Week of April 20-24


The word wall words (reading words) for this week are: always, came, eight, ready, seven.

* Please practice them nightly. Students should be able to read them by Friday.

* Please complete 4 or more Word Wall Activities by Friday.

* Please remember to continue to review past word wall words also.

No new spelling patternfor this week. Continue to review last week’s pattern. Test on Friday, April 24!

***Read for at least 15 minutes and record your reading in your reading log each night!

Monday, 4/20- Work on Spelling Sort

Tuesday, 4/21-Word Wall Activities

Wednesday, 4/22- Math Sheet

Thursday, 4/23- Please read Butterflyonce to yourself and once to someone else. Complete the writing activity, using capital letters and punctuation in the correct places. Students should reread their work to check for these things!

Notes and Reminders:

  • Students should be practicing addition and subtraction math facts using either Ipads, my website, Xtra Math, flash cards etc.

Overview of the Week:

In Language Arts, we will begin the week by listening and discussing a story read aloud by the teacher. We have a new story in our anthology this week, Butterfly. As we listen to the read aloud, read the story in our anthologies, and read our “just right” books, students will work on comprehension skills with an emphasis on: topic, main idea, and details. Students will identify the topic, main idea, and details in a story and use them to summarize a story. In terms of phonics, students will also practice blending sounds in multi-syllabic words and identify how many syllables are in a word. Also, they should be working on their spelling feature with the sort they have this week.

In Reader’s Workshop we will continue to explore non-fiction texts. The students will be using post-its to jot down ideas and questions that they have about the topic. They will also be identifying the “big idea” in their non fiction books.

In Writer’s Workshop, we will continue explore non fiction books to prepare for our All About writing unit. We will also begin to talk about the components of an All About book, and brainstorm ideas for our own books! I hope you enjoyed your child’s How To story that went home on Friday. The students did an amazing job!

In Math, we will continue Chapter 8 Two Digit Addition and Subtraction. This week the students will be making a ten to add a two-digit number and a one-digit number. They will also be solving and explaining two-digit addition word problems using the strategy draw a picture.

In Science, we will continue talk about how we can take care of our environment in celebration of Earth Day next week.

Have a nice week!