Record Layout for Dams
NIDIDtextNat'l Inventory of Dams ID; for saddle dams or dikes, the NIDID is the same as the main dam.
Dam_NametextDam name
Insp_datedateInspection date (converted)
Submit_datedatesubmit_date converted by NICAR
RivertextName of the river or stream on which the dam was built; if on a tributary, use "TR" and name of main river or stream; if offstream, use OS or OFFSTREAM.
City_02textThe nearest city, taken from the 2002 data
CountytextThe county in which the dam is located
StatetextThe state in which the dam is located
Cong_DisttextThe Congressional District in which the dam is located
Cong_ReptextThe Congressional Representative of that District
PartytextPolitical party of the Congressional Rep.
Owner_TypetextType of owner. F = Federal, S = State, L = Local, U = Public Utility, P = Private, X = Not Listed
Owner_NametextName of the dam owner (if multiple, separated by semicolons)
Year_CompnumberYear in which the original main structure was completed
Year_ModtextYear when major modifications or rehabilitation were completed, includes codes for different types of work (see code sheet)
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Private_DamtextY/N - is the dam privately owned
NPDP_HazardtextPotential hazard to the downstream area resulting from dam failure or misoperation.Taken from Stanford’s “National Performance of Dams Program”.
Permit_AuthtextY/N - does the state regulatory organization have the authority to review and approve plans to construct, modify or abandon dams
Insp_AuthtextY/N - does the state regulatory organization have the authority to require or perform the inspection
Enfrc_AuthtextY/N - does the state regulatory organization have the authority to issue notices to require dam owners to perform necessary maintenance or remedial work, revise operating procedures or take other actions
Juris_DamtextY/N - does the dam meet the state regulatory organization's definition of a jurisdictional dam (see code sheet for definitions)
NID_HeightnumberAccepted as general height of the dam (maximum of dam height, structural height and hydraulic height)
NID_StoragenumberAccepted as general storage of the dam
Dam_LengthnumberIn feet, the length along the top of the dam
Max_DischargenumberNumber of cubic feet per second that the spillway is capable of discharging
Drain_AreanumberIn square miles, the area that drains to a particular point (in this case, the dam) on a river or stream
Dam_DesignertextName of principal firm(s) or agency who designed the dam
(if multiple, separated by semicolon)
EAPtextDoes the dam have an Emergency Action Plan, a plan to reduce the potential for property damage and loss of life in case of dam failure or large flood.
Insp_FreqnumberIn years, the scheduled frequency interval for periodic inspections
St_Reg_DamtextY/N - does the state regulate the dam
St_Reg_AgncytextThe initials of the regulating state agency
VolumenumberTotal cubic yards occupied by materials used in the dam structure
Fed_FundtextCode for the federal agency involved in the funding of the dam
(if multiple, separated by semicolon)
Fed_DesigntextCode for the federal agency involved in the design of the dam
(if multiple, separated by semicolon)
Fed_ContextCode for the federal agency involved in the construction of the dam
(if multiple, separated by semicolon)
Fed_RegtextCode for the federal agency involved in the regulation of the dam
(if multiple, separated by semicolon)
Fed_InsptextCode for the federal agency involved in the inspection of the dam
(if multiple, separated by semicolon)
Srce_AgncytextPrimary federal or state agency responsible for data
Oth_StrucIDtextID for saddle dam or dike associated with larger dam project
Num_StrucnumberNumber of separate structures associated with this dam project
LongitudetextLongitude at dam centerline, in decimal degrees
LatitudetextLatitude at dam centerline, in decimal degrees