-it exercise to bring this out (?)
  • Debrief why we discussed power here

-Re-engage student issues

  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Environment
  • Sexuality
  • Oppression
  • Exploitation
  • Power

11:15 – 11:30 AMBreak

11:30 – 11:40 AMAntiphonal Reading of Luke 4 and Matthew 21:33-44

-Tying in the year of Jubilee to the parable of the talents

11:40 AM – 12:15 PMCommunal Bible Study and Talk: Luke 4.

-What is the Kingdom and why did they kill Him for it?