Process for Submitting Required Data forOptimistic Phase 2
Task / Description / Why is this important? / TimelineDesignate a data point person for your facility / This member of your team will coordinate with the OPTIMISTIC Data & AnalyticsTeam for required data submissions from your facility. Collection and submitting of required data may include one or more persons form your facility. / This will ensure that your facility has a process to submit required CMS data. / Please send contact information for your point person to y September 23rd, 2016.
Sign up for REDCap access / IU will be using REDCap to securelyreceiveyour facility’s data. REDCap is a secure web application for that is safe for sharing resident PHI. Each facility point person or people will need their own REDCap account. / REDCap is designed and secured to protect PHI. Our team has extensive experience with using this application. We will provide you with signup instructions. / At least one person from your facility should sign up for REDCap by September 23rd, 2016.
Develop your resident roster and initial submission / You will receive a template roster that needs to be completed and submitted to OPTIMISTIC at the beginning of Phase II. You will then submit updates to the roster weekly. / At the start of this project, it is important that each facility has a correct listing of all residents who are “in house” as of 10/1. This will be the start of how you (along with our help) track which residents areeligible for enhanced payment if they experience a change in condition. If residents do not appear on this list, the facility and practitioners cannot submit a bill for them. / We will need your facility’s roster, admissions, and insurance templates on Monday October 3rd, 2016. These rosters should include every resident who was on your census starting October 1, 2016.
Submit required CMS data weekly / You will receive a set of templates that need to be completed and submitted to OPTIMISTIC each week. Each week, you or your delegate will log in to REDCap by the deadline (we will provide you a schedule and reminders). We will be providing specific instructions on uploading your files to REDCap. / These templates, including updates to the roster, collect and update data that is reported to CMS to evaluate the program and to ensure that it is being delivered appropriately. / Updates are due each Wednesday. The first data submission will be due October 12th, 2016.
Who to Contact
Erin O’Kelly Phillips, CCRP |OPTIMISTIC Research Coordinator
Tel 317-274-9420
Version 1.0: 09/14/2016